Chatbots are computer applications that exchange messages with a human user. 1) Is mental health important to you? - Pokecord bot - Movie nights-Morning & Night Cartoon/Movies ... We support LGBTQ+ Mental Health and People of all Gender & Races. © 2021 Devpost, Inc. All rights reserved. Health Details: CareBot is a fun and easy-to-use Mental Health Discord Bot with journals, hotlines, hugs, and more!Get reliable information about a wide variety of disorders, generate breathing GIFs to help you calm down, create journals to write down your thoughts, send your friends some love, and much more! !COVID -Mental and physical health resources for COVID19, !dissociationres - dissociation resources, !edres - eating disorder resources !hoardingres -hoarding resource, !sleepres - sleep based resources !stress - stress resources, !poyopoyo - sends a random picture of Poyo, A bot dedicated to quick access to mental health resources. access to LGBTQ+, witches, mental health, writers, gaming, and anime channels (depending on your roles). General Features: .help gives a list of all commands and .ping returns the ping of the bot. A discord bot about relaxation,happiness and mental health Resources Well, come over. ... We're always available on Discord. Perhaps you have a friend who is in need of resources but you dont know how to go about finding them. CareBot is a fun and easy-to-use tool for people struggling with everyday problems or mental disorders. Source link . ☽୧ Peer support chats and a private ticket bot … <3 Mental Health, Social. You keep pushing away people that you will push with when you should pulling people. A nice place were you can hang out and talk it through. Do you have any mental problems or issues? Searching for good resources online can be a challenge, especially when trying to find things like coping skills among things like fact sheet. Though it’s main purpose is to provide mental health resources, there are also some extra features that add an element of fun to the bot. Abstract This project is a mental health and wellness chatbot. A nice place were you can hang out and talk it through. Home Mental Health Discord server : mentalhealth. mental health thing. Health Details: All Bots For Discord Health.Health Details: Breathe Easy | Discord Bots.Health Details: i haven’t been using the bot for too long but a lot of the commands have really helped me. Encouragement: The command .encourage gives positive affirmations to keep you going and staying positive! That said, there are some words society has deemed to be unacceptable to use in certain contexts. Our hope is to eventually provide members living with mental illness access to sufficient mental health care. Bots that have their own unique purpose! ... We're always available on Discord. <3. If a message is detected, the bot responds with the suicide prevention hotline. Our project will impact discord users and make the platform a safer place. 51 members Votes: 0 Vote for this server. I am a sophomore-ish CS undergrad and want to write a discord bot for a server. Search result for tag ... We have: •Self roles •Level up system •Birthday bot •A friendly staff Thank you for your time and consideration ... we are not professionals, and do not claim to replace professional mental health care. If you answered yes to any of those then The Lounge is the place for you. It is used to communicate with friends, classes, clubs, and more. Our hope is to eventually provide members living with mental illness access to sufficient mental health care. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Mental Health Discord bots. ☽୧ A safe space to make friends or get help, with active staff. Health Details: R6 Stat Tracker Discord Bot Health.Health Details: R6 Bot | Discord Bots.Health Details: Register in the bot, alowing not to use own nickname when calling statistics commands (rank, stats, operator) and more will come…(I am opened for your wishes) Bot can speak many languages (for now only English and Russian are supported) Bot is … Oct 03, 2020 05:52 PM EDT. Use .encourage to receive helpful encouragement from our bot! There are several elements of this bot I have adopted. We have.. 。roles to express your mood, struggles, ... PluralKit Bot! Sends encouraging messages Sends GIFS Directs you to verified therapists Sends you links to mental health awareness websites and suicide and depression phone lines Directs to discord servers of therapists and wise/open-minded people. It has a library of resources available to individuals when they need it most, and can be accessed via Twitch and Discord. What is the RTS Bot? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.
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