Before everyone can escape, Baymax senses life within the portal: a female in hyper-sleep. Hiro correctly deduces it to be Abigail and decides to journey inside the portal to rescue her. Robert Callaghan : That was HIS mistake! One of Krei's latest ambitions, at the time, was the desire to revolutionize transportation through the use of portals—a project dubbed "Silent Sparrow". Benjamin Mee: Because it's a good dream! Dr. Callaghan was the head professor at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, inspiring many young prodigies such as Hiro's brother, Tadashi Hamada. After suffering a personal tragedy, he became a silent, kabuki masked supervillain bent on exacting vengeance, with an army of Microbots at his command. It was her disappearance and Mr. Krei's ignorance towards innovation that turned Callaghan into a murderous, vicious, and a rather uncaring man, bent on seeking revenge on the ones who wronged him. Hiro thanks Callaghan for the information, but before he takes his leave, Callaghan thanks him for saving his daughter Abigail. He was the head robotics professor at the San Fransokyo Institute Of Technology and mentor to Tadashi Hamada. Hades: Get away from me! Realizing the fire that killed Tadashi was no accident, and was merely used as a means to cover the tracks of the Microbot theft, Hiro turns Baymax into a crime-fighting robot and heads out to the warehouse in the middle of the night in hopes of capturing Yokai and bringing him to justice. His daughter Abigail seemingly perished when the testing of a dimensional portal by Alistair Krei went wrong. In 2018, he was one of the walkaround characters present for Disneyland Paris' day-long FanDaze event. According to character designer Shiyoon Kim, Callaghan has a military background. TV series: Professor Granville • Obake • Baron Von Steamer • Karmi • High Voltage • Richardson Mole • Globby • Felony Carl • Momakase • Mad Jacks • Mini-Max • Mr. Sparkles • Wendy Wower • Trevor Trengrove • Noodle Burger Boy • Lenore Shimamoto • Trina • Liv Amara • Di Amara • Orso Knox • Megan Cruz • Chief Cruz • Chris • AC and DC • Nega-Globby • Mayoi • Supersonic Sue • Hardlight • Roddy Blair According to Baymax's scans[3], Callaghan is mentally ill, suffering from acute stress disorder, as well as emotional instability. Yokai's mask was a powerful mask worn by robotics expert Professor Robert Callaghan while under the supervillain alias Yokai.It was a white mask with red markings and yellow eyes, giving it a sinister Kabuki appearance. Woody - Miles Morales/Spider-Man (Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse) Buzz Lightyear - Flynn Rider (Tangled) Mr. Interestingly, however, both express regret for what they had done. The red markings on Yokai's mask symbolize anger. He would also use the strength of the Microbots to utilize heavy surrounding objects to crush his enemies, such as a cargo container, a car, or a massive piece of concrete. One day, Baymax stumbles upon the warehouse and discovers the Microbots being mass-produced. Feature films After this, Hiro orders Baymax to destroy Callaghan. I had Hiro's microbots. Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition: R2-D2 • C-3PO • Jabba the Hutt • Jar Jar Binks • Mace Windu • Padmé Amidala • King Candy • Marshmallow • Yokai • Battle Droids • Marlin • Bruce • Anglerfish • Seagulls • Hank • Destiny • Bailey • Jellyfish. Robert Callaghan(also known asYokai) is the main antagonist ofDisney's2014animated feature film,Big Hero 6. According to Baymax's scan, his blood type is AB- and he weighs 173 pounds (78 kg). There, Yokai emerges from the foggy bay, with a piece to the dismantled Silent Sparrow portal, prompting Hiro and Baymax to take cover in silence. Potato Head - Chicha (The Emperor’s New Groove) Sarge - … The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington • Sally • Lock, Shock, and Barrel • Oogie Boogie • Santa Claus Unfortunately, during the experimental test run, a malfunction occurred in the system, and Abigail was lost in the portal, eventually presumed to be deceased. A Nighttime Celebration • Wonderful World of Animation After suffering a personal tragedy, he became a silent, kabuki-masked supervillain bent on exacting vengeance, with an army of Microbots at his command. This leads the group to believe Krei is the man behind the mask. Abigail Callaghan (daughter) Unusually, despite knowing how the Silent Sparrow portal works along with having witnessed the event that took her away from him, Callaghan did not consider the possibility that Abigail could be alive. Either the grief he felt may have blocked this thought from entering his mind or he may have considered the possibility but he could not get the funding to rebuild the portal, and by the time he did, Callaghan had lost sight of the possibility. During a scuffle between Yokai and the Big Hero 6 team (consisting of Hiro Hamada, Baymax, and Hiro's friends who were Callaghan's pupils) at what used to be a testing facility (owned by Alistair Krei) on Akuma Island, Hiro managed to remove the mask, and Yokai was revealed to be Callaghan. During the Baymax Super Exercise Expo in Tomorrowland, Yokai is briefly seen in clips of Big Hero 6 that are displayed on the background screen. As panicked attendants barely escape the disaster with their lives, Tadashi gets word that Callaghan is still in the building and rushes inside to rescue him, losing his life in the process once the building violently explodes. Under the guise of Yokai, Callaghan was taller, darker, with a brooding appearance that gave off an ominous aura. At the funeral following the fire that killed Tadashi, only one coffin is present, even though there are two pictures beside it, insinuating that Callaghan's body was never found. He also has somewhat wrinkled skin, that's fair in color, with blue eyes, and a rather large nose. He was the head robotics professor at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and mentor to Tadashi Hamada. Feature films Yokai, posing for a photo at Disneyland Paris. Status Before the tragic incident involving his daughter Abigail, Callaghan was a good-hearted man, bent on changing the world for the better through the wonders of science and technology. The Microbots could also be used as Yokai's source of transportation on multiple terrains since they were capable of being used on both solid land and sea. Lilo & Stitch: Lilo Pelekai • Nani Pelekai • David Kawena • Mrs. Hasagawa • Mertle Edmonds • Stitch He is the former head robotics professor at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and mentor to Tadashi Hamada. His daughter, science, robotics, innovations, vengeance (formerly) Even after becoming Yokai, Callaghan generally remained stoic amid his villainy, carrying out his plans in haunting silence, even during combat. Meanwhile, Callaghan is presumed dead. Video games After the microbots were eliminated, the mask was finally destroyed by Hiro and Baymax, thus causing Callaghan to permanently lose control of the Microbots. People share a drink on the patio at Bar 5015 in Houston, Texas, March 10, 2021. Callaghan intervenes, warning Hiro to steer clear of the tech-guru as—according to Callaghan—he only uses the science for personal gain. James Cromwell A now conscious Abigail is wheeled towards a waiting ambulance, ignorant to the events of her father's actions and presence, while the police apprehend Callaghan for his crimes and shove him into the back of a patrol car. Callaghan also appears in the Big Hero 6 animated series a few times, but he's never called Yokai there either. Callaghan only tells Cruz that Big Hero 6 saved two lives, Krei and Abigail, and he is paying for his past horrendous unforgivable mistakes. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. When Baymax jumped back into the fight, he and Hiro successfuly removed Yokai's mask, which had the neurotransmitter required to control the microbots incorporated into it. The Irelanders joins Big Hero 6 is the 3rd YIFM/Disney crossover made by Connor Lacey.It will appear on YouTube with it's triple feature The Irelanders' Adventures of Oliver and Company and The Irelanders' Adventures of X-Men Evolution in the near future.. Big Hero 6 Eventually, other people copied Hiro's idea, while Hiro himself built new transmitters after the original was destroyed. Robert Callaghan: Give me the mask, Hiro. Whenever the man shows a hint of morality throughout the film, the mask of Yokai is off; but when he allows his bitterness and hatred to take control, the mask returns and villainy ensues. The Incredibles: Bob Parr • Helen Parr • Dash • Violet • Jack-Jack • Lucius Best • Syndrome • Edna Mode • Rick Dicker • Gilbert Huph • Kari McKeen • Bomb Voyage • Rusty McAllister • The Underminer • Omnidroid, His daughter, science, robotics, innovations, vengeance (formerly), Alistair Krei, Krei Tech, abuse of science, interferences with his revenge scheme, flash photography, being separated from his daughter, Telepathic control over an army of Microbots (temporarily). The group of henchmen included deleted villains such as, In one of the first drafts of the script, Yokai would have. Professor Hinkle: Give me back my hat. Yokai's identity is revealed to be Callaghan. The film is set in a fictional futuristic hybrid metropolis called San Fransokyo (a portmanteau of San Francisco and Tokyo). Kabuki masks Firework: Happily Ever After • ILLUMINATE! Callaghan explains that Granville resigned after an accident occurred on school grounds, supposedly on her account. Using the Microbots, Yokai rampages through the city, after the team's vehicle, making several attempts to destroy them before they can escape. This is probably a result of his tragic past and likely plays into his villainy as he spends a majority of the film in a deep state of either anger or sorrow, which can create deadly results when triggered. Big Hero 6 is a 2014 American computer animated superhero film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures.Inspired by the Marvel comic of the same name created by Man of Action, the film is the 54th Disney animated feature film. As the teammates carry out the plan from below, Hiro and Baymax distract Callaghan from above. Meanwhile, Callaghan stays behind—while being physically restrained by Fred—with the team members and Mr. Krei, awaiting Abigail's return. Texas ended a statewide mask mandate and occupancy restrictions on businesses were lifted on Wednesday, a … Nevertheless, Baymax destroys Callaghan's mask, thus eliminating his remaining Microbots and descending the portal. Between losing his brother, finding out that someone had stolen Hiro’s invention, teaming up with his friends to catch the man in the mask, discovering that the man was his favorite professor, saving the city, saving Callaghan’s daughter and losing Baymax was a lot to digest. Source. Hiro visits Callaghan while researching information about Professor Granville, one of Callaghan's former coworkers and the current replacement for Callaghan ever since he got arrested. He is a former professor at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and is the father of Abigail Callaghan. During travel, Yokai would usually stand at the high center of the Microbots, which would be formed into a mountainous form during such occasions. Though Yokai's attempts nearly succeed, the team eventually manages to evade him by accidentally driving their car into the sea and drowning. TV series: Professor Granville • Obake • Baron Von Steamer • Karmi • High Voltage • Richardson Mole • Globby • Felony Carl • Momakase • Mad Jacks • Mini-Max • Mr. Sparkles • Wendy Wower • Trevor Trengrove • Noodle Burger Boy • Lenore Shimamoto • Trina • Liv Amara • Di Amara • Orso Knox • Megan Cruz • Chief Cruz • Chris • AC and DC • Nega-Globby • Mayoi • Supersonic Sue • Hardlight • Roddy Blair Callaghan Video games: Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay • Big Hero 6: Bot Fight • Disney Infinity series • Big Hero 6: Baymax Blast • Kingdom Hearts III • Disney Crossy Road • Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Magic Kingdoms • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode• Disney Sorcerer's Arena It was equipped with a neurotransmitter, giving Yokai the ability to control the microbots. Baymax then proceeds to attack a powerless and fearful Callaghan, but fortunately for the latter, the other team members intervene to protect him. Hiro : He went in there to SAVE you! As a result of the battle, the portal becomes unstable and threatens to explode. Pixar Villains: Sid Phillips • Scud • Hopper • Molt • Emperor Zurg • Stinky Pete • Randall Boggs • Henry J. Waternoose III • Bruce • Syndrome • Chick Hicks • Chef Skinner • AUTO • Charles F. Muntz • Lotso • Miles Axlerod • Professor Z • Mor'du • Thunderclap • Ernesto de la Cruz • Evelyn Deavor • Dragon the Cat In "Hiro the Villain", Chief Cruz visits Callaghan in prison and interrogates him about Big Hero 6. Voice During the chaos, Callaghan