When it comes to swimming pool or hot tub maintenance, there’s a lot to learn especially for new pool owners: what chemicals to buy, how to use them, when to use them or even how often. (i) at 11.60 metres in the case of a 5-metre platform, (ii) at 12.50 metres in the case of a 7.5-metre platform, and. (2.1) Every operator of a public spa shall ensure that the maximum number of persons permitted to use the spa at any one time is the lesser of the following: 1. condominium, co-operative or community property that contains six or more dwelling units or suites for the use of the owners or members and their visitors, vi. (2) The notice described in subsection (1) shall include the maximum bather capacity of the public spa determined under subsection 10 (2.1). 293/17, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 1990, Reg. 26.1 (1) The following provisions of this Regulation apply, with necessary modification, to every owner and every operator of a Class C facility: 1. 6. R.R.O. v. the maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool at any time, vi. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. and activities other than diving are effectively confined to the area of the pool outside the separated diving area. Please note we cannot take orders over the phone at this time. (a) determines and continuously displays, (i) sanitizer residual in a public pool or public spa’s water, and, (ii) pH value of a public pool or public spa’s water, and, (b) regulates the operation of chemical feeders to maintain sanitizer and pH levels in accordance with this Regulation; (“détecteur automatique”), “bather” means a person dressed for bathing; (“baigneur”), “campground” means land or premises used as an overnight camping facility other than a recreational camp; (“terrain de camping”), “child care centre” means a child care centre as defined in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014; (“centre de garde”). (b) stored separately from clean apparel and towels after each use pending removal for laundering. 565, s. 10 (2); O. Reg. Where a pool is provided with one or more ramps, a notice located conspicuously on each wall or fence enclosing the pool the words CAUTION - NO DIVING. Subsections 7 (8) and (9), as those provisions relate to spas. 9. 5. 1990, Reg. (7) A lifeguard control station referred to in subsection (4), (5) or (6) shall be. R.R.O. 141/18, s. 5. O. Reg. 494/17, s. 5. 25. Enter and exit the spa slowly, to prevent slipping. ii. (2) Every owner and every operator of a public spa shall ensure that the following notice, in letters at least 25 millimetres high with a minimum five millimetre stroke, is posted above the emergency stop button: IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY PUSH EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON AND USE EMERGENCY PHONE. 494/17, s. 5. A pool enclosure fence permit is required on private property. It is a rotation game, meaning the balls are shot in numerical order . 494/17, s. 15. Place hand sanitizer in visible, frequently used locations (such as at entrances and exits). The medical officer of health or a public health inspector for the health unit where the pool is situate has been notified in advance of the intent to operate as a Class A pool. 1990, Reg. 9. O. Reg. 494/17, s. 1 (10). A public spa operated on the premises of a hotel for the use of the hotel’s guests and their visitors, subject to subsection 4.1 (2). 11. neither a Class A pool, nor exempt from the provisions of this Regulation. “alteration” does not include routine maintenance or repair or replacement of existing equipment. In the case of a public spa, a notice identifying the location of the emergency telephone, in letters not less than 25 millimetres high with a minimum five millimetre stroke, in a conspicuous location near the entrance to the public spa. (5) In the case of a public pool, every owner and every operator of a modified pool shall ensure that the pool water is of a clarity to permit a lifeguard occupying the lifeguard control station that is least affected by reflections from the water surface to see at a distance of 35 metres from the control station the continuous black marking referred to in subsection 18 (3) on the bottom of the pool where the water is 1.20 metres in depth. ... All pools are governed by the Ontario Public Pools Regulation 565. 492/09 O. Reg. A public spa operated as a facility to serve a community of six or more single-family private residences, for the use of the residents and their visitors. 95/11 O. Reg. As you shop for pool supplies in Toronto it's important to have an understanding of your pool's water chemistry. (2) A person who proposes to open or re-open a pool or spa for use as a public pool or public spa after construction or alteration shall not open or re-open the pool or spa without first obtaining permission in writing from the medical officer of health or a public health inspector for the health unit where the pool or spa is situate. (a) is separate from the spa’s or pool’s timing device; (b) is located within the immediate vicinity of the spa or pool; and. 1990, Reg. 494/17, s. 5. R.R.O. Free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual. (2) In the case of public pools, every owner and every operator of a wave action pool shall ensure that the total number of bathers permitted at any instant on the deck and in the pool does not exceed the maximum bather load as determined by the following formula: D = the area in square metres of the part of the pool that is deeper than one metre when no waves are being induced; and. 6. 