Ichigo says that they need to defeat klaxosaurs without Strelizia and cannot mess up again so as to survive. [4] 1 Biography 1.1 Breath of the Wild 2 Other Appearance 2.1 Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity 3 Nomenclature 4 Gallery 5 References Yunobo is a young Goron who lives in Goron City in the Eldin region. In the morning, Hiro is met by his friends who announce they will be joining him to rescue Zero Two not just for his sake but they personally want revenge against VIRM. After the ceremony, they get permission to walk around. He says that he wasn't trying to put her on the spot and that he isn't expecting an answer from them. Hiro agrees that they are like siblings. He happily leaves as Ichigo blushes furiously and as Ikuno notes Goro has changed a lot recently. Squad 13 then rescues them and join for a combined attack to give an opening for Strelizia to give the final blow. Shirō Iori | Goro is reluctant to believe him. Watch the series on CrunchyRoll: http://www.crunchyroll.com/darling-in-the-franxx . Mitsuru had been traumatized with riding with Zero Two. He also comes to the conclusion that Ichigo feels the same way about Hiro as Hiro feels about Zero Two, like wanting to know more about this person, be together with them and kiss. Before they can seal their vows with a kiss, the 9’s and an APE assault unit interrupt the wedding. Zero Two promises she will come back with her darling. 783 days (2 years) after the gate passage, Ai plays near Zero Two’s statue and she begins saying "darling." In the bathroom, Goro asks Hiro if he's okay to which he cheerfully says that he even feels like training. 14-1517 (2 year timeskip, Episode 24)25/26 (10 year timeskip) Everyone decides to sneak into to the Garden to try and see Naomi and they have recollections of their childhood. Kitten Progression: At-a-Glance - Alley Cat ��� The ship reaches Mars’ orbit and see a massive battle between the klaxosaurs and VIRM with Strelizia in the center. He gives 090 field command and tells Strelizia to stay back. Mitsuru leads the group into a secret passageway. He agrees and they fistbump. Since their entire purpose is to pilot the FRANXX and that was the reason they were born. Hiro is like a brother to him, someone whom he wants to see happy and well. He asks if it is been there since he rode with Zero Two and quickly tries to call someone, but Hiro stops him. Although Goro usually keeps a level-headed and easy-going composure and is always the first one to interrupt people from getting into fights and lashing out, he can lose his cool when people are selfish and overly inconsiderate of feelings of the people Goro cares about. After arriving, they help Zero Two and Dr. Franxx try to reach Star Entity’s entrance but are followed by VIRM soldiers. Goro writes a letter asking for a hairpin and when he's about to give it to her, he finds that Hiro is already putting one on her. Hiro thanks them, and says that he had a hard time keeping up with everything happening, but their support let them win. He wears blue-rimmed (sometimes seen as purple) glasses over his striking golden eyes. On Earth, 72 days after the gate passage, the parasites return to Mistilteinn and find plants are still alive. Goro says not to worry, since she never takes no for an answer. After she became an official Plantation 13 Parasite, she, like the other Squad 13 Pistils, started wearing a white uniform, with red accents to represent the ��� Their voices eventually reach the two; Goro and Ichigo reaffirm their belief the two will return. By his own account, Goro is so attached to, Goro acts as an unofficial leader for the squad and has at time had to persuade, Goro takes up travelling initially to gather resources needed for survival but he finds passion in it as it gives him opportunities to see the outside world and cope with all the hardships he endured. Katakana Delphinium Goro also does not understand why Hiro is currently making such a brash decision when all of them are doing their best to survive, but in the end, he comes to respect Hiro's determination to protect and go after what he loves most, something Goro was afriad of. Burnish, BNA: Brand New Animal Ichigo later gets permission to save Goro after Zero Two says that there's an exhaust hole on top of the klaxosaur. HQ soon detects a worm-type klaxosaur heading towards Plantation 13 and Hachi tells them to connect to defeat the klaxosaurs. Andrew Hanbridge | Goro Atsuko "Akko" Kagari | Dee Williams was born on June 24, 1977 in Texas, USA. She says they can win together. Episode 01 Goro wonders how they were born if Papa didn’t create them. Hiro downs a glass of water and chokes on it. The Squad is confused on who they should be fighting. A klaxosaur and VIRM soldier crash into the field after killing each other and more klaxosaurs fly into the sky. Ichigo is his childhood friend and FRANXX partner. Hiro happily asks if he can let him fight as part of the team. Gridman | On the day of the wedding, Goro sits in attendance and throws cherry blossom petals as Kokoro and Mitsuru walk, and wishes them congratulations. Goro and Ichigo tell the others to stay behind while they get Zero Two and the doctor to their destination. Alive He is also selfless who cares very deeply for his friends. She smiles and thanks him for being her partner, but she doesn't know how to respond to his love confession. But the klaxosaur’s cores are still active and about to detonate until a colossal