Required fields are marked *, two Surely, this was a law that everyone abided by until November 1, 1974. Even if you did – this brings us to why they are not struck – they are a violation of the Separation Clause (in spite of the McGowan vs. Maryland ruling) and therefore unconstitutional. Blue laws have been a part of our history since Colonial times and were enforced in Massachusetts until the 1990’s when alcohol sales were allowed on Sundays.. First it was the border towns that were allowed to open, then in 2003 Governor Romney approved a bill that allowed all stores in Massachusetts the opportunity to open on Sunday. Puritans were not only very concerned about your bedroom activities, but they would bring the proverbial hammer down for kissing in public. You can be fined $50 if you shout obscenities during a sporting event held here in Massachusetts. If you were thinking of bringing your gorilla with you, make sure he’s in the front seat. Divorced, yet still living in the same house for the sake of the kids perhaps? However, the following exceptions apply: Election Day. There are still laws on the books that will get you banned! If you cheat on your spouse, you get “…state prison for not more than three years or in jail for not more than two years or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars.” Of course, no one commits adultery in the entire state of Massachusetts since their is no record of a single adulterer in our prison system. Massachusett’s Blue Laws garner a laugh today, but were serious “crimes” to settlers. Beginning just after the repeal of prohibition by the 21st Amendment on Dec. 5, 1933, the minimum drinking age in Massachusetts was set at age 21. Additional notes: Happy hours have not been legal in Massachusetts … If it is technically breaking the law to violate one of these, will a “bad” cop actually cite or arrest me? The word abluent means “Washing away; carrying off impurities” according to and “true blue” means “extremely loyal or orthodox.”. If you slip up and have any extra-curricular activity it’s considered adultery by the state. eight To … Since 1990, package stores in Massachusetts have been permitted to open on the Sunday after Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, or year-round if they were located within 10 miles of the New Hampshire and Vermont borders. You could go to a bar, but you weren’t grabbing a six-pack and burgers to watch the game. Off to the state prison for you two. However, the following exceptions apply: Election Day. The kid can smoke, just can’t buy. Fort Taber Flag to honor George E. Patisteas, KIA during WWII Aboard the USS Bunker Hill, Fort Taber – Fort Rodman flag honors WWII veteran George Gomes, Flag to honor Veteran Walter LaBerge of Swansea flies over Fort Taber, Massachusetts Senate to vote today on moving abortion age to 16 years old. Learn how your comment data is processed. (Joseph E. Baker, 1892). Aren’t married? The beer air-curtain coolers and wine shelves had police-style tape across them reading that Sunday sales were prohibited. Restaurants and bars can serve from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Saturday. While the legislature has yet to pass the bill outlawing marijuana candy; if you get caught selling candy containing more than 1% alcohol, you’ll be fined $100. Does your husband snore? Starting Sunday, Massachusetts' so-called "blue laws" will now allow liquor stores in the state to open at 10 a.m. — instead of noon — on Sundays … These laws were “stiff Sabbath regulations” developed by Puritans in some New England States and colonies, and many still persist today. . Today, only a handful of blue laws remain, and most of these regulate the sale of alcohol. “Enactment of this legislation will help us retain untold millions in tax revenue that we are currently losing to our neighboring states both in the form of alcohol sales on Sunday as well as sales incidental to the purchase of alcohol on Sunday.” Massachusetts Joins Growing List of States Liberalizing Liquor Laws Massachusetts is the sixth state in the last year and a half to approve Sunday sales expansions, as states nationwide reconsider their antiquated, Prohibition-era liquor laws. In this book he describes these as “Blue Laws; i.e. Sunday restrictions: None. Tomatoes,without a doubt, do not belong in clam chowder! The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) is the national trade association representing producers and marketers of distilled spirits sold in the United States. BOSTON, November 26, 2003 – With the stroke of his pen today, Governor Mitt Romney brought the Puritan state into the 21st Century, striking down the ban on Sunday alcohol sales, one of the last vestiges of the Prohibition era, according to the Distilled Spirits Council. Are you a woman who prefers to be on top? Go figure. When I hit the road on Sundays this hunting season, I plan on making a lot of citizen’s arrests to help generate some revenue for the Commonwealth. For example, in Connecticut, it is illegal to sell alcohol on Christmas day, unless of course you’re in a casino. Where did the term come from? Years after they were created, the Blue Laws changed to prohibit businesses from operating on Sunday. There is no evidence or historical mention of this anywhere. Those laws that the early settlers passed will cause our friends and family chuckle, but there was a time when they were no laughing matter. The blue laws that are still in place tend to restrict retail sales—especially those of liquor and cars—on Sundays and holidays. Nope. Filling up on some grog and passing out under a tree’s shade could easily lead to missing Sunday service. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Various retail and non-retail businesses are allowed to operate on those days, but some retailers must pay premium pay to workers. Until 1974, fellatio was illegal. M.G.L. On the day of any federal, state, or local election, the sale of packaged alcoholic beverages is prohibited while polls are open. According to Chapter 270: Section 5. that will get you “…a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two months.” He/she is going to have to tough it out and hope the $40 per Ibuprofen does the job. Let’s hope no police force or officer decides to go rogue! Your email address will not be published. Alcoholic candy is illegal in the commonwealth. Public drunkenness was severely frowned upon. For example, Merriam-Webster defines a “bluenose” as “a person who advocates a rigorous moral code.” Google defines it as “a priggish or puritanical person.” Of course, we are all familiar with the term “blueblood” and its reference to nobility. Having said that, I’d imagine that these aren’t struck, because like everything that involves the government it’s a long, drawn out process and an expensive one to get them to empty an ashtray in a conference room let alone get anything productive done in terms of legislature. We’re talking stockades for you, because hunting is illegal on Sundays in Massachusetts. The effective date of the new law was April 1, 1973. A certain Captain Kimble was so ecstatic at seeing his wife after returning from a three year whaling voyage, that he lost all control and semblance of decorum and kissed his wife. Bar closing time: 2:00am. Special rules also apply to factories and mills and to the sale of alcoholic beverages. It’s totally legal. A day in the county jail should straighten you out, you vixen. Consuming any amount of any intoxicating substance could result in charges. Equal Opportunity Employer — Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, or other protected status. When Joe isn't writing, he's coaching people to punch each other in the face. But, if you leave church and use that rifle to go hunting, you’re in it even deeper. That’s when everyone went bananas and enjoyed fellatio for the first time ever. As some of you may recall, this archaic law persisted until 2004 – one could not purchase alcohol off-premises. In Massachusetts, DUI has a broad definition. We learned our lesson after twenty people, most “witches” were murdered, right? The Massachusetts Blue Laws control which businesses may legally operate on Sundays and some legal holidays. I guess, that’s a heck of a lot better than being burned at the stake, crushed with stones, or drowned. Early Puritans were quite concerned about what other people did in the privacy of their bedrooms. Grocery and convenience stores can sell beer and wine from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Very unlikely. Sunday liquor sale ban to end Romney to sign law lifting the prohibition. You rascals. Christmas. Blue laws are laws designed to restrict certain activities on Sundays (or other specific days) … Eight towns in Massachusetts are still completely dry, meaning that no alcohol can be sold at all, and many more only allow the sale of alcohol when accompanied by … Generally, most were more “legitimate” violations such as not showing up for church, gambling, or swearing. In fact, I’d like to see some stiffer penalties involved, even perhaps bringing back the pillory, stockade or even guillotine: “Tomatoes cannot be used in clam chowder.”, By Michael P. Norton State House News Service The House approved an abortion access budget …. Are you a church-goer? Poor kids. If you are a “witch” or even a Quaker for that matter, you will be promptly banned. Many, if not most, revolved around Sunday – the Sabbath day. Ahh, good ol’ Bean Town. The urban legend, an incorrect one, is that these laws were published on blue paper, hence the moniker. “Consumers and retailers will no longer be bound by Blue Laws of a bygone era, while the state will gain new revenue.” Under the new law, which goes into effect immediately, package stores throughout the state will be permitted to open on Sunday all year round. How rude. Blue Laws have reached an almost urban legend level status – sometimes making it difficult to separate fact from fiction. On February 16, 1979, t… However, the opening time wa Because, having in the backseat would be illegal. No alcohol sales begin before noon on Sunday.It’s illegal to sell alcohol on any election day while polls are open.Happy hours are illegal in the state. Presently, Blue Laws restrict businesses from opening up on days that are considered holidays. From parking tickets to Kinder Eggs, sometimes the law works in mysterious ways. (Vermont struck down the remainder of its blue laws in the 1980s, although no one outside the state noticed until just recently.) Since being drunk would have a marked effect on attendance, one of the first Blue Laws to be enacted was the prohibition of alcohol sales on Sunday period. The term blue law commonly refers to