38 After an overcall, 2NT is a natural invitational bid with 11 or 12 points. We still have to discuss our “treatments” to make sure we are in agreement with partner on the meaning of certain bids. If This article discusses methods used to raise partner’s minor suit opening bid (i.e., an opening bid of 1♣ or 1 ♦) with the following types of hands:. natural 1, 1, 1, 1 openings. Introduction. a 3NT response showing diamonds: Opener Responder 2NT 3 ˝ - shows a club suit 3NT - shows a diamond suit The responses are not like those used for minor suit transfers after a 1NT opening. Note:A new suit response at the two level is invitational. Fair to Good: Nine or more points. Our chapter for today — Audrey Grant's Bridge Basics 1 series, Ch. Partner's opening bid may not immediately reveal a major suit fit. S. QJ4 H. 3 D. 42 C. AJ108743. with minor suit openings. The Imprecision 1NT response is an artificial game invitation, the weakness of the 1d system. Minor suit slams are difficult to bid under the best of situations, but after partner has taken away all our bidding space by opening 2NT (often called the "slam killer" opening bid) we need help in finding a way to try to explore slam. Take a look at this tool and see if it fits into your bidding system. If you hear one of those and have a decent suit, get in there – especially with shortness in diamonds or the bid suit – lest partner pass it out. 3.1 Responding to Minor Suit Opening 3.1.1 Responding with Less Than 6 Points. The term suit opening is used to describe a one-level natural opening in a suit, i.e. Over a minor-suit opening, 2NT shows a balanced hand limited to 13 to 15 points. Over a minor suit opening, the emphasis should be to introduce an alternative suit in preference to merely supporting the opening minor (majors and no-trumps score more). Robert. Start studying Minor Suit Openings & Responses. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A 3C or 3D opening bid is not supposed to conceal a four card major. DOWNLOAD THIS LESSON: WORD PDF This section should be used to clarify the natural use of notrump responses over a minor-suit opening. After opening 3C and hearing partner respond 3D, show a major suit stopper if you have one. Bid 3S to show a spade stopper. When he opens in a minor suit, he denies a five card major, but you may have a major suit fit anyway if you can bid hearts or spades yourself. Some minor-suit distributions will be almost impossible to describe, especially if you have a minimum opener. If opener has good support for the indicated suit, he stays at the three level. 1 Summary 1.1 Responses to Major suit opening 1.2 Responses to Minor suit opening 2 Treatments 2.1 Common treatments and conventions 2.2 Somewhat common treatments and conventions 2.3 … You can make this major suit response with only a four card suit. Minor Suit Openings When opening a minor suit, we use the following guidelines: 1♣. What we try to do when our… As there are many different treatments afterwards, here lists some of the common ones. 4 — tells how to open and respond in a minor suit (♣ and ♦). Poor: Five to nine points. This shows a holding like AKx, AQx, AJx, KJx, or bette r. The opening bids and responses are all “natural.” That doesn’t mean there’s nothing to consider. The 3S response does not show a real suit. Imprecision uses non-forcing responses of 1h, 1s and 2c over the 1d opening. Even when we have a fit and sufficient points in a minor suit, we prefer to declare at 4M or 3NT. If you have less than 6 points: You must pass. Conversely, over a major suit opening, the emphasis should be to give support for the opening major at the appropriate level. After a takeout double, 2NT is a conventional bid showing a limit raise.
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