See Abib. Vigil (v. ; a breeding place; esp., the place or substance where parasites or the germs of a disease effect lodgment or are developed. Rifle (v. t.) To grove; to channel; especially, to groove internally with spiral channels; as, to rifle a gun barrel or a cannon. Bewildering on account of rapid turning; running round with celerity; gyratory; whirling. Dizzy (superl.) It is used for timing the speed of horses, machinery, etc. ). Light (superl.) Soiled; sullied; of a dark or dusky color; dark brown; dirty. Called also pinch bar. Click to change word size Fifth (a.) Fig. Birch (v. t.) To whip with a birch rod or twig; to flog. Light (v. Siege (n.) Passage of excrements; stool; fecal matter. To make a visit or visits; to maintain visiting relations; to practice calling on others. li`qos a stone; -- used chiefly in naming minerals and rocks. ) A character in general, as a figure or letter. First (a.) Nidus (n.) A nest: a repository for the eggs of birds, insects, etc. and Dublin, who, having passed a certain examination, are exempted from paying college fees and charges. Light (n.) That which illumines or makes clear to the mind; mental or spiritual illumination; enlightenment; knowledge; information. Sixty (n.) A symbol representing sixty units, as 60, lx., or LX. Right (a.) Tipsy (superl.) The grapevine often has the habit of a liane. Niece (n.) A relative, in general; especially, a descendant, whether male or female; a granddaughter or a grandson. Airer (n.) A frame on which clothes are aired or dried. Giving milk; -- now applied only to beasts. Pilot (v. t.) To direct the course of, as of a ship, where navigation is dangerous. Mince (v. t.) To cut into very small pieces; to chop fine; to hash; as, to mince meat. The word was formerly used specifically to designate a supposed acid obtained by the oxidation of oleic acid, tallow, wax, etc. Rinse (v. t.) To wash lightly; to cleanse with a second or repeated application of water after washing. Light (n.) Appearance due to the particular facts and circumstances presented to view; point of view; as, to state things fairly and put them in the right light. Preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest; as, the first day of a month; the first year of a reign. iambi … Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics; polite; courteous; complaisant; affable. Not heavily burdened; not deeply laden; not sufficiently ballasted; as, the ship returned light. Solving word puzzles using an underscore or dash ( Example: _a_t_i_a ). i.) View word search examples. The special contagion, inappreciable to the senses and acting in exceedingly minute quantities, by which a disease is introduced into the organism and maintained there. Tiger (n.) A servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress. Width (n.) The quality of being wide; extent from side to side; breadth; wideness; as, the width of cloth; the width of a door. Piler (n.) One who places things in a pile. pl.) Of or pertaining to silk; made of, or resembling, silk; silken; silklike; as, a silky luster. Formed with a pipe; having pipe or pipes; tubular. A screen for the combatants in ships. In case all fields are filled, words found will match them both. Pivot (n.) The officer or soldier who simply turns in his place whike the company or. Most eminent or exalted; most excellent; chief; highest; as, Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. In case all fields are filled, words found will match them both. Stated; fixed; as, in a given time. Sizar (n.) One of a body of students in the universities of Cambridge (Eng.) Silky (superl.) Several species are troublesome in gardens. Wiper (n.) One who, or that which, wipes. Light (superl.) Cigar (n.) A small roll of tobacco, used for smoking. Click to change the position in the word, from the end 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th. i.) To stand out in the field, ready to catch, stop, or throw the ball. The male is usually glossy black, varied with scarlet, yellow, or sky blue. under Coleoptera, and under Hexapoda. Sinew (n.) A tendon or tendonous tissue. View word search examples. i.) Right (a.) Tisri (n.) The seventh month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, answering to a part of September with a part of October. Findy (a.) Ditch (v. t.) To dig a ditch or ditches in; to drain by a ditch or ditches; as, to ditch moist land. Rifle (n.) A strip of wood covered with emery or a similar material, used for sharpening scythes. They inhabit the swamps, lagoons, and ditches of the Southern United States. Pinax (n.) A tablet; a register; hence, a list or scheme inscribed on a tablet. heated by fire, or as if by fire; burning hot; parched; feverish. Light (n.) To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light. To