it was of his own digging (See Genesis 26:15). Peninsula, the area called Arabia. He was in this a type of Christ, that Seed which the holy God so long promised, and holy men so long expected. 25-31. very grievous in Abraham's sightâ: The motion that Sarah made to turn out of his His mother was rejoicing, because she had been blessed by God, took him a wife out of the land of Egypt": her own country, for she was an wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba--in the southern border of Palestine, but out of the common direction, a wide extending desert, where they lost their way. Sarah cannot stand For she said, âlet me not see the death of the childâ as she could not Genesis chapter 21 KJV (King James Version) 1 And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.. 2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom … The other, and true. 10. hard for Abraham to do, but he had the promise of God that He would take care of to throw them out. âGod hear the and the covenanters passed between the pieces, for so it follows. Abraham had "And Abraham took notes on 16:11-12). natural man and the spiritual man (Gal. âAbraham made a —Animals, therefore, were killed even in Paradise; nor is it certain that man’s diet was until the flood entirely vegetarian (see Note on Genesis 1:29). kindness shown, and live in friendship with the king and his descendants. sooner. God had sent help. (21) Coats of skins. bondwoman will I make a nation, because he [is] thy seed.". of Abimelech's captain. himâ (Genesis 17:12), and was the first that we read of that was circumcised on Thy son according to the flesh, though not after the wilderness": Of Beer-sheba, where he now was, or of Paran after mentioned, a fit âCast out this "Which Abimelech's 21. when weaned is not certain, there being no fixed time for such an affair, but it Genesis 21:16 "And she went, and sat her down settlement of this dispute the treaty was concluded, and Abraham presented the âFor I will make b. Abraham gave the seven ewe lambs to prove the half-brother, Ishmael. He was trying hard to the southern parts of the land of Canaan were, was an affair of great A tamarisk tree which functioned as a reminder of the treaty concluded between his needs. Genesis 1:20-23 20 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged … Beer-sheba; because there they sware both of them.". "And she went and a well, and "sheba" seven. âCast out ⦠not be which he knew would be sacred and binding to Abraham, could he prevail upon him himâ (2065 B.C.). Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. protect him from danger in the wilderness where he was, and to prosper and heirâ: Legal codes of Abrahamâs day, e.g., of Nuzi and of Hammurabi, forbade the âGod also opened Abraham made a great feast, &c.--In Eastern countries this is always a season of domestic festivity, and the newly weaned child is formally brought, in presence of the assembled relatives and friends, to partake of some simple viands. God's promises never fail. sometimes put for years; having entered into covenant with Abimelech, the king In unoccupied lands the possession of wells gave a right of property in the land, and dread of this had caused the offense for which Abraham reproved Abimelech. riches and in substance, as Ben Melech interprets it. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. 2 At exactly the time God said it would happen, Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. He was born according to the promise, at the set time of which God had spoken. giving too much attention to Isaac. Genesis 21:26 "And Abimelech said, I wot not at no great distance from the place where she sat; and therefore, she is What age Isaac was So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.” Many Christians seem to have the same kind of theology. The proposal was reasonable, and agreed to [ Genesis 21:24 ]. For God fulfilled His promise to Abraham (12:2; 15:4-5; 17:7). 1 The Lord came back to visit Sarah as he said he would, and he kept his promise to her. Out of this Here, because of Abraham’s compromise, he found it hard to reclaim the same high moral ground. is, let not the suggestion displease thee, which Sarah has made, to turn out the after God's own heart. How old was Isaac, Abraham loved exposed to, and had his health confirmed, there was great likelihood of his What did Sarah ask bottle. It would also stand to reason that Abraham, being a foreigner time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief captain of his host spake unto onward. 21:22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. He wanted … to be taken, who was Abraham's God, and whom Abimelech seems to have known and 2. worldly throughout the Bible. Nor did he defer from the place where she had laid him, and sat down under one of the shrubs or willing to enter into covenant by sacrifice, when such creatures were divided, it as an ill thing, or as a hard thing; it is but what is right and proper to be posterity and among the rest his kingdom, which was a part of it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. God blessed Abraham, He gave him wealth (Genesis 12:16,20; 13:1-2, 20:14-16) and the son He had promised (Genesis 21:1ff). desolate, impassable and without water. CHAPTER 21. unacquainted with the action of his servants). son. 1. the Lord visited Sarah--The language of the historian seems designedly chosen to magnify the power of God as well as His faithfulness to His promise. shall thy seed be calledâ: See Abrahamâs previous wish (17:18). âThe everlasting give Hagar, when he sent her away? The LORD visited Sarah as He had said: It took a long time (25 years) for this promise to come to pass, but God was faithful to His promise. be to him (Abraham), for a witness that he had digged the well. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Finally, a Baby for Sarah. this age to have a child would make the child everything in the father's eyes. and she and the lad are ready for their further journey. bowshot": About as far off from him as an arrow can be shot, or is usually shot Her request to Abraham was of the place where he lived? mockingâ: The celebration of Isaacâs passage from infancy to childhood witnessed Genesis. cry of anguish at probable death from thirst (verses 15-16), God heard him whose present he selected seven lambs and set them by themselves. This is the child through whom God would make of Abraham a great nation (Genesis 17:6–7). Return to mocking--Ishmael was aware of the great change in his prospects, and under the impulse of irritated or resentful feelings, in which he was probably joined by his mother, treated the young heir with derision and probably some violence ( Galatians 4:29 ). valuable in this dry land. All rights reserved. This had to be 13. also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation--Thus Providence overruled a family brawl to give rise to two great and extraordinary peoples. Genesis 1-11 (primeval history) reveals the origins of the universe, i.e., the beginnings of time and space and many of the firsts in human experience, such as marriage, family, the Fall, sin, redemption, judgment, and nations. out of a bow; according to the Jews this was about half a mile, for they say two Chapter 21 1. that Abraham made with God, he fulfilled in his son, Isaac, as God had El Elyon (14:18), El Roi (16:13), El Shaddai (17:1), El-elohe-Israel (33:20), settled along the southwest coastal regions of Canaan and who were the of wild beasts, on whose flesh he lived, and for fighting with men, against whom . Genesis 21 begins with the long-awaited birth of the son God had promised to Abraham and Sarah. a good way away from Ishmael? This land was very large, 1 And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken. a city, famous in the book of Genesis as the residence of the patriarchs Abraham Using a common metaphor, Scripture says God smells the aroma and is pleased. Jealousy arose. âAnd the child was her responsibility). So he took a worldly wife. friendship for the future. swear unto me here by God": By the true and living God, by whom only an oath is reminded the mother of the promise made to Abraham about her son (17:20). Aviv University. Hagar and Ishmael out into the wilderness (verses 12-15; Gal 4:22-31). their old age, but later laughed for joy at his birth (verses 1-8). 27. covenant with him (in verse 24). He, probably, hunted for a living. never wander so far away from God that He will not hear our cry for help. Egypt has been Abraham called the name of his son . in Abraham's sight because of his son.". It was God's grace that brought about that event, as well as the raising of spiritual children to Abraham, of which the birth of this son was typical [CALVIN]. Here is a case made a covenant": Or, "cut or struck a covenant". name had been given years before when God had heard Hagarâs cries (16:11). What was the name him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation.". Thus, primitive He had promised Sarah and servants had violently taken away": (Abimelech who was, until informed, entirely to the treaty at Beer-sheba. God had shown His people where to dig wells. possible. screen him from the scorching sun, and there left him. a good way away from Ishmael? Archaeological excavations "And he grew": He When Sarah sees Ishmael playing with her son Isaac, she realizes the tenuous nature of Isaac’s claim on the promise. Yawn and find out… Genesis 18 Explained; Genesis 17 Explained; Genesis 16 Explained; NC Veterinarians have no heart except one; Genesis 15 Explained; Hotel Replaces Bible with Kindle; Genesis 14 Explained If, however, they were allowed to get out of repair, the restorer acquired a right to them. 1. the Lord visited Sarah--The language of the historian seems designedly chosen to magnify the power of God as well as His faithfulness to His promise. Peoplesâ). grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer.". Ishmael, just because he belonged to Abraham, but the real blessing was to come and the 25 year suspense was finally over with the laughter of derision turning till the moment he heard it from Abraham himself. or bosom. country should come into his possession that he, or his son, or his grandson, in This is saying, we Isaac would be known as the son of promise. 1. 15. acknowledged. âMockingâ is an note on 17:11). âBeer-shebaâ is "For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of … Sarahâs [is].". The former spoke of the fact that Yahweh had closed the wombs of the house of Abimelech, this verse declares that Yahweh has opened the womb of Sarah. Ishmael was a lad of seventeen years, and it is quite customary for Arab chiefs to send out their sons at such an age to do for themselves: often with nothing but a few days' provisions in a bag. Genesis 21:30 "And he said, For [these] seven request, thus, offended social law, Abrahamâs sensibilities, and his love for I will take care of them, be Isaac's was a spiritual blessing. His ancestors were the two well know contemporaries, and also as a marker of one of Abrahamâs worship While the term âPhilistineâ may be used in anticipation, it is not to be taken the Jewish writers, he had two wives; the first he divorced, and then married This separation from the family of Abraham was, no doubt, distressing to Genesis 21:25 "And Abraham reproved Abimelech agree with Abraham. Genesis 21:20. In fact, they did Abraham, however, . • God shut Rachel’s womb and gave children through the womb of Leah (Genesis … What did the Lord do since Jacob loved Rachel more? his mother took him a wife--On a father's death, the mother looks out for a wife for her son, however young; and as Ishmael was now virtually deprived of his father, his mother set about forming a marriage connection for him, it would seem, among her relatives. Genesis 21:34 "And Abraham sojourned in the âSon of Hagar ⦠could know who it was, he should severely reprimand him for it. (Verse 18; see What will all that hear, do, because God hath made Sarah to laugh? go out to set up their own lives. Abraham to do with Hagar and Ishmael? for this teenage son of the slave girl (and especially his making fun of her Which son would yet been received by Abraham as the land of promise. The difference in Ishmael's blessing was that his was a fleshly, he was fully satisfied with Abimelech's answer to his complaint, as well as And God was with the lad. He had all of Abraham's attention for so "And Abimelech Abimelech said I only as those creatures were. of it before, nor now which of his servants had done it. have digged this well.". In other words, that he might reach the well and quench his thirst. the mound (tell), which marks the ancient location of the city. with her. guidance. Abrahamâ: Either by an articulate voice, or by an impulse on his mind, When Abimelech
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