For example, if you are working with potted (or container-grown) lavender and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow, then it could mean that there is either too much or too little nitrogen. Your Price $5.95. Prune your lavender a few weeks after its’ first blooms appear to promote additional growth and to maintain its’ shrub-like appearance. She says ornamental varieties like Spanish lavender, ‘Fern Leaf,’ and ‘Goodwin Creek’ do well in Texas, although she and Jim don’t grow them. Use the fresh cut stems and purple flowers in fresh flower bouquets and in lavender wands which are braided bouquets that are placed in the home to add the wonderful lavender scent. My name is Lisa, and I’m on a mission to expand my plant knowledge. Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Grey' (Lavender) - A handsome long-lived and vigorous plant that forms a compact shrub to 2 to 3 feet tall by just a bit wider. We recommend at least 3 starters per pot for 6" and larger. Before you know it, you will quickly be able to find out exactly what the problem with your lavender is. Requires full sun. If you are planting 4" pots, 1 plant per pot should be sufficient. Press Esc to cancel. Use the fresh cut stems and purple flowers in fresh flower bouquets and in lavender wands which are braided bouquets that are placed in the home to add the wonderful lavender scent. Chelsea Chelsea. Pinnata Lavender is a zone 10 lavender that grows fast and can be grown as an annual. Lavandula dentata ‘Goodwin Creek Grey’ Goodwin Creek Lavender. Hi! In addition, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Lavandula dentata 'Goodwin Creek' Goodwin Creek Lavender LIVE PLANT in Gallon Size Pot. Product Details. Lavandula angustifolia 'Celestial Star'. If you know for a fact that there is either too much or too little nitrogen, you can also fix it yourself. The farm’s lavender fields are planted each spring and fall. Too much moisture in the soil can cause a lot of problems for a lavender plant. Ideal for sunny perennial borders or rock gardens, and raised beds or containers. One of the major causes of lavender wilting is over-watering. However, there might come a time when your lavender begins to wilt or droop and you might not know why. The plant is medium sized and initially it looked lush. pedunculata) Spanish lavender is the true southern belle of the lavender world and grows in zones 7-10. Shear older flowers to promote continuous bloom in summer. It produces fragrant, pale lavender-blue flowers in summer. Many other varieties can be found in our Lavender Lovers Garden (LLG).The LLG is where we test plant varieties to see how viable they are in South Texas. You will want to think about how much humidity is in the air surrounding the plant and just how well the plant can drain its water. Other, shorter-stemmed varieties aren’t as good for bundling, Debbie says, but make great specimen plants. Pinnata Lavender is a zone 10 lavender that grows fast and can be grown as an annual. Hello Lisa, thanks for this very helpful article! Goodwin Creek Gray Lavender is a hybrid of French Lavender with a shorter growth habit and a darker purple flower head that is held on a bit longer wand. Lavender that is turning gray and dying is most likely suffering from a fungal disease or frost damage. This is a tricky balance! I’ve been noticing that the plant is wilting/stems are going dry, brittle and dark for the past couple of days. Height: 16 – 22” Lavandula x ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Grey' (Lavender 'Goodwin Creek Grey' ) will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 0.9m after 2-5 years. To fix this, you can adjust your watering schedule or you can try transplanting your lavender into a more sandy, fast-draining soil. Great in perennial borders or rock gardens. kublakan. This post may contain affiliate links. According to, L. Allardii is a perennial in Zones 8 – 11. Product photos are for illustrative use only.Available for delivery in NYC only. Do you have a pic of this lavender and the damage? Perennial. Goodwin Creek Lavender is a close relative to French Lavender. Lavandula ‘Meerlo’ is a colourful lavender with beautifully serrated, grey-green leaves with a cream-colored margin. Goodwin Creek Lavender is a close relative to French Lavender. At times the buzzing and fluttering create an absolutely stunning aural/visual effect. Positive: On Jan 14, 2006, maggiemoo from Conroe, TX (Zone 9a) wrote: Goodwin Creek is a recommended lavender for the humid Gulf Coast area. However, keep in mind that if the leaves are yellowing with a gray or sooty-black tinge, then the issue is fungal and you need to take appropriate measures to fix it.
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