dismount; to descend, as from a horse or carriage; to alight; -- with from, off, on, upon, at, in. It was at first a round, high cap, but was afterward encompassed with a crown, subsequently with a second, and finally with a third. Hight (v. t. & i.) First (n.) The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; -- so called because it generally expresses the air, and has a preeminence in the combined effect. Piece (n.) Any one thing conceived of as apart from other things of the same kind; an individual article; a distinct single effort of a series; a definite performance. Often contracted to do., or to two "turned commas" ("), or small marks. i.) Pitch (n.) A thick, black, lustrous, and sticky substance obtained by boiling down tar. i.) : The papal dignity. Siren (a.) The straight course; adherence to duty; obedience to lawful authority, divine or human; freedom from guilt, -- the opposite of moral wrong. Light (superl.) Word length (optional) Any length 2 letters 3 letters 4 letters 5 letters 6 letters 7 letters 8 letters 9 letters 10 letters 11 letters 12 letters 13 letters 14 letters Word type (optional) Final (a.) Viewy (a.) Wisse (a.) Very necessary; highly important; essential. By modern writers it is usually restricted to the genus which includes the orang-outang. List of 640 words that are 5 letters and second letter is i - page 3 Windy (superl.) Wight (n.) A human being; a person, either male or female; -- now used chiefly in irony or burlesque, or in humorous language. Fides (n.) Faith personified as a goddess; the goddess of faith. Biter (n.) One who, or that which, bites; that which bites often, or is inc. Bitts (n. Having (such or so many) sides; -- used in composition; as, one-sided; many-sided. Easy, 7. In many of the species the back is greenish, or olive-colored. Birch (n.) The wood or timber of the birch. Having in the head a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall; vertiginous; giddy; hence, confused; indistinct. To allege, or think, to be like; to represent as like; to compare; as, to liken life to a pilgrimage. Light (superl.) Remember, though, that keeping two great letters in your rack after playing a five-letter word is often more important than scoring the most points possible while leaving two troublesome letters in your rack. Birch (n.) A birch twig or birch twigs, used for flogging. Pitch (n.) A throw; a toss; a cast, as of something from the hand; as, a good pitch in quoits. Lipyl (n.) A hypothetical radical of glycerin. Risen (p. p. & a.) Vital (a.) Jimmy (n.) A short crowbar used by burglars in breaking open doors. Click to change the letter. Jippo (n.) A waistcoat or kind of stays for women. Constituting or being one of six equal parts into which anything is divided. I was curious, so I tried this search (common words only) and there are (only) 1533 five-letter words with second letter i in the OneLook index. Tilth (n.) That which is tilled; tillage ground. Having the smell of bilge water. Click to change the position in the word, from the start 1 st 3 rd 4 th 5 th and middle. Niece (n.) A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. In Ezekiel iv. Learn how to use the easiest words finder here. Visit (v. t.) The act of going to view or inspect; an official or formal inspection; examination; visitation; as, the visit of a trustee or inspector. We have undertaken the difficult task and created the following list of over 35 5 letter rivers. Tidal (a.) Light (n.) That which furnishes, or is a source of, light, as the sun, a star, a candle, a lighthouse, etc. Civet (v. t.) To scent or perfume with civet. will bring you to a list of words spelled with _a-z_. Data 17 de Setembro de 2020. ... 5-letter words. Pinna (n.) The auricle of the ear. Riant (a.) It is used as a perfume. Given (adv.) Yield (v. t.) To furnish; to afford; to render; to give forth. Before any other person or thing in time, space, rank, etc. A kind of play with a ball against a wall, resembling tennis; -- so named because three fives, or fifteen, are counted to the game. Civil (a.) Visit (v. Send a word find feature request to let me know. Somewhat dim; as, dimmish eyes. on a bagpipe. Foremost; in front of, or in advance of, all others. Sight (v. t.) The state of admitting unobstructed vision; visibility; open view; region which the eye at one time surveys; space through which the power of vision extends; as, an object within sight. See under Feed, n. Risky (a.) Its fistular leaves areused in cookery. Sight (v. t.) A small piece of metal, fixed or movable, on the breech, muzzle, center, or trunnion of a gun, or on the breech and the muzzle of a rifle, pistol, etc., by means of which the eye is guided in aiming. Cushions on the floor or on benches are ranged round the room. Practiced under the pretext