the prohibition of alcohol sales on Sunday, but it historically defined a body of regulations designed to preserve the Sabbath by proscribing most labor on that day. With a little help from, we’ve gathered together some of the most bizarre laws and regulations in Massachusetts.Most of these laws are still on the books, though they may not be enforced much … Just tell your son or daughter (must be under the age of 16) the swears and have them yell it. These days it’s pretty common to have a goatee, especially if you shave your head. The two hours that he spent in the stocks for his “lewd and unseemly behavior.” Hopefully that insured that he didn’t lose control again. ‘Blue Laws’ Change To Allow Liquor Stores To Sell Alcohol 2 Hours Earlier On Sundays. It’s not uncommon to hear a few mentioned during a social. You lot are in deep trouble. he term blue lawsrefers to laws that restrict certain activities on Sundays and, in some states such as Massachusetts, holidays. If you are at a baseball or football game and an official or player really gets your goat, you will be cited or flogged for swearing at him. Yelling profanities at a participant or official at a sporting event -- unless you're younger than 16. Joe Silvia display: none !important; The Massachusetts Wage Act requires certain employers who sell goods at retail to pay … Other states that have rolled back Blue Laws include New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Rhode Island (during holiday season). Blue laws are not only uncommon in the United States but they are also outdated. In addition, If a miracle happens and the state decides to clean up these Blue Laws and strike them from the books, I’d like them to consider leaving one very important and serious Blue Law on the books. Under Massachusetts state law, packaged alcoholic beverages may be sold between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, and between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Blue Laws were originally established in the United States to prevent so-called "moral offenses," such as gambling and drinking alcohol. Non-residents of the state can also apply for a LTC license, however, they are required to obtain a temporary license before traveling to the state and their application must be submitted to the state police whereas residents apply at the local police station. Wasn’t it Patrick Henry that said “Give me spiked chocolate or give me death!”? Zero Tolerance Laws For Massachusetts No, seriously. The term Blue Law was first mentioned in 1781, some decades after they existed. Located in Washington, D.C., DISCUS is led by Dr. Peter H. Cressy, the former Chancellor of UMass Dartmouth. So will you be cited or arrested by a “bad” cop for violating a blue law? Other states that have rolled back Blue Laws include New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Rhode Island (during holiday season). Let’s discuss some of the more risque prohibitions. I think you get the point. Under Massachusetts state law, packaged alcoholic beverages may be sold between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, and between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. A state government task force is considering changing regulations and laws on the sale and consumption of alcohol. The vast majority of these laws were created by puritans who wanted to enforce a religious standard – an enforced morality if you will. Monday to Saturday: 8:00am to 11:00pm. Early European settlers in Massachusetts enacted Blue Laws 340 years ago during a time when church and state were intertwined.  ×  The state sets a general limit for alcohol, a blood-alcohol count (BAC) of 0.08%, but it’s only a general guideline. Twenty-seven states now permit the sale of spirits on Sunday. WIS, a major TV station in the capital , Columbia, featured interviews with pre …  =  Historically, the most famous (or infamous) blue laws prevent the purchase or sale of alcohol on Sundays. No activities were to be undertaken on Sunday. A penalty would follow, often as minor as a fine, but perhaps as severe as a flogging or some pillory time. In fact, they make great ice breakers and spur on conversation. Why haven’t they been struck from the “books”? However, when the kid runs out of cigarettes, the cop can bust him buying a new pack. “Here in Massachusetts — the Mother of all Blue Laws — the Sunday sales prohibition is finally history,” said Distilled Spirits Council Peter Cressy President, whose organization lobbied aggressively in support of the change. However, many Massachusetts laws regarding alcohol have recently become subject to legislative change. The fact, that they aren’t an issue – no one is enforcing them – makes them seem irrelevant. Distilled Spirits Council of the United States is the national trade association representing producers and marketers of distilled spirits sold in the United States. On the day of any federal, state, or local election, the sale of packaged alcoholic beverages is prohibited while polls are open. Massachusetts forbids chocolate to contain any more than 1% alcohol. Christmas. Then, following the July 1, 1971 passage of the 26th Amendment (which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years of age), on April 13, 1972, governor Francis M. Sargent (following suit with 29 other governors) signed a bill lowering the Massachusetts