The changes will take effect statewide, except in Boston, where Phase 4 … Current restrictions on gathering sizes remains the same, limiting gathering sizes to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. For the City of Boston, Step 1 of Phase 3 of the Reopening Plan will commence on July 13, 2020. Portion of this report is a press release from the Baker-Polito administration. Gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors for event venues, public settings, and private settings. Restaurants (employees do not count toward the 40% limit) Retail The City remains in Step One of Phase Three of the Reopening Massachusetts Plan. Beginning Monday, May 10, capacity for large venues such as indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas and ballparks will increase from 12 to 25%. From stadiums and nightclubs to social distancing and gathering limits, here are some key dates and what you need to know about Massachusetts' reopening timeline. Statewide, a 90-minute time restriction for indoor dining remains in place, as does a limit of six people per table. Access current safety protocols for certain sectors What businesses are currently open Current indoor and outdoor gathering limits How do I report non-compliance Submit a Phase 4 Safety Plan Dashboards and reports on COVID-19 cases, testing, and hospitalizations View current mask and face-covering guidance Review the Massachusetts travel advisory So, starting Monday, indoor and outdoor stadiums will be able to welcome fans at a strict 12 percent capacity. The next step in reopening is scheduled to occur on May 29 when gathering limits are slated to climb to 200 people indoors and 250 outdoors, … T he City of Boston operational requirements section on pages 2 and 3 of this document outlines the City’s specific capacity limits for outdoor events. The gathering limit will be rescinded. Reopening Phase IV mandatory safety standards, recommended best practices and a checklist for indoor and outdoor events. Also changing in Phase 4 are gathering limits. Editor’s Note: Stock photo. May 10. public health information or analysis. Both public and private gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors on June 19 EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MAY 10: Boston will allow indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas and ballparks to increase capacity to 25 percent. Indoor water parks; Ball pits; All industry restrictions will be lifted at that time, and capacity will increase to 100% for all industries, with businesses encouraged to continue following best practices. Street festivals, … Gov, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said on Friday during a … Beginning on Monday, the indoor gathering limit will increase to 60 people, with the outdoor limit going up to 100. That also includes arenas and ball parks. Singing will also be allowed in indoor performance venues, restaurants, and other businesses. Gathering limits of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors will also continue.
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