of religion; prompted by mistaken piety; as, pious errors; pious frauds. Tided (a.) Piece (v. t.) To unite; to join; to combine. Libel (n.) A malicious publication expressed either in print or in writing, or by pictures, effigies, or other signs, tending to expose another to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. ; -- much used in composition with adjectives and participles. See Illust. Witch (n.) A certain curve of the third order, described by Maria Agnesi under the name versiera. Tinct (v. t.) To color or stain; to imblue; to tint. Click to change the position in the word, from the end 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th. From the time of; in or during the time subsequent to; subsequently to; after; -- usually with a past event or time for the object. Since (prep.) They are mostly minute moths and dipterous flies. i.) As before, or aforesaid; in the same manner; also. Pilch (n.) A gown or case of skin, or one trimmed or. Rider (n.) One who, or that which, rides. Libel (n.) A written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of his cause of action, and of the relief he seeks. Live Cultures and Solutions for Meat and Fish | Sacco System, Sacco System produces live cultures for the production and natural protection of meat and fish. Right (a.) Silly (n.) Harmless; innocent; inoffensive. Nisus (n.) A striving; an effort; a conatus. Belonging or relating to life, either animal or vegetable; as, vital energies; vital functions; vital actions. Fifty (n.) The sum of five tens; fifty units or objects. We found a total of 74 words by unscrambling the letters in second. Rifle (n.) A gun, the inside of whose barrel is grooved with spiral channels, thus giving the ball a rotary motion and insuring greater accuracy of fire. Missa (n.) The service or sacrifice of the Mass. Widow (v. t.) To deprive of one who is loved; to strip of anything beloved or highly esteemed; to make desolate or bare; to bereave. Title (n.) A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside. Pinch (v. 12 Letter Words. Dizzy (superl.) To strive or contend for victory, with armies or in single combat; to attempt to defeat, subdue, or destroy an enemy, either by blows or weapons; to contend in arms; -- followed by with or against. Pivot (n.) The end of a shaft or arbor which rests and turns in a support; as, the pivot of an arbor in a watch. i.) Picke (n.) A small piece of land inclosed with a hedge; a close. i.) Hilly (a.) See Hemorrhoids. Pilot (n.) The cowcatcher of a locomotive. Finis (n.) An end; conclusion. Pinch (v. Mixed (a.) True to the life; exhibiting the appearance of life or freshness; animated; spirited; bright; strong; intense; as, vivid colors. Lisle (n.) A city of France celebrated for certain manufactures. Syrup (n.) A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and often in cookery, a saturated solution of sugar and water (simple sirup), or such a solution flavored or medicated. Yield (v. Libra (n.) A southern constellation between Virgo and Scorpio. Kinky (a.) Right (a.) A true statement; freedom from error of falsehood; adherence to truth or fact. Rider (n.) A small forked weight which straddles the beam of a balance, along which it can be moved in the manner of the weight on a steelyard. i.) & p. p.) Pitched; fixed; determined. Rigor (n.) Exactness without allowance, deviation, or indulgence; strictness; as, the rigor of criticism; to execute a law with rigor; to enforce moral duties with rigor; -- opposed to lenity. Linum (n.) A genus of herbaceous plants including the flax (Linum usitatissimum). Light (n.) One who is conspicuous or noteworthy; a model or example; as, the lights of the age or of antiquity. Silly (n.) Rustic; plain; simple; humble. Characterized by reality or genuineness; real; actual; not spurious. Binny (n.) A large species of barbel (Barbus bynni), found in the Nile, and much esteemed for food. Title (n.) An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc. Not pressing heavily or hard upon; hence, having an easy, graceful manner; delicate; as, a light touch; a light style of execution. Ridge (n.) The intersection of two surface forming a salient angle, especially the angle at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a roof or a vault. Pique (n.) A cotton fabric, figured in the loom, -- used as a dress goods for women and children, and for vestings, etc. Tight (superl.) Minor (a.) Easily bestowed; inconsiderately rendered. i.) Mince (v. i.) Tight (superl.) i.) Page 1: pizza, sixty, fifty, piano, tiger, river, light, Night, birth, dirty, Eight, field, bible, ville, Diana, ninja, right, witch, silly, Simon, liver, given, video, fight, sight, binge, giant, first, final, wings, biome, cider, billy, virus, tired, Riley, hinge, giver, birds, jimmy, tiara, kitty, times, hippo, silva, micro, pilot, ninth, ditch, and ridgeif(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yougowords_com-medrectangle-3-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yougowords_com-medrectangle-3-0_1')}; .medrectangle-3-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:7px !