494/17, s. 5. (b) is independent of the spa’s water temperature thermostat. 494/17, s. 5. ii. (4) Every owner and every operator of a Class A pool, other than a modified pool or a pool installed at a recreational camp, shall ensure that the pool is equipped with, (a) where the pool area is greater than 150 square metres but not greater than 230 square metres, at least one lifeguard control station; and. (4) In the case of a public pool, every owner and every operator, other than an owner and operator of a modified pool or a wave action pool, shall ensure that the pool water is of a clarity to permit a black disc 150 millimetres in diameter on a white background located on the bottom of the pool at its deepest point to be clearly visible from a point on the deck nine metres away from the disc. (2) Every owner and every operator of a public pool or public spa shall ensure that, subject to subsection (3), there is provided, in places conveniently located for emergency use, a first aid kit containing at a minimum. 141/18, s. 1. Where clarity or illumination standard not met. 494/17, s. 16. (c) have available at the pool when on duty the certificate referred to in clause (b) or a copy thereof certified by the operator and permit the owner, the operator or a public health inspector to examine the certificate at any time. O. Reg. The requirements for public pools are outlined in the following legislation: • Health Protection and Promotion Act: Legislation that governs safe water in premises which include recreational water facilities. 494/17, s. 5. (2) Every owner and every operator of a public spa shall ensure that a notice, in letters at least 25 millimetres high with a minimum five millimetre stroke, is posted at the timing device that identifies it as a timing device. O. Reg. (1) Every owner of a public spa and, if applicable, every owner of a public pool shall ensure that all pumps used in the operation of the spa or pool are capable of being deactivated by an emergency stop button that. Pause slideshow Play slideshow. No glass containers of any kind are permitted within the deck or spa. 494/17, s. 5. O. Reg. (h) the operator takes all steps necessary to ensure the safety of the bathers before connecting or disconnecting a chlorine cylinder. Pools used by members of a community of less than six single-family private residences. Where cyanurate stabilization is maintained in outdoor pools there must be a residual of free available chlorine of not less than 1 ppm and not more than 10 ppm, in association with a cyanuric acid concentration of not greater than 60 milligrams per litre. O. Reg. 3. BATHERS UNDER TWELVE YEARS OF AGE ARE NOT ALLOWED WITHIN THE POOL ENCLOSURE UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT OR HIS OR HER AGENT WHO IS NOT LESS THAN SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. (8) Except for a modified pool, wave action pool and a pool described in Sentence 494/17, s. 5. Subsection 6 (1), clause 6 (3) (a) and clause 6 (6) (a). 494/17, s. 5. 494/17, s. 4; O. Reg. 494/17, s. 5. R.R.O. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL SIGNAL WILL ACTIVATE. (iii) at 15.25 metres, in the case of a 10-metre platform. Final pool enclosure inspection. 494/17, s. 8. Learn more about the benefits of fee changes at ontario.ca/moosereview. (13) Every operator of a public pool shall add make-up water to the pool during each operating day in a minimum amount of 15 litres per bather as determined by a water meter installed for the purpose. (b) where there are two persons who hold a lifeguard certificate on duty, the number of bathers referred to in the applicable Table in subsection (2) may exceed thirty but shall not exceed sixty. O. Reg. 3. O. Reg. (4) Where there is only one lifeguard on duty on the deck, every owner of a Class A pool and every operator shall ensure that there are on duty elsewhere on the premises and within call one or more additional persons sixteen years of age or over who are trained in the emergency procedures for the pool. 565, s. 14. Pools operated on the premises of a hotel that has fewer than six units or suites for the use of its guests, if the following notice is displayed in a conspicuous place within the pool enclosure printed in letters at least 25 millimetres high with a minimum five millimetre stroke: CAUTION SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK THIS POOL IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ONTARIO REGULATION 565 (PUBLIC POOLS). (c) another engineered system designed, constructed and installed to conform to good engineering practice appropriate to the circumstances. 26.3 Every operator of a public wading pool shall, (a) provide a first aid kit, a device for emergency communications and emergency equipment which is appropriate for use in the public wading pool; and. Toll-free (Canada only): … O. Reg. By-Laws contained herein have been prepared in this format for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. 565, s. 13; O. Reg. In-person learning is available for students with special education needs who cannot be accommodated through remote learning. 5. (8) Every owner and every operator of a public pool or public spa shall ensure that the pool or spa water is treated with chlorine, a chlorine compound or a bromine compound by means of a chemical feeder, and is maintained so that in every part of the pool or spa, at all times during the daily use period.
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