The most famous calligraphers include Wen Zhengming (文徵明, 1470–1559), Zhu Yunming (祝允明, 1460–1527), and Wang Chong (王寵, 1494–1533), among others. CLOSED TEAR A tear with no material missing. STICKER GHOST A sticker has been left on a book for some time, and the glue, reacting chemically, has discolored the surface. CHAPTER BOOK Fairly modern term referring to books for older children which are organized into chapters, as opposed to “picture books”, which often are not. ARCs are usually softbound in wrappers, which may be similar to dust jacket art of the first trade edition, but the wrappers are more typically merely printed text. Usually found in connection with auction listings, but also some bookseller listings. Foxing is more likely to be encountered in older books. Not to be confused with Disbound. Also known as signatures. May include paper, photograph, or print supplied by the publisher (example, an errata slip laid-in) or supplied by a previous owner. FOXING Brown spots thought to be caused by impurities in paper (e.g. Thus, the Stele school formed yet another link between past and present in its approach to tradition, in which seal and clerical script became sources of innovation in Chinese calligraphy. Example: “To my beloved Elizabeth, John Steinbeck.”. Wen Zhengming: Inscription on Imperial Order. Often seen in early pamphlets. Among the diverse manners of this period, the elegant freedom of semi-cursive script contrasts dramatically with more conservative manners. REBACKED A repair to a book, where the original spine has been replaced. FORE-EDGE The right edge of the text block, opposite the spine. ABA.) PUBLISHER’S BINDING Binding provided by the publisher when supplying a book for a bookseller. Influenced by an atmosphere of closely studying these antiquities, Qing scholars became familiar with steles and helped create a trend in calligraphy that complemented the Modelbook school. Whether or not the bookseller was responsible for any such sophistication, not disclosing such repairs in a description are valid grounds for a buyer to return the copy to the seller. : The first issue of Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court has an “s”-like ornament between “The” and “King” on page 59. We have detected that you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Books are usually numbered such as “100/500″ meaning number 100 of an edition of 500. Note: Technically, what we call bindings on most books today, where the text block is glued in (in a hardcover book the text block is glued to a cover by some mull and end sheet paper, and in a softcover book normally the text block is glued directly to the spine of the cover), is actually a casing. The right of reproduction (for instance, making copies by digital or analog means), The right of distribution by way of tangible copies (for example, selling, renting or lending of copies), The right of communication to the public (including public performance, public display and dissemination over digital networks like the Internet), and READING CREASE A crease down the spine of a book (usually a paperback). CASE or CASING The covers enclosing a book, usually made of thick cardboard, and normally covered in cloth, paper or leather. ISSUE A change, textual or otherwise, made after the book has been published. In the case of many of C. S. Forester’s books, sheets were printed but not bound at the same time; when they were, sometimes years later, they were bound in differently colored bindings. BIOPREDATION An attack to books by living matter, which may include insects or mildew. HALF-TONE A gradation of tone (between light and dark) of an image by minute, closely-spaced dots. Thus, calligraphers with their own styles formed individual paths that were not overshadowed by the mainstream of the time. Starting in the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), scholars increasingly turned to inspiration from the rich resource of ancient works inscribed with seal and clerical script. Access to OCLC is by fee-based subscription service, most commonly available at libraries, but now offers public access at The result of the latter is found in bookseller’s catalogs thus: “Rebacked, with the original spine laid down (or laid on).” Can be considered a defect, i.e., there is original material that has been lost. The book may be important because of who owned it–perhaps a president or important bookseller, collector, royalty, or someone who may be related to the book in some way. FLEXIBLE BINDING Limp, leather/plastic/paper covers which are flexible. : large paper folded in half, fourths, eighths, sixteenths, or thirty-seconds). RUBBED Where color has been worn from portions of the binding or dust jacket. OCLC includes over 43,000 libraries in 86 countries, and provides quick information to booksellers