drinking age from 21 to 18. Mass. Such changes would ban price … They are suggesting changing the alcohol tax and raising fines and fees for citations relating to alcohol. Sale, delivery or furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons under twenty-one years of age; employment of persons under eighteen years of age Section 34. As some of you may recall, this archaic law persisted until 2004 – one could not purchase alcohol off-premises. A leftover of the puritanical legislation. laws have operated to protect Christian business owners from competition on their sabbath. The gun laws in Massachusetts are fairly restrictive with some issuing authorities requiring applicants to justify the need for a firearm. Alcohol laws of Massachusetts Last updated December 09, 2019 Location of Massachusetts. I can remember blue laws down there from many years ago. (Because nothing captures … I see a lot of goatees and I’m pretty sure none of the …er…goatee-ees, have the special license fee that is mandatory. Thinking of adding some Gran Marnier to some chocolate for a dinner party? If he does it with the windows open, he’s busted. The government cannot be used to enforce religious tenets, let alone enforce the centuries old morals of a group of puritans. Also, a child can walk up to a police officer puffing a cigarette and there’s not a darn thing he can do about it. In the United States, judges have defended blue laws "in terms of their secular benefit to workers", holding that "the laws were essential to social well-being". As most Americans know, theist or otherwise, Sunday is the day of rest. Remember that whole Salem Witch Trial blight on Massachusett’s history? “It is clear to me that the extension of Sunday sales will reap untold benefits upon businesses, employees, consumers and the Commonwealth,” said Rep. Daniel E. Bosley, House Chairman of the Joint Committee on Government Regulations. While he enjoys long walks on the beach, he will not be your alarm clock, because he's no ding-a-ling. DUI Laws In Massachusetts. Whoever makes a sale or delivery of any alcoholic beverage or alcohol to any person Your email address will not be published. Imagine getting pulled over – “Driver’s License, registration, proof of insurance….and special license for that goatee, please.”. (M.G.L. Reverend Samuel Peters’ used the term in his book “General History of Connecticut,” but we don’t actually know if he coined the term or used an existent one. Not that I’ve ever had much of an appetite at a wake, but if you aren’t like me, be careful you don’t eat more than three sandwiches or you will be pilloried. Changes to the Current Law. .hide-if-no-js { In Massachusetts, those laws are set forth in a complex statutory framework that can be difficult to interpret and that causes much confusion among employ- ers. c.270 §8) Better not cuss out the ref! So why do we still have these laws? (M.G.L. Changes Due to COVID-19: More information can be found in this document from the National Institutes of Health. 2 Comments, Are you a witch? Did you know that kids get some special privileges under Blue Law legislation? These 16 Crazy Laws in Massachusetts Will Leave You Scratching Your Head In Wonder. History, New Bedford Guide With the 70th anniversary of Prohibition repeal approaching on Dec. 5, states are modernizing these laws to provide consumers more convenience and states more tax revenue. What a moral way to punish someone for their immorality! We wouldn’t do that Joe, because we don’t want to be “punished by imprisonment for not more than three months or by a fine of not more than thirty dollars.” Such pious kids you are. bloody Laws; for they were all sanctified with whipping, cutting off the ears, burning the tongue, and death.” Serious stuff, indeed. It could of course, also lead to a row or two. By Jenna Russell, Globe Staff, 11/23/2003. Now, that we’ve cleared the dull, let’s have some fun discussing some of these laws. So “blue” in this sense, would refer to the “high” morality of the laws. No one actually knows with certainty, but what we do know is that “Blue” is a term used to often to symbolize something lofty, aristocratic, or puritanical. With the 70th anniversary … The early Europeans settlers took this day quite seriously, and it wasn’t uncommon for a nosy neighbor to report another neighbor for pulling a mule out of the mud. Starting Sunday November 2, 2014, Massachusetts’ so-called “blue laws” will now allow liquor stores in the state to open at 10 a.m. — instead of noon — on Sundays to sell alcohol without needing to get any special permission from local authorities. Have a friend in the hospital that you were going to bring a nip to? There are some interesting laws about kids. See M.G.L. Retailers may open at any time on Sunday without the need for approval by the Department of Labor Standards, and without the need for a local police permit, except for retailers of alcoholic beverages, which may not open until 10 a.m. on Sunday. Dull etymology lesson over. A Massachusetts Superior Court in Bassett v.Triton Technologies, Inc., has recently provided a reminder and warning to Massachusetts employers that they must abide by the dictates of Sunday blue laws or risk private lawsuits by employees, with the potential for automatic recovery of treble damages.
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