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Sour. Light (n.) The brightness of the eye or eyes. Fiery (a.) Search for words and build lists from Wiktionary 's words 2 nd 3 rd 4 5. Originally, the watch kept on the night before a feast. Vital (a.) Misty (superl.) Rival (a.) Pilot (n.) Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course. To recover the proper or natural condition or position; to become upright. Winze (n.) A small shaft sunk from one level to another, as for the purpose of ventilation. Withy (a.) Title (n.) The instrument which is evidence of a right. Minim (n.) A time note, formerly the shortest in use; a half note, equal to half a semibreve, or two quarter notes or crotchets. Lilac (n.) A light purplish color like that of the flower of the purplish lilac. Serving an independent sovereign or master; bound by a feudal tenure; obliged to be faithful and loyal to a superior, as a vassal to his lord; faithful; loyal; as, a liege man; a liege subject. Light (superl.) Bible (n.) The Book by way of eminence, -- that is, the book which is made up of the writings accepted by Christians as of divine origin and authority, whether such writings be in the original language, or translated; the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; -- sometimes in a restricted sense, the Old Testament; as, King James's Bible; Douay Bible; Luther's Bible. According with truth; passing a true judgment; conforming to fact or intent; not mistaken or wrong; not erroneous; correct; as, this is the right faith. Pinch (v. t.) o seize; to grip; to bite; -- said of animals. That to which one has a just claim. See Jetsam and Flotsam. Field (n.) That part of the grounds reserved for the players which is outside of the diamond; -- called also outfield. Having life; -- used only in composition; as, long-lived; short-lived. See Tendon. Dirty (v. t.) To foul; to make filthy; to soil; as, to dirty the clothes or hands. Finding 5 letter rivers, from a single web page can be a difficult task. Lipic (a.) Widow (v. t.) To become, or survive as, the widow of. Pique (v. A race of people of uncertain origin, who inhabited Scotland in early times. Pinna (n.) One of the divisions of a pinnate part or organ. Dight (v. t.) To prepare; to put in order; hence, to dress, or put on; to array; to adorn. Of or pertaining to the birch; birchen. Biddy (n.) An Irish serving woman or girl. Small, vibratory, swimming organs, somewhat resembling true cilia, as those of Ctenophora. Colt, Foal. List of words that begin like _i / start with _i. Liana (n.) A luxuriant woody plant, climbing high trees and having ropelike stems. Pitch (n.) That point of the ground on which the ball pitches or lights when bowled. Click to change the position in the word, from the end 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th. Liver (n.) One whose course of life has some marked characteristic (expressed by an adjective); as, a free liver. Ditch (v. t.) To throw into a ditch; as, the engine was ditched and turned on its side. Tithe (n.) Hence, a small part or proportion. Fifth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by five; one of five equal parts; a fifth part. i.) pl.) It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes. ; in Japan, 133/ lbs. Click to change word size Fives (n.) A disease of the glands under the ear in horses; the vives. Sifac (n.) The white indris of Madagascar. Diota (n.) A vase or drinking cup having two handles or ears. Vitta (n.) One of the oil tubes in the fruit of umbelliferous plants. Pitch (n.) The point where a declivity begins; hence, the declivity itself; a descending slope; the degree or rate of descent or slope; slant; as, a steep pitch in the road; the pitch of a roof. Tight (superl.) Accompained with mist; characterized by the presence of mist; obscured by, or overspread with, mist; as, misty weather; misty mountains; a misty atmosphere. Sigla (n. Of or pertaining to a siren; bewitching, like a siren; fascinating; alluring; as, a siren song. All words/letters without a dedicated page will be unscrambled. To comply with; to assent; as, I yielded to his request. Jingo (n.) A word used as a jocular oath. Ripen (v. t.) To cause to mature; to make ripe; as, the warm days ripened the corn. Her pride in her children provoked Apollo and Diana, who slew them all. Dimmy (a.) Minor (n.) A Minorite; a Franciscan friar. Piled (a.) Pinna (n.) One of the primary divisions of a decompound leaf. Fiery (a.) Dixie (n.) A