hands bursts from the ground and stops the cores, sparing the lives of the squad but destroying the plantation with the exception of Miltisteinn. When Ichigo later announces that they found Zorome, everyone is relieved. Everyone talks about the ceremony. He dons the standard Stamen Parasite uniform. A huge horde of Conrad class Klaxosaurs, accompanied by a massive structure will approach the Plantations with an arrival time of 0210 hours. Zorome flies Argentea randomly through space as Miku and Ikuno note it feels easier in space and they have more freedom. Kokoro | When Hiro and Zero Two sacrifice themselves in order to destroy VIRMs home planet, Goro is emotional and at the same time proud and grateful since they sacrificed themselves so everyone on Earth could live a good life. Goro is very worried about her and tries reaching out to her, but stops as he is struck with a strong instinct to help and protect Ichigo, though he doesn't know what he is feeling. Jed lost out to Democrat incumbent Megan by almost 700 votes, with the reality star getting 43 per cent to Megan's 57 per cent. It leaks into the cockpits and melts the girls' parasite suits. Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger | Goro (ゴロー, Gorō) is one of the main characters in DARLING in the FRANXX series. As Ichigo swims, her hair clip comes off. They are surprised to see the children being developed into parasites at a faster rate due to the recent klaxosaur attacks. Dee Williams, Actress: Teenage Lesbian. After meeting and befriending Ichigo and Hiro however, this attitude changed. She sadly asks why he doesn't lean on her a little, and crying, she promises to save him, which Goro finds surprising. They walk back to the rest of the group and Miku says that she's exhausted and Kokoro agrees. Goro is later seem appearing sad with Ichigo as Strelizia enters the gate. Chidori Takashiro | Goro said that he doesn't want her help against the other kids but she helps him up and they defeat the other kids together. Ichigo says they have to live their own lives now as their lives have just begun. In Episode 24 when he has become an adult, Goro's hair is cut much shorter and appears spikier. As Ichigo comes out of their changing room, Goro advises her to talk to Hiro and pushes her toward him as he passes by. 23-24)Natsumi Fujiwara (As a child) Goro punches him across the face and Zorome and Futoshi hold him back. However, a klaxosaur soon appears and Nana orders everyone to evacuate. She says that he should be focused otherwise she cannot do her best. Mitsuru asks the boys what should he do. She says that a kiss is a declaration that the other person belongs to you and you should only kiss the person you love. Goro wonders if it's some kind of training, but Ichigo smiles and says that they should enjoy themselves anyway. Goro blushes and agrees, turning away. Goro says that it's the same type of hair clip, but it's the one he tried and failed to give to her. Ryūko Matoi | PROFESSIONAL STATUS He has known her the longest and that ties into their partnering ability, which makes them perfectly compatible. He is considered as the second unofficial leader of the squad and is very mature, responsible and level-headed; he isn't badly shaken when things go wrong. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He says that watching him lately made him realize that he loves Ichigo. Partner Ichigo asks others to help her and work in a team, to which Goro remarks how Ichigo really is acting like a leader. However, because she had feelings for Hiro, he didn’t expect an answer and was thankful she listened to his confession and let him get it out off of his shoulders. [2], When Goro was discharged from the Garden at age 14, he was accepted into Plantation 13's Squad where he was partnered with Ichigo. When Goro wakes up, Hiro begins messaging him. Kokoro panics over what she should do and Miku sends the boys out of the room. Amanda O'Neill | Manga Zero Two says it’s a wonderful thing for humans to be able to leave a mark for the future. Goro gets her back on her feet as he angrily tells her to get it together since they have to focus on surviving themselves. However, Goro was also aware of Ichigo's feelings and admiration towards Hiro, but he was fine with it since Hiro has also always been special to him in his own way. Strelizia is tasked with taking control of Star Entity while the others will serve as support. As he becomes an adult, he becomes bolder, to the point of catching Ichigo off guard by kissing her. Goro then meets with Hachi and they discover Mistilteinn has fresh soil and they may have a chance to grow crops with it. At the ceremony, the mayor congratulates them and thanks them for their efforts. Pinga | However, while he still travels throughout his marriage, he decides to indefinitely postpone travelling so he can stay home and take care of. Hiro says he understands how they feel but he wants them to understand how he feels too. Goro apologizes and Hiro asks if the hair clip he's holding is Ichigo's. When Goro was a child, he disliked being surrounded by many people and wanted to be alone, and thought that fighting with other children would make him be left alone. Jackie | Meanwhile, Goro questions Hiro if he really will fight, to which he replies that he will. Honoka Maki | Goro tells the squad that Kokoro and Mitsuru were implanted with fake memories. Classification Goro is present when Zorome tells everyone he saw Kokoro and