No Men are Foreign Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary Kickstart your preparation by using this Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 and get the max score in the exams. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie 3. The poet says that (in this world) no men are strange and no countries are foreign. The poet tells that they are all humans same as the we should not hate it brothers. What does the poet ask us to remember in the first stanza of the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’? The very air that we breathe is becoming impure and will not be able to sustain human life for much longer. No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in English. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. The No Men are Foreign Poem Summary revolves around the concept of brotherhood and humanity. No Men are Foreign Important Questions and Answers Class 9 English Poem is given below. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. No country in world is foreign. What is the perception of the poet? Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read Ans: The poet says that all people have the same type of body. Humanity is the same all over the world and in harming anyone we are harming ourselves. How does the poet show that no men are strange or foreign? Though we all look different, we are all having same body. They breathe in the same way. We are all human beings. c) What is not strange? In this stanza, the poet compares wartime with hell. What does the poet want to say ? We all walk on the same land. Nothing is strange or foreign. No person or no country can be categorised to be strange. No Men are Foreign Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. We get food from this land. Answer: From the first stanza we come to know that the poet is against all the borders among the countries and he expressed his wish to remove it. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. Te poem ‘No men are foreign’ tells about that no people unity of human race. That is why Share. Candidates who are ambitious to qualify the Class 09 with good score can check this article for Notes. According to him, we humans are one, we have the same body, samRead more He tells us to remember, no men are strange. Question 1. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. The hatred and anger spread all over the world are damaging peace only. In this class kusum goyal is going to teach No Men Are Foreign in English and would be helpful for aspirants preparing for CBSE 9th. "No Men are Foreign" is a poem about why it's wrong to hate others based on differences such as race, culture, or geography. Ans: The poet want to say that all people are same and there is no difference among... Q3. No Men are Foreign : Theme • In No Men Are Foreign, James Kirkup reminds us that the man-made differences are baseless and they have caused endless wars and bloodshed. The theme of the poem No Men are Foreign is universal brotherhood, fraternity, equality and oneness. This article talks about all the different themes and summary of the Poem No Men are Foreign by James Kirkup. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. Watch Now. Answer: In the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’, the poet asks us to remember that under all uniforms, a single body breathes like ours. The course will be covered in English and the notes will be provided in English. The authors intended to write this poem is universal brotherhood. This poem emphasizes the fact that men might belong to different races, nations, but … Class 09 English No Men are Foreign – Get here the Notes for Class 09 English No Men are Foreign. As a result of this, the earth is becoming poisoned. No Men are Foreign extra questions answers Q1. 1M watch mins. Stanza 1 Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. Name the poet of the poem “No Men Are Foreign”?’’ Ans: James Kirkup is the poet of the poem ‘’No men are Foreign.’’ 2. Our greedy to occupy other countries by waging war against them, resulting in devastation outrages the innocence. No countries are foreign means all Nations have similar kind of relief features and sand so how can one Nation be different from the other. b) Who are not foreign? In this session we will do explanation+ questions on No men are foreign poem to make all the students ready for the exam. • Divisions based on superficial differences are senseless since we all need the same basic resources for our survival. The people who spread scorn and take up arms are hoodlums and have the right to be condemned. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. No Men are Foreign Important Questions and Answers Class 9 English Poem. BY JAMES KIRKUP. § It is composed in blank verse. By James Kirkup . Why does the poet say that there are no foreign countries ? No Men Are Foreign Multiple Choice Questions. Ans: With the help of nature's the poet says that there... Q2. Malya Rastogi. It is true that our skin may be of a different colour but our soul is the same. No Men are Foreign is an excellent poem which is well explained by Edumantra through No Men are Foreign Introduction, Message, Theme, Title, Characters of No Men are Foreign, Summary in English, No Men are Foreign Summary in Hindi, Word meanings of No Men are Foreign, Complete lesson in Hindi, No Men are Foreign Extracts, Long answers, Short answers of No Men are Foreign, … Also, it tells that every human being that lives on this earth are brothers and are same. Despite being from different countries, speaking different languages, believing in different religions, we all … No Men Are Foreign MCQ Questions with Answers Class 9 Poem 6. He wishes to remove the borders … So he is asking us to behave that nobody is stranger and no country is foreign because ail are alike. No Men Are Foreign. NCERT Class 9 Poem Chapter 6 No Men Are Foreign MCQ Questions with Answers. Moreover, we all have some kind of body and needs sun, air, water, and clothes to cover us. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. We have a common soul. When we hate others, we actually rob, deceive and condemn our ownselves. Through these lines the poet tell us that we do all our activities on the same land. Glossary: The very air that we breathe is becoming impure and will not be able to sustain human life for much longer. Analysis of the poem § The poem ‘No Men are Foreign’ is composed by James Kirkup, an English poet, translator and travel writer. According to him all men in the universe are the same and equal. He says no one is different for other. This is possible only when you have the best CBSE Class 09 English study material and a smart preparation plan. No Men Are Foreign Extra Questions and Answers: 1. So join me in this fun session at 8pm. The poet makes us aware that the earth belongs to all human beings. The poet addresses the readers and reminds them that no men are strangers and no country is foreign. No Men are Foreign Summary – This poem ‘No Men are Foreign’ is all about human beings. 'No men are foreign' tell us that we should not consider anyone as foreign or 'strange. ' In war as in hell, there is fire and smoke everywhere. Question 1: Beneath all uniforms, a single —— … c. No Men Are strangers all have the same features they have the same eyes and hands. No Men are Foreign (Poll+Explanation) Nov 6, 2020 • 1h . Learners at any stage of their preparation will be benefited by the course. He teaches that every single person is our brother or sister. No Men Are Foreign’ is a beautiful poem giving a message of unity and hannons among all people and nations of the world. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. § The tone of the poem is didactic as the poet teaches us to stay united and peaceful. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. d. The poet through the poetic device of apostrophe addresses. The people of one country shouldn’t think the people other countries as stranger. We are the people, who share this common land and hence, we can affair that we are the same. Let's crack it. a) What outrages the innocence? In war as in hell, there is fire and smoke everywhere. The nearby countries are not strange. As a result of this, the earth is becoming poisoned. The main theme of the poem "No Men are Foreign" is the unity of humankind The poet explains beautifully the shallow differences of colour, race, nationality and religion. No Men Are Foreign - Coggle Diagram: No Men Are Foreign (Structure, Literary Devices, Title , THEME, Rhyme Scheme, Tone) We should not distinguish the people of one country from others for we have no reason to … Answer: We should remember that – “no men are foreigner and no countries are strange.” No Men Are Foreign Extra Questions and Answers Short Type. Answer – No Men Are Foreign: The poet means to say in these lines that it is the same land on which we walk and after our death would be buried in the same earth. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. The poet is addressing all of us. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. Question 1. You can cover all the topics of Poem Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign easily after studying the Karnataka Board Class 8 English Textbook Questions and Answers pdf. At last the poet asks us to to remember that no men are strange and no countries foreign. No men are foreign poem by poet James Kirkup is one of the best poems for teenagers. The poem is divided in five quatrains (stanza of four lines). In this stanza, the poet compares wartime with hell. When we fight against others we spoil the purity of our own earth. The fire and smoke from the weapons of war poison that very air which is everywhere and which we all breathe. Unit Title No men are foreign… Unit Summary This is a simple poem named by No men are foreign, which tells us that we should not consider anyone as foreign or strange. The very first line of the poem "no men are foreign, no countries strange" depicts that the poet talks about the above mentioned theme. He says no one is different from the other. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. Explanation. The men who live in other countries are not foreigners.
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