Frontline uses two pesticides, and so children should be kept away from the … However, some dogs do have a sensitivity to the medication and develop skin irritation after the medication is applied. After one dose, my dog became extremely hyper - kept running in circles. Although both products are water resistant, the pet should be bathed either before applying, or several days afterwards. K9 Advantix was developed so that Bayer could compete against Frontline (made by Merial) with a claim of efficacy against ticks. Cats exposed to the product through oral exposure or even contact with the skin may suffer symptoms that start with salivation, facial and whisker twitching, and agitation. Keep your dog safe from irritating and dangerous pests with k9 Advantix for dogs under 10 Lbs. Monthly treatment with Advantix will keep your dog free of … If your dog licks K9 Advantix II before the pesticide has dried, they may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. This is a big benefit so your dog gets less bitten, less irritated and will have a lower chance of any further parasite related complications. It is unsafe to use in cats. Severe infestations, in which overwhelming numbers of the blood-sucking parasites feed simultaneously, can trigger fatal anemia. Stay informed! Monthly treatments are required for optimal control and prevention of fleas and ticks. Neither product should be used on puppies under 8 weeks old. The flipside of this is that it won’t pose any danger to your cats in any way, so if the mosquito side isn’t a problem and you have house cats then this might be a consideration for you. Advantix is a brand-name flea and tick medication produced by Bayer. If you notice that Advantix has gotten on your skin by accident, immediately rinse your skin with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Hi JPS, You are correct that garlic and onions may be harmful to dogs, HOWEVER, the toxicity revolves around the dosage given. These include itching, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. K9 Advantix is one of the best topical products on the market for killing and repelling fleas and ticks. All rights reserved. It attacks the nervous system of adult fleas and ticks, while S-methoprene prevents the development of eggs and larvae. H332 Harmful if inhaled. Dog Size: When using K9 Advantix, you need to consider the size of your dog. This feature of permethrin toxicity (the bath may also have contributed to hypothermia) is a serious challenge to treat. The San Francisco SPCA Spoofs Portlandia with Catlandia. The owner blamed herself. In addition to biting and feeding on pets, ticks can transmit diseases like Lyme disease. Using a stronger dose that is meant for treating bigger canines may trigger unfavorable side effects. Up Next. The packaging for K9 Advantix (for dogs) looks a lot like its much safer cousin for cats, Advantage. Click to see full answer It is also a highly recommended product by veterinarians. Advantix claims fleas are dead within 12 hours, and also treats flea larvae, and repels biting flies and sandlflies. In a multi-pet home, K9 Advantix would become even more dangerous if used. The cat did not respond fully to muscle relaxants and anti-seizure drugs, so she had to be anesthetized for several hours to control the urgent symptoms and given cautious thermal support. The ASPCA states: “While it’s uncommon for dogs to eat enough raw onions and garlic to cause serious problems, exposure to concentrated forms of onion or garlic, such as dehydrated onions, onion soup mix or garlic powder, may put dogs at risk of toxicosis.” Dogs may lick themselves and be exposed to the toxins too. Fortunately, the cat made a complete recovery. However, cat owners need to be aware of another, more insidious risk: K9 Advantix. Unfortunately, it was too late. Frontline Plus claims that fleas die within 18 hours of applying the treatment, and ticks within 48 hours. The product’s active ingredients are imidacloprid and permethrin. I disagreed. H335 May cause respiratory irritation. Fleas carry diseases and parasites such as tapeworms, Bartonellosis (also known as cat scratch fever), and feline infectious anemia. Advantix contains permethrin, which is totally fine for dogs, but lethal to cats. The “K9” should tip you off. In cats (and especially sensitive dogs), the permethrin acts as a nerve toxin. Neither product should be used on puppies under 8 weeks old. Do not give your pet Imidacloprid by mouth! The chemicals within the products cause an adverse reaction within the dog’s body, which is marked by a variety of symptoms. K9 Advantix®II for dogs and puppies is a topical treatment that quickly kills fleas, ticks, lice and mosquitoes through contact and reduces bites from mosquitoes and stable flies. The only known side effects include symptoms of skin irritation like scratching, and redness. Advantage is safe for use in … Cats should also be kept away from any dog that has been treated with Advantix. K9 Advantix is both of my dogs react. He'd stare blankly and started crying. Both cost more for larger dogs. How to Calculate Cat Years to Human Years. After this period, they are fine for baths, swimming or rainy weather. Unable to walk steadily, his tail between his legs.I initially thought he had jumped of the couch and hurt his hindquarters some how. If you read this far, you should follow us: "Advantix vs Frontline." A non-detergent shampoo is recommended. Pet owners largely report similar efficacy for both Advantix and Frontline. Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. Make sure you check the labels carefully. Advantix kills fleas within 12 hours and prevents re-infestation for a month. Happily, there are several safe and effective flea treatments.  |  Advantix can be harmful to human skin. The products are similar; dosages are based on the dog’s weight. Upon application, dogs may have side-effects from either type of this product. Frontline uses two pesticides, and so children should be kept away from the application area for a couple of days. 11556-141 K9 ADVANTIX II Medium Dog Unfortunately, it is very easy to mistake K9 Advantix for its safer cousin, and it’s accidentally applied to cats frequently — often with disastrous consequences. Frontline Plus has two active ingredients: Fipronil (9.8%) and (S)-Methoprene (8.8%). Expert Advice When Using K9 Advantix. Used K9 Advantix believing it to be top of the line. Bites from infected mosquitoes can spread heartworm disease. If you have cats, keep your dog away from them for 24 hours after application. It is, for the most part, safe for use in dogs (although I don’t recommend it, because its margin of safety isn’t sufficient for my taste). How long does it take for K9 Advantix® II to work on fleas? A pack of 6 applicators of Frontline for dogs weighing 0-22 lbs costs $63 on Amazon. However, a much more likely cause is that as pests are killed, new fleas and ticks infect the dog, making it difficult to get rid of the infestation completely. The second is permethrin, an old-school insecticide that is effective against ticks. The long and short of the Advantage 2 flea drops is that it has the same parts as Advantix 2 for dogs but it won’t help protect your pet against mosquitoes. Advantix has more dangerous chemicals, making it potentially lethal for cats and risky for children to pet dogs because the pesticides may enter the body via hand to mouth contamination. While Frontline Plus and K9 Advantix are both safe and approved by the U.S. EPA, there are still side effects that can occur. The next day he showed signs of back leg problems. While to get K9 Advantage ii, you will need to pay for $59. © 2019 Belvoir Media Group. Children should be kept away for several days because if they touch the pet and then fail to disinfect their hands before eating food, they could ingest some of the toxic chemicals. Advantage is safe for use in cats. The great outdoors doesn't have to be scary. Joe, Champ & friends have K9 Advantix® II that kills & repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, too. Frontline is available for dogs and puppies up to 22 lbs, dogs from 23-44 lbs, 45-88 lbs and 89-132 lbs. 16 May 2021. K9 Advantix is especially dangerous because it is made by the same company as Advantage, and is packaged similarly. However, if you are concerned about ticks in your cat or dog, I recommend Frontline (or an equivalent generic product containing fipronil). K9 Advantix allergies in dogs occur when dogs are exposed to the chemicals within K9 Advantix or K9 Advantix II. Bayer’s solution was K9 Advantix–it also prevents tick infestations. Well, in 2011 a company named Bayer released their product K9 Advantix II which claims to protect dogs from common ectoparasites such mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, chewing lice, and biting flies.
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