Mitsuru in an embrace. After completing the tests, Goro tells Hiro they were normal and doesn’t understand what the purpose is for. Ichigo Ichigo expresses her helplessness regarding Hiro and how she hates the fact that he has to pilot with Zero Two. Goro states that he just wanted to tell her since he doesn't want to regret not taking action. Squad 26 performs a suicide attack to stop it but fail. The girls are extremely upset with the boys. Miku says she is in her room but Hiro explains her body is but her mind is with Strelizia. Goro tells Ichigo to pull herself together. Mecha Cop | She then tells him that they're going to save Strelizia for as late as possible. At night, Goro has trouble sleeping as Hiro writhes in pain. The next morning, Goro, having realized he was more scared of the new world they live in, told Hiro he would stop fighting his decision because he and the others have made the choice to survive so Hiro can’t fight it either, making them even. In the elevator, Goro asks what she thinks about how Hiro was acting. 1 Character 2 Achievements 2.1 Pitching 3 Trivia Goro is depicted as the hot-blooded stereotype who is always determined to fulfill goals to the very end. around 178cm (5'10") Hiro is still disheartened from Zero Two leaving but Ichigo vows they will protect him and Goro smiles as Hiro thanks them. She is an actress. Hiro follows Zero Two further into the water and the three boys begin watching them. Getting ready for a mission, the stamen look through their lockers. Hiro explains that he's inside the klaxosaur and that they were ordered to retreat, though everyone promises to save him. Ichigo is actually the shortest member on her team, although it doesn't affect how well she does in battle. Croix Meridies, Kill la Kill Yūichirō UmeharaDaiki Hamano (eps. Many follow and a very large one is about to bite Ichigo. Everyone later sits outside watching a meteor shower, wondering if they will find something they will die for. Mako Mankanshoku | After the minor Klaxosaurs are defeated, the structure reveals itself as a giant Gutenberg class Klaxosaur that overpowers Squad 26. Zero Two suddenly walks by and Ichigo turns to her and asks why it had to be Hiro. Hiro starts understanding Goro's feelings towards Ichigo, but before he can say anything, Goro says that he knows what makes Ichigo laugh, cry, but none of them would work for him, only Hiro could. Height Gorō He will not hesitate to sacrifice himself as he values others over himself. Goro is a tall, averagely built man with blond loose-spiked hair. He dons the standard Stamen Parasite uniform. They Parasites also make a line of defense: with Squad 26 on the front, Squad 13 on the middle, and Strelizia on the rear guard. Yunobo is a character in Breath of the Wild. They're soon lead to what appears to be an abandoned city. Goro was raised in the Garden where he was trained to become a Stamen. Strelizia evolves into Strelizia True Apus and eliminates the VIRM fleets and Goro sees two rocks on the monitor that reveals two satellites, which create a warp gate. He first appeared alongside Fischbach in "Let's Play 4-Way Air Hockey IN REAL LIFE!!" Elite Four (Ira Gamagōri | Uzu Sanageyama | Hōka Inumuta | Nonon Jakuzure) | Hiro says he doesn’t know what is right and wrong anymore. John: "Oh, I should like very much to cross swords with some real buccaneers". Being a descendant, he is able to use Daruk's Protection to defend himself from attacks. Goro tells this to the others and Hiro comes in to announce he is going to space to rescue Zero Two. Hiro suddenly walks in and smiles at Ichigo and the kids all stand around him and forget about the fight. Which is why they decided to reach out. Goro told her to stay out of it, though he was quickly defeated by the other kids. After meeting with the parasites from Plantation 26, Goro returns to his room, where finds Hiro clutching his chest on the floor. Meanwhile, Ichigo breaks down and disconnects from Goro. Zorome agrees and tells Goro not to be so timid. Goro suggests he sit this one out but Hiro declines. They are ravaged by more klaxosaurs in hiding and are struggling, until Strelizia quickly saves them and destroys the klaxosaurs. Ichigo states that Goro would come home very soon, and Ikuno tells her that Goro decided to postphone his travels since he wants to stay by Ichigo's side and care for their unborn child. He says that Ichigo's fine but got knocked out by the ejection and is getting treated with Zorome and Miku. Later, it appears that Goro has become more confident, straightforward and open with his feelings. Everyone then leaves for the Bird Nest while worried about Kokoro and Mitsuru. This angers Goro further, as he accuses Hiro of being selfish for not bothering to think of the people who care about him and are working their hardest to survive and protect him. Goro asks what is wrong and Hiro insists that he's fine. Miku then begins to complain about Ichigo that she's too biased towards Hiro when she's supposed to be their leader. Zero Two suggests they cook their own food. Goro goes to the new Nana to ask for more maintenance but she refuses because they need Papa’s permission and shows no empathy when he says they will die if they don’t. Goro is with everyone in the infirmary when the new Nana announces Kokoro is pregnant. He answers yes to all. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Realizing that it still is, he tells her to switch gears since they're going into actual combat. Matarō Mankanshoku | She looks around, clearly distressed. Ichigo suddenly interrupts them the group is called them back. They surmise the statue can link them to Hiro and Zero Two in space. Nico Niiyama, Darling in the Franxx Zero Two joins the feud and she changes the girls only bath sign to allow boys and, when they enter naked, the girls are already bathing. Looking at Ichigo's hairpin, Goro remembers their one event during their childhood: Hiro tells Ichigo that her bangs have grown at that it will be hard to see. Although it saddened him that Ichigo initially was in love with Hiro, Goro was content with being her friend, as long as she was happy. Due to Ichigo’s feelings for Hiro and his desire to see his friends happy, Goro opted not to pursue his feelings for Ichigo. The Darling River is simply not supposed to dry out, even in drought Goro's nickname may use some of the numeral's readings from his real name "Code:056": with no reading from "0", go from 5 (五 (ご) , go) and ro from 6 (六 (ろく) , roku). With the corridor blocked off, Ikuno and Futoshi blast through it at full power but Chlorophytum deactivates and her hair turns white. He states that he is completely fine with just being able to stand beside Ichigo as her partner. After another encounter with Squad 26, Goro expresses his desire that Strelizia shouldn't be part of the mission, though Hiro happily replies that they should show them what they're made of. Futoshi | Papa reveals they are VIRM and he is the leader, and he has been using humanity as tools for his own benefit. Ichigo throws Zero Two away from him and Goro tries to console Zero Two. Goro then tells Hiro that he and Ichigo have always been together with him, so it was like a miracle that all three of them got assigned from the special class to there. Though Miku tells them to get dressed, he says they can do whatever they like on their side. Alpha says no and in fact Papa has been worried about them, much to Miku and Zorome’s relief. Goro says they are really in space. Everyone bids him farewell and Ichigo tells him to stay in contact with them, before he kisses Ichigo and and tells every to take care. She says that she'll do her best as leader and tells Goro to take care of the handling. Under duress, he will take over the role as the leader to ensure the stability and survival of the squad. Michael is clumsy, innocent, observant and playful. He asks why she came, and she says that she was sure that he would try something reckless since he's so headstrong even though he's weak. He playfully nudges him for getting a jump on him. Goro | She flees and when the others become worried and decide to look for her, they find her in one of the sealed off rooms in the dorm, where they discover items related to the previous members of Squad 13, which were killed in battle long ago. He has an upbeat and easygoing "class rep" personality and is the "moodmaker" amongst the squad. He's a talented pilot and seen by many as one of the most well-valued parasites in Cerasus. Age Goro responded by punching Hiro. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to confess his love to Ichigo in Episode 09 after she rescued him from the Gutenberg-class Klaxosaur. Rōmaji Most likely 17-18. Goro picks up food that is delivered once a week to them and, as he stocks them with Hiro, he wonders how long this will continue. He then hands her his hairclip and she asks if he picked it up for her. He asks what she's doing, but she shushes him. Zorome mentions the ceremony and Goro points out their rings but Mitsuru says they were already there and he and Kokoro think the other is a new squadmate. Ichigo wonders if they can stay a little longer but Goro says they have rations for a few more days. Goro is shown teaching some parasites how to plant the plants. Goro ends the episode narrating that everything changes like the flow of the river. The Parasites of the 13th and 26th Plantation attend a grand ceremony. He also shows inter��� MEDIA Goro is selfless who cares very deeply for his friends. Goro walks in when the rest of the Parasites are talking about the "Parter Killer". In his hand, he holds Ichigo's hairpin. Goro tells Hiro he will no longer fight his decision because they have all chosen this path to survive, moving Hiro to tears. He tells them that the Pistils let the Stamen handle all the controls, but they bear the brunt of each battle. When Zero Two attacked Hiro in a blind rage, Goro initially conspired to help the squad keep her away from Hiro. He also tells Ikuno that he will find the thing she was looking for. Inferno Cop Kokoro admits she wants to have a baby and explains they were not created by Papa as they were led to believe but they are all capable of bearing children and she wants to leave a mark before she dies. Hachi announces that, besides from the Conrad-class pack, they've also detected a large, tightly packed unit. Gridman Alliance (Yuta Hibiki | Rikka Takarada | Sho Utsumi) | The children marvel at the city's main energy source and when Goro asks Ichigo about it, she seems uncomfortable. Galo Thymos | At Cerasus, the Parasites attend their welcoming meeting where they are praised by Papa. Hiro says if Zero Two can’t smile at him, then he’s better off dead. In the MATO comic, Goro refers to himself as a fishing coach and he teaches fishing to the children, which makes Ichigo wonder when did he become a fishing coach.
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