and collectors about which libraries have a copy of a particular title. The periods of Qin (221–206 BC), Han (206 BC–AD 220), Three Kingdoms (220–280), and Jin (265–420) represent a crucial era in the history of Chinese calligraphy. An international trade association founded in 1999 and committed to high ethical standards for online booksellers. VANITY PRESS/PUBLISHERS Publishers and presses that publish books at the author’s expense. READING COPY A nice way of describing a book that is complete in text and plates, but so badly worn or soiled that in its current condition it is good only for reading, and cannot be considered “collectible” in this condition. His son Wang Xianzhi (王獻之, 344–386) and nephew Wang Xun (王珣, 350–401) were also very notable calligraphers. DISBOUND A book which has been removed from its binding (the binding is typically no longer present). After the painting has been completed, many of these books have gilt applied to the edge. A British natural history artist of Danish descent known for his animal and flower paintings. It is no longer being printed and no new copies remain available for sale. They, to some extent, replaced the woodcut, which regained considerable popularity later on. ED An abbreviation for Edition or Editor. ILAB International League of Antiquarian Booksellers. It is a most relaxing yet highly disciplined exercise indeed for one’s physical well-being and spiritual cultivation. If a particular copy of a book lacks an errata slip when one is known to have been issued, that copy should be considered incomplete. Basically means that the book is in poor enough condition that whatever additional things you might find wrong with it that were not mentioned in the description are not a cause for return. When a the pages of a book are printed on such hand-made paper, gathered and bound, but left untrimmed, the book is said to have “deckled edges.” Sometimes it is simulated by binders on regular paper. The two terms- Binding and Casing – are, becoming interchangeabe today.). Which of these works are ink paintings?-Ando Hiroshige (bridge with man going under on little boat)-Ma Yuan, Walking on a Mountain Path in the Spring tree behind him, Song Dynasty-Kaigetsudo Dohan (Women with a lot of robes on, tan background) Also referred to as the dust jacket or dustwrapper. Common examples include dramatic, literary, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, photographs, paintings, and architecture.     In the US: the American Booksellers Association membership consists of independently owned bookstores, most with a store front location primarily selling new books. ARCs may include an uncorrected proof copies printed for author’s corrections. In the trade, an “honest” book description should disclose all “sophistications.” In other words, if a bookseller has commissioned repairs of a book, all such repairs should be disclosed to prospective buyers in the description. However, if you only published your work online or in an electronic format, you can submit a digital copy to the Library of Congress. (Note: If the slip of paper does not make a correction, but rather supplies additional information, it is called an Addenda Slip.). No Place; no place of publication is supplied in the book. PRESENTATION COPY A book inscribed by the author to someone else (usually of importance to the author, the book, or society in general). Of interest to collectors because they are often the only record of many quotidian events. DING A small bump or dent leaving an impression, sometimes caused by careless handling or storage. : auction records, booksellers’ records, book plates, etc.) ADVANCE REVIEW (or READER’S or READING) COPY (ARC) A special pre-publication copy distributed by publishers for review purposes. : leather, cloth, buckram, paper, etc. TEXT BLOCK Pages containing the content of a book (text, illustrations, etc.) TITLE PAGE At the front of a book (usually the first or second page), containing such important information as the author, title, and typically, the city where the book was published, the publisher, and date. OUT-OF-PRINT (OP, OOP) A book no longer available from the publisher. DAMPSTAIN A stain left on a cover or pages after having been exposed to water. STARTING Hinges or joints beginning to show signs of tearing, either through wear or defective binding. : The Book-of-the-Month Club, Fireside Book Club, History Book Club, The Literary Guild, etc.). INSCRIBED When an author or someone associated with the book signs and handwrites a dedication, etc. ENDPAPERS (EP) The double leaves added to the book by the binder that become the pastedowns and free endpapers inside the front and rear covers. For books produced in the hand-press era, this involves some knowledge of format. WOODCUT Illustrations produced when the original