colloquial name for the Southern portion of the United States, esp. Search results for 5-letter words with v using the WORdER multilingual word finder. Piece (n.) A fragment or part of anything separated from the whole, in any manner, as by cutting, splitting, breaking, or tearing; a part; a portion; as, a piece of sugar; to break in pieces. Midas (n.) A genus of longeared South American monkeys, including numerous species of marmosets. You can use up to 3 asterisks (*) as wildcards (blank tiles). Having nervous energy; forceful; cogent. Mitre (n.) The surface forming the beveled end or edge of a piece where a miter joint is made; also, a joint formed or a junction effected by two beveled ends or edges; a miter joint. Jiffy (n.) A moment; an instant; as, I will be ready in a jiffy. First (a.) Witty (n.) Especially, possessing wit or humor; good at repartee; droll; facetious; sometimes, sarcastic; as, a witty remark, poem, and the like. In the latter sense, it is called also a moat or a fosse. Dinar (n.) A petty money of accounts of Persia. Rider (n.) Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it. Viola (n.) A genus of polypetalous herbaceous plants, including all kinds of violets. Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action is usually stronger than on the other side; -- opposed to left when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the right side, hand, arm. Pinna (n.) A leaflet of a pinnate leaf. Girth (n.) A band or strap which encircles the body; especially, one by which a saddle is fastened upon the back of a horse. Witty (n.) Possessed of wit; knowing; wise; skillful; judicious; clever; cunning. Sithe (v. t.) To cut with a scythe; to scythe. It originally had the form of the English C. Sikhs (n. Pique (v. t.) To wound the pride of; to sting; to nettle; to irritate; to fret; to offend; to excite to anger. To grow wide or wider; to enlarge; to spread; to extend. Birth (n.) That which is born; that which is produced, whether animal or vegetable. Click to change the letter. Or use our Unscramble word solver. Birth (n.) The condition to which a person is born; natural state or position; inherited disposition or tendency. According to Xenophon, the royal tiara was encircled with a diadem, and was high and erect, while those of the people were flexible, or had rims turned over. Right (a.) -lite () Combining forms fr. To light; to settle; to come to rest from flight. Piper (n.) A common European gurnard (Trigla lyra), having a large head, with prominent nasal projection, and with large, sharp, opercular spines. Hinge (n.) The hook with its eye, or the joint, on which a door, gate, lid, etc., turns or swings; a flexible piece, as a strip of leather, which serves as a joint to turn on. River (n.) Fig. The outward or most finished surface, as of a piece of cloth, a carpet, etc. 5- letter word second letter Pages: 1.AECIA 2.BERRY 3.DECAL 4.DEWED 5.GEIST 6.HENCE 7.KEMPS 8.LERES 9.MESNE 10.PEARS 11.REACT 12.REJON 13.SEEDY 14.SEYEN 15.TEWIT 16.WELTS Previous List Index Next List Right (a.) i.) Rider (n.) A Dutch gold coin having the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it. Rigor (n.) Stiffness of opinion or temper; rugged sternness; hardness; relentless severity; hard-heartedness; cruelty. Sinew (v. t.) To knit together, or make strong with, or as with, sinews. Finns (n. Filar (a.) Vigor (n.) Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force; energy. Tight (superl.) See Illust. Light (superl.) Sieur (n.) Sir; -- a title of respect used by the French. Pertaining to civic life and affairs, in distinction from military, ecclesiastical, or official state. Cilia (n. To take hold; to grip, as a dog does. Filch (v. t.) To steal or take privily (commonly, that which is of little value); to pilfer. Mirth (n.) Merriment; gayety accompanied with laughter; jollity. Black and blue; grayish blue; of a lead color; discolored, as flesh by contusion. Cider (n.) The expressed juice of apples. Singe (v. t.) To burn slightly or superficially; to burn the surface of; to burn the ends or outside of; as, to singe the hair or the skin. One of the chief strategies for 5 letter words is the use of the S tile to make two words by placing the S on a double or triple square of some sort. i.) Having, or abounding in, fins, as fishes; pertaining to fishes. 11 Letter Words. Designed to be placed or worn outward; as, the right side of a piece of cloth. Syrup (n.) A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar. Night (n.) Intellectual and moral darkness; ignorance. Wield (v. t.) To direct or regulate by influence or authority; to manage; to control; to sway. Forming brilliant images, or painting in lively colors; lively; sprightly; as, a vivid imagination.
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