For me, since I grip the bow by the side of the handle, that contact point is inside the thumb joint, about 5/8" below the arrow rest. Its working properties therefore are nearly identical. Privacy Policy Terms of Use. I like my tillers slightly elyptical so make the last few final adjustments in the mid limb area. You can also begin with several similar staves and tiller each one differently. Make sure you include one in your bowmaking supplies. It may be easier to ignore this complication, but it's simpler to place them in essentially the same position to begin with. A sufficiently shorter lower limb makes the dynamic fulcrum and the geographic fulcrum nearly identical from the outset, locating them under the arrow at the handhold. I don't put it on the tree until I am at about 25" draw. It is very simple yet rewarding! The root word for integrity, after all, is integer, which means indivisibility. The lighter tips make for a faster bow. When that shorter end lifts skyward, we must add a heavier boy (or a lighter one to the longer end) to restore balance, right? The bow limbs can be traced when registered along a string baseline both at brace height and at full draw, and corrections made to bring both limbs into a harmonious bend. It's a generosity to provide bow-building help for hobbyists, even if the guidelines are flawed. In Hunting the Osage Bow; A Chronicle of Craft, I defined a bow as "dry wood expertly tillered" and then spent 160 pages of directions and illustrations in explanation. One limb bearing more weight than another will eventually work to destroy a bow of organic materials if the dynamic fulcrum does not balance the workload. It may coincide with the static position, or the fulcrum may shift during the draw from the static to the dynamic, sometimes a little, sometimes a great deal. We are asking the upper limb to do heavier work than the lower limb by shifting the fulcrum toward it, but then we make it weaker. This is not to say that we lack pride in our bows. A 90 lb. I like to begin tillering with a long string that has leather boots attached to the ends. Wrong ways abound. It's the "expertly tillered" part of the equation that continues to give us fits, that still separates bowyers from one another, and that distinguishes bows from one another. To say that a bow is tillered may or may not say something of the quality of that tiller, but it usually implies that the tiller is expertly done. ... or any feature. boy in the same position on the other end will balance the board. It is the linchpin to our craft, the key to all doors. And you'll have a bow you want to shoot next year, too. To restore balance and share the workload, sufficient weight must be added to the shorter end or removed from the longer end. Pro-tip: Never pull the bow past your desired weight. Sinewed bows need to be used frequently or the tiller goes off. The reason is that limb timing results from balanced symmetry at the full draw position, and that is the ultimate goal. Tillering String 80” Tillering String made from fast flight material for a low stretch tillering string. If one follows this advice, he will quickly recognize the value of the seesaw comparison, especially if his tillering tree is constructed to reveal balance. Time to Tiller the Bow . Then we'll consider timing and add it to the balance. Yet balance and timing are the components of tiller primarily responsible for providing sweetness in the hand (i.e., a lack of hand shock), optimum cast within its style, and quietness. The decline may be slow, or it may be rapid, but it is certain. Dynamic balance refers to the working fulcrum position when the bow reaches full draw, loaded with weight at the nock ends. Its actual location varies only fractions of an inch depending upon how much the archer heels his bow in his bow hand or, to the other extreme, opens his palm in the high-wrist style. For most target archers this usually results in a positive figure between 0-6mm. To illuminate the concept of balance, let's go to the playground, to the seesaw or, as it's sometimes called, the teeter-totter, and let's reason through its workings. These kits are a great way to learn tillering and some of the basics of self bow building. We pass them around at rendezvous for inspection, delighting in knot-hole bows from gnarly staves that demonstrate our ability to salvage something from the scrap heap. I base these observations upon the erroneous tillering advice prevalent on internet bulletin boards. There are guidelines but no formulas for tillering quality bows of organic materials. 3/4" x … This works out to a dynamic fulcrum on same-limb bows that is almost four inches further from the lower limb tip than from the upper limb tip. Easy spawns dualities. I understand that folks tend to use some kind of tillering device to do this. Guides you through the sequences of tillering your bamboo blank by adapting the faceted approach first featured in Hunting the Osage Bow. 3/4" x 3-3/8". Simple means uncomplicated, but that hardly translates into easy. That's its proudest and most important contribution to the methodology of bow building, I believe. Dampeners: You can also use dampeners for limbs to get rid of any excess vibrations in your bow and limbs. It's important not to confuse them. Playground seesaws are constructed so that the fulcrum position is in the geographical center of the plank, equidistant from both ends. bow as well as possible at brace height distance, using a tillering string and board. It came at a time when we were enamored of Klopsteg's flat belly theory to the extent that we imposed it upon wide-limbed selfbow staves even when it interfered with results. The bow limbs can be traced when registered along a string baseline both at brace height and at full draw, and corrections made to bring both limbs into a harmonious bend. If you're building self bows, laminated bows, or finishing one of our many bow kits you'll need a tillering stick. I tiller my bows even for a 3-under shooter. Adding more sinew will only make matters worse. It illustrates through a sequence of over 12 photographs and a complementary text the work methods for achieving the perfectly tillered bow, step by step. As an aside, this might be the place to mention that the reason sister billets were preferred by past masters over full-length staves is that the wood is nearly identical limb to limb. They also contribute significantly to its accuracy and longevity. Tillering Stick. There's much latitude. Every bowyer needs a tillering stick. In summary, the means and the method to expert tiller no longer mystify most of us. If the limb tip points, say, toward the right, mark that side and remove the tiller stick and string from the bow. Consider the following tillering guidelines, intended for bowyers new to the craft, advocating bows of limbs measuring equal length outside the handle. Please enable JavaScript to use the Wait List sign up feature. The bow will lose weight when you shoot it in, so stop tillering when it is 5 to 10 pounds heavy. Cutting the board. There are two rules to it: Rule #1: Follow symmetry when adjusting the tiller of upper limb and lower limb. Adjusting the bow tiller. Ten years have passed since the book appeared (almost fourteen since the chapters began serialization in a magazine), and I continue to refine my own understanding of that simple proposition. You can begin with bow staves of various profiles and tiller each one the same. (1 x 4) This board is ready to use, but if you'd prefer it sanded, stained, and finished, you'll do that at home. It's important to recognize that limb symmetry matters more than ideal tiller. They can be poorly tillered and miserably timed without jeopardy to the limbs. "No," you may reply. The current bow-building climate tells us little about our abilities or our understanding of fundamentals. Balance and timing become the ripened fruits of such effort. A bow with a stiffer upper limb will cause the upper limb to recoil faster than the lower limb and likely cause hand shock because it stops faster than the lower limb. Most bows are tillered to approximately 1/8" - 1/4" positive measurement on the upper limb, when the bow is to be shot split fingered. Here's a … and so forth, the method determined by the result you wish to achieve, the purpose to which you intend the bow. On a self bow or longbow, string follow is the tendency for the bow to bend toward the belly or string side of the bow. Tillering board is 35" tip to tip and actual dimensions are approx. As with our seesaw comparison, any divergence between the two fulcrums has to do with unequal or shifting weights. The Handle. Trace the braced bow along its full length, inside the belly and along its taut string, record its ideal brace height and keep that paper as the key to the bow's identity. All Rights Reserved. Such a point would represent the dynamic fulcrum. It shouldn't matter if one limb initially has some extra curve. To finish simply remove wood from the belly to reduce poundage, the back only needs sanding. The path leads through balance and timing.
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