printing plate was engraved on a block of wood. It could also mean a tear repaired and closed with Japanese tissue or other such type of paper used for page repairs in the trade. It can be used to print text or artwork onto paper or other suitable material. BROADSIDE or BROADSHEET Any piece of printed matter printed on only one side of a sheet of paper. While western calligraphy often pursues font-like uniformity, Chinese calligraphy emphasizes more on expressing one’s emotions. When the pages of a book thus prepared are fanned, the painting becomes visible. MULL The cloth that reinforces the hinges and is pasted directly to the body of a book and is hidden by the spine. HEADBAND Band of silk or cotton affixed to signatures when bound together to form a text block for strength or, more often, decoration of the spine ends. Minor changes, such as the correction of some misspelled words, or the addition of a dedication, or similar very minor alterations, may be made and the revised copies are still considered as part of the same edition, simply being described as different states or issues. • the addition of errata leaves, advertisements. Can refer to binding color, illustrations, etc. abbreviations for Page and Pages. DIMPLE A small indentation on covers or pages which is usually deliberately created by publishers. Used in photography and graphics. Exteriors of Residential & lighte commercial buildings - Defects, Repairs, Siding and Paint Failure Diagnosis, Repair, Prevention. FINE (F) A book that has no defects in book or jacket, but not as crisp as it was when new. These pages are an integral part of the construction of a book, holding the text block and case together. OBX-Stock created OBX as an abbreviation for the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Revivalist calligraphers of the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368), for example Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫, 1254–1322), in turning to and advocating revivalism, further developed the classical traditions of the Jin and Tang dynasties. MARBLING A process of decorating paper, in which the result resembles the veins of stone marble. Sometimes referred to as the Gutter. Information contained in these early colophons might include the date the printing was completed, the name of the book, the printer, the printer’s “device”, and often a “register,” or a list of the signatures from which the book was made-up (sometimes the colophon states the number of copies printed, and in the case of a limited edition, will cite the copy number and may contain the signature of the author, illustrator, or publisher). Jackets are often collectible and highly-desired in their own right and a book published with a jacket that no longer has one can, from a collector’s viewpoint especially, be considered “incomplete.”. Up until the 19th century (and continuing much later in some countries, like France), most books were published unbound, in plain paper covers or boards, and the purchaser would have the book bound to his taste by his bookbinder (often these bindings were designed to match other books in his library.). PROVENANCE Evidence of the history of the ownership of a particular book (e.g. • textual changes affecting page lay-out. PLATE A special page containing an illustration or other extra information. The Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of Canada. COCKED If, when looking down on the head of a book, the corners are not square it is said to be cocked or rolled. Also see our page of descriptive terms. Typically, a given title is produced only in a small number of copies. Used in the West since the early seventeenth century. The covers are always limp or semi-flexible, and are sometimes fitted with a zipper. FAIR A book in very worn condition, but all of its important parts and dust jacket (if one was issued) must be present. REMAINDER A new book returned to the publisher as unsold. (e.g. PRICE CLIPPED The price on the inner flap of a dust jacket has been cut off. QUARTER BINDING A book with its spine bound in a different material than the boards (e.g., a leather spine and cloth- or paper-covered boards). ABAA Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America (the U.S. equivalent of the U.K. In the Song dynasty (960–1279), the tradition of engraving modelbook copies became a popular way to preserve the works of ancient masters. : advertising, ticket stubs, photos, postcards, programs, some booklets and pamphlets, etc.). ERRATA A list of errors and their corrections or additions to the printing, found after a book has been printed, usually on a separate sheet or slip of paper. F or the art world, the internet is a lot like the American frontier: full of opportunity and promise – but also a place to be wary. At the same time, notions of artistic freedom and liberation from rules in calligraphy also gained momentum, becoming a leading trend in the Ming dynasty (1368–1644). It is possible for “sophistications” to have been executed on a book long before a given bookseller has bought a particular copy. On one hand, diverse forms of brushed and engraved “ancient writing” and “large seal” scripts were unified into a standard type known as “small seal (小篆).” On the other hand, the process of abbreviating and adapting seal script to form a new one known as “clerical script (隸書)” (emerging previously in the Eastern Zhou dynasty) was finalized, thereby creating a universal script in the Han dynasty. One of the most often used terms. GOOD (G) A book, or dust jacket in average used and worn condition – complete with all its parts. ISBN  International Standard Book Number. Also known as previous owner’s inscription. FREE ENDPAPER (FFEP: Front Free Endpaper; RFEP: Rear Free Endpaper) Front and rear blank pages added by the binder. DENTELLE A border with a lacy pattern stamped by the binder, usually gilt. GAUFFERED EDGES A pattern tooled on gilt edges of a book. Usually issued in plain colored wrappers. The collector should arm themselves with the relevant bibliographies to know when a BCE might be desirable. Can also refer to the outer indentation that is created by the joining of the boards and spine. SIGNED (SGD) Signed with a name only, and no other text included. Then use the abbreviation only in subsequent references. Notable calligraphers from this period include Deng Shiru (鄧石如, 1743–1805) and Zhao Zhiqian (趙之謙, 1829–1884). WRAPPERS or WRAPS The printed or unprinted cover of a pamphlet or book bound in paper. Also known as a spine slant. n.d. No Date; no publication date is supplied in the book. The Hero with a Thousand Faces Trial and Quest Perhaps the best known of modern paintings, Picasso's Guernica conveys as forcefully as the stories of the labors of Hercules or the trials of the Buddha the heroic agon and adventure that is the search for wholeness in … ASSOCIATION COPY A book once belonging to the author, or signed or annotated by the author to someone closely associated with the author of the book or the book itself in some way. This practice, while common today, dates from the 1800s. WATERMARK A faint identifying design, usually in quality paper. REMAINDER MARK A mark (rubber stamp, felt marker stroke, or spray, often on a book’s bottom edge) signifying that the book was returned to publisher as unsold, and then offered for sale again later at a much lower price. ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLER A term, in today’s usage, that describes a bookseller whose stock in trade is primarily old, rare, and/or collectible books. INCUNABULA Books printed between Gutenberg’s invention of moveable type and 1500, coined from the Latin word cunae, meaning “cradle”. TOOLING The decoration of leather bindings. In the world of literature and Modern Firsts, the term is used differently, and means the very first printing of those copies, done at the same time. MARRIED When the parts of a book or set are supplied from different copies of a book to form a whole, such as the dust jacket from one copy is “married” with a copy of the same book without a jacket, or Volume One is “married” to Volume Two, purchased separately, to form a complete set. Could also indicate a bookplate or a stamp. Ink paintings is a medium historically much used in Japanese and Chinese artistic traditions. Though usually accurate, as with many man-instituted technologies, the system is not perfect; occasionally one will find two [or more] titles with the same ISBN. Usually done to tighten the sewing or to wash the pages, etc. BACKSTRIP (Sometimes used as a synonym to Spine) A strip used by binder to reinforce the back of folded sheets in the binding of the spine. The cursive script also started to flourish during this time, as practiced by Zhang Xu (張旭, ca. : chips filled in and tinted to match the missing portion, replaced page corners, etc.). Building exteriors inspection, defects, repairs - How to Detect,Diagnose & Repair Building Exterior Defects, Failures, Leaks, & Other Problems in exterior drainage, building doors, siding, trim, windows, and all other exterior components & conditions. However, an expertly repaired volume it adds more value than the book in its unrepaired condition. COLLATE To verify completeness of a book by examining it carefully. While usually present in modern books, it is sometimes lacking in older publications because it was originally designed to be removed before custom binding. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED Extra illustrations added to the book after publication, normally done by the owner of the book, not the book’s publisher. ARCs are sent to reviewers and editors