manages to retrieve his mask and flees the scene, along with the remaining piece of the portal. YokaiMr. [4] He later reappeared in 2017 during the announcement of Disneyland Paris' FanDaze, alongside Hiro. Other names Disney Infinity 3.0Disney Crossy RoadDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Sorcerer's Arena With his gray hair, sweater vests, and slacks, he donned the appearance of a kindly grandfather; matching his relationship with his students at the institute. Although he was passionate about science and robotics, Callaghan's true love lay within his daughter Abigail, who was once a test pilot for Krei Tech Industries: The world's leading technology industry, owned and operated by San Fransokyo's own Alistair Krei. Finding Dory: Dory • Deb • Gurgle • Pearl • Sheldon • Tad • Gill • Bloat • Squirt • Nemo • Marlin • Jacques • Bubbles • Destiny • Bailey • Gerald • Fluke • Rudder • Hank • Crush • Mr. Ray • Becky • AnglerFish • Otter • Charlie • Jenny • Philip Sherman Paraphernalia Entertainment: Baymax Super Exercise Expo Telepathic control over an army of Microbots (temporarily) On October 31, 2018, he was the star of his live stage show titled Yokai's Revenge. Callaghan is never referred to as Yokai in the film, but is in several merchandise. Before Yokai arrives, they find a recording that reveals what happened to Abigail. Yokai confronts Hiro and Baymax at the warehouse. Yokai (real name Robert Callaghan) is the main antagonist of Disney's 2014 film, Big Hero 6. Callaghan's Yokai identity is never spoken in the film, usually referred to as the "Guy in the Kabuki Mask", "Masked Man", or the "Man in the Mask". Yokai during the chase throughout San Fransokyo. Yokai (妖怪) means "spirit" or "phantom" in Japanese. Yokai's kabuki mask appears in the deleted Zootopia scene "Detective Work," seen on a shelf in Officer Bob's office. However, earlier in the movie, Hiro theorizes that the "guy in the mask" stole his microbots and set the fire to cover his tracks. User(s) While Callaghan does not confirm this, this is the only explanation we have for the fire in Big Hero 6. Big Hero 6 is one of Disney's latest classics, but there are things about its villain, Yokai aka Robert Callaghan, that just don't make any sense. The Microbots were capable of forming into anything the mind could conceive. During his final scene, Callaghan makes a penitent expression, showing an understanding of the consequences of his actions and the emptiness of revenge. Despite his self-assurance, Callaghan knew his power was limited to the strength of the Microbots and when that was stripped away from him, he became visibly fearful and submissive. He makes his first, physical appearance in "Mini-Max", where it is shown that he now resides in solitary confinement within a maximum-security prison serving life in prison without parole. Callaghan serves as a dark parallel to Hiro: Both individuals are brilliant scientists, whom suffer a tragic loss of a loved one. Books: Manga • The Art of Big Hero 6 • Comic Books Rush: Robert uses the microbots to attack swiftly. He was voiced by James Cromwell. Yokai's primary source of power was Hiro's Microbots. He utilized his wisdom to guide young minds down a bright path, serving as a father-figure to his students, and specifically towards Tadashi. Robert Callaghan(also known asYokai) is the main antagonist ofDisney's2014animated feature film,Big Hero 6. Despite the merciless nature of his actions, Callaghan is not a villain in his own mind as his plans were motivated by the loss of his daughter. Thomas: But, Hiro's brother... Robert Callaghan: Give me the mask. The tragedy left Callaghan with a hardened heart, and since, he swore revenge on Krei, and eventually descended into villainous madness as time would pass and his lust for vengeance strengthened. Aladdin: Aladdin • Jasmine • The Sultan • Prince Achmed • Gazeem • Razoul • Rajah • Iago • Abu • Genie • Jafar • Magic Carpet • Pink Flamingo • Beggar Jafar • Golden Scarab Beetle • Magic Lamp • Snake Charmer • Golden Camel From a storytelling perspective, Yokai represents Callaghan's dark side. Robert Callaghan: That was HIS mistake! Robert Callaghan: Give me the mask, Hiro. Beauty and the Beast: Belle • Maurice • Chip Potts • Mrs. Potts • Gaston • LeFou • FrouFrou • Chapeau • Plumette • Beast • Cogsworth • Lumiere • The Enchantress Callaghan during his introduction at San Fransokyo Tech. Dislikes Deleted: The Fujitas, Season One: "Baymax Returns" • "Issue 188" • "Big Roommates 2" • "Fred's Bro-Tillion" • "Food Fight" • "Muirahara Woods" • "Failure Mode" • "Aunt Cass Goes Out" • "The Impatient Patient" • "Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle" • "Killer App" • "Small Hiro One" • "Kentucky Kaiju" • "Rivalry Weak" • "Fan Friction" • "Mini-Max" • "Big Hero 7" • "Big Problem" • "Steamer's Revenge" • "The Bot Fighter" • "Obake Yashiki" • "Countdown to Catastrophe" With such power over the mind, Yokai was able to carry out his plot to solely rebuild Mr. Krei's portal (which is an example of his vast intelligence, in and of itself), steal Hiro's Microbots, and duplicate said inventions without having law enforcement catch on. Callaghan also admits that he understands that his apology is not enough for Hiro to forgive him just yet, though Hiro stated he does feel that Tadashi would have forgiven him and that he also will someday although the tone of his words implies he never will. Yokai's Mask Big Hero 6: The Series Hiro : He went in there to SAVE you! Before being taken into custody, Callaghan manages to see his daughter one last time from a distance, and subsequently hangs his head down. However, unlike Hiro, who eventually accepts his loss and finds the strength to move on, Callaghan fails to learn the errors of his destructive ways, ultimately leading to his descent into madness and downfall. • "Something Fluffy" • "Supersonic Sue" • "Lie Detector" • "Write Turn Here" • "City of Monsters" • "Mini-Maximum Trouble" • "El Fuego" • "The Globby Within" • "Hardlight" • "The Present" • "Hiro the Villain" • "Portal Enemy" • "Fred the Fugitive" • "Major Blast" • "Fear Not" • "Legacies" Callaghan serves as a dark parallel to Hiro: Both individuals are brilliant scientists, who suffer a tragic loss of a loved one. After some consideration, Hiro takes Callaghan's advice and refuses to sell his creation. The following day, Yokai interrupts Mr. Krei's latest ceremony, immediately capturing the tech-guru. Books: Disney Villains: The Essential Guide • Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil: The Creation • The Inspiration • The Fascination • Disney Villains: The Essential Guide to the Evilest of Them All, Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition: Iron Man • Captain America • Hulk • Black Widow • Thor Odinson • Hawkeye • Nick Fury • Loki Laufeyson • Maleficent • Merida • Spider-Man • Venom • Iron Fist • Nova • Green Goblin • Rocket Raccoon • Groot • Star-Lord • Gamora • Drax the Destroyer • Stitch • Tinker Bell • Aladdin • Jasmine • Donald Duck • Baymax • Hiro Hamada • Falcon • Yondu • Sam Flynn • Quorra Don't touch me! Driven by revenge, Yokai wishes to get revenge on Alastair Krei for taking his daughter from him. Callaghan is notably the only villain in a Disney film to cause the permanent death of a major character, Originally, during the early stages of the film's development, Yokai was the leader of a nefarious gang, having aligned himself with a legion of San Fransokyo's criminals to assist in his plot. With Abigail's demise, Callaghan's morality seemed to have vanished, and his lengths to achieve vengeance had no bounds as he continuously made attempts to kill Hiro and his other students (originally because they were witnesses, and later as a result of them being a significant threat to his plans), in addition to performing such acts as rampaging through the streets, destroying parts of the city, and continuously endangering innocent lives to the point of indirectly killing his prodigy Tadashi, all with apparently no remorse. REUTERS/Callaghan O'Hare ... Terry Masters and Robert Segovia watch their masks burn in a fire, symbolizing the feeling of release from government lockdowns and mandates, at … Yokai bears a striking resemblance to the Marvel character Lord Deathstrike. While Hiro expressed regret for nearly dishonoring his brother's memory in trying to kill Callaghan via Baymax, the crestfallen look on Callaghan's face at the end strongly implies that he feels remorse for all his crimes upon seeing that his plan for revenge had ultimately been for nothing, after seeing his daughter alive.
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