Richard Christy – 117 IQ Shabooty ➿ . Look at the fortune he has amassed with his radio shows. Gonzalez-Governale's wife (ironically also named Christy) is a high-end escort who acquires jobs via text-messaging. His family was poor, even though they owned a "pitzaria". Mike Gange – 110 IQ He graduated magnu cum laude. High Pitch Eric – 66 IQ. performance not captured by previous proposals and, in particular, in traditional IQ tests (Gerrid and Zimbardo 2010). He has an IQ of 150. Richard Christy – 117 IQ. The couple's hobbies include firing paintball guns at each other at close range, and attacking each other with baseball bats. By Governale's own account, some of his previous jobs included street musician, acting as a stockbroker for Martha Stewart, and a brief career as producer Baba Booey's sole tormentor. Howard Stern Staff Epic Weight Loss Contest. On April 3, 1979, Elliot kidnapped his 2-year-old daughter, Karen, after a severely troubled relationship with his wife, and abuse is speculated after Elliot claimed he once broke her fingers. We are looking to work with like-minded people. Dialed into popculture, totally the MTV demo. Unorthodox talent that … The qPCR was performed using iQ SYBR Green Supermix and a MyiQ Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad Laboratories). A report by The Smoking Gun found that Sal once sold his kidneys on eBay in frustration after it was revealed on-air that Sal's IQ score was 102. 102 – Sal 89 – Jeff The Drunk 66 – Hi-Pitch 61 – Wendy the Retard. Lebanon 3 . Those in contention: Scott DePace Jason Kaplan JD Harmeyer Sal Governale Richard Christy Also, it looks like there may be a psychological test in the works for Howard… I’d say he has a very high IQ. Die unverständlichen Stimmen wurden leiser. What is sad that he has had to undergo psycho-therapy in order to find out who he is and find self esteem, self worth, self confidence and will admit this has helped him. Look at the talent he has for interviewing guests. Die letzten Sonnenstrahlen, die durch die kleine Öffnung in der Decke hereinfielen, konnten den Raum nur dürftig erhellen. Jason Kaplan – 118 IQ How much does Robin Quivers make a year? After seeing the sex toy, Howard was stunned to hear Ronnie was game to get penetrated again, but the soon-to-be septuagenarian argued there was nothing wrong with being a bit … The box had multiple attachments of various lengths inside as well as the harness to fasten them to. Learn how your comment data is processed. Happy Birthday . 7/22/2010 - Sal fails to answer pretty much all of the general knowledge questions that he personally came up with for past trivia games. Tap to unmute. He is best known as being a. On The Howard Stern Show, Stern requires all these above services of Gonzalez-Governale, supervised by Executive Producer Booey, Stern's sidekick Robin Quivers, and assisted by his male companion Richard Christy. The stockbroker at his unintentional best on The Howard Stern Show.I do not own this video. Gonzalez-Governale's other talents include copying prank phone calls first shown on The Simpsons and from past Howard Stern Show episodes, harassing and stalking celebrities off-air without being arrested, and an infamous "stage diving" act, which he frequently performs as part of The Hacks of Comedy. Howard Stern Show's Sal Governale Fond of His Days Clowning Around Sachem - Sachem, NY - Grew up a jokester and now it's paying off as one of the sickest guys around. Stern took notice after numerous calls mocking Gary Dell'Abate. Click the link to see the results (spoiler), Bobo – 87 IQ Aber wie er eingeteilt ist, weiß eigentlich keiner. Hulk goes Thoom! While based in Nebraska, they created a Mexican pizza recipe, using jalapenos as pizza dough, until they were run out of town after setting their customers' taste buds on fire. Hacks of Comedy incident [ edit ] Diego Velázquez de Hernández de Juan de Vincenzo Gonzalez-Governale He is also a writer/performer/administrative assistant on The Howard Stern Show, and specializes in phony phone calls with Richard Christy so that Sal doesn't bite the heads off of every "monkey" and "gorilla" he sees, and after satiating his appetite, burying the remains in his basement. JD Harmeyer – 106 IQ. Famous blogger, comic, part of Howard Stern posse. Follow. Scott DePace – 122 IQ. Seconds. At any rate, he retaliated by bikini-waxing the label owner, and then taking the owner out to a diner for "more eggs and sausage.". i think bobo has more common sense and will always be smarter than sal regardless of the testing results. He took GED (General education test) and taking some online courses to complete his studies. July 29, 2010. Benjy Bronk bet JD Harmeyer that Jeff the Drunk would score higher than at least one staff member. Photo: The Howard Stern Show. The Killers of Comedy Tour featured cast and regulars from The Howard Stern Show such as Reverend Bob Levy, Sal Governale, Richard Christy, Jim Florentine, Yucko the Clown and Shuli performing stand up comedy. Shopping. Miscellaneart. So lässt sich festhalten, dass die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung (51,6 %) einen Intelligenzquotienten zwischen 90 und 109 hat. Stern Show staffer Sal Governale brought the pegging set into the studio so Howard could see what was included. As a child, Salvador spent countless hours torturing animals, starting fires, wetting his bed, and being physically, psychologically and sexually abused, which gave him brain damage, mental illness, and feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, retarded emotional development, and penchant for holding Richard 'I'll sniff Sal out in a heartbeat' Christy's underwear against his mouth. Well done, HS, for seeing the need for help and working through your problems. El Salvador Gonzalez-Governale, aka Sal the Stockbroker, often shortened to just "Sal Governale" is a pathetic waste of humanity that is the inevitable result of being a direct descendant of Tony Soprano and Fredo Corleone. Denise Milani. In the biggest bet of the day, Howard wagered Gary that Sal would beat Richard. connected with Recommended Recommended. Jason Kaplan – 118 IQ. While in the middle of lecturing online, Gonzalez-Governale would frequently call Stern's show to vent his disgust of Stern's producer, Gary Dell'Abate aka Bob Abui MacHeine, for being a pathetic gorilla who didn't deserve being there. Hier steht es:bis 20 – Schwerste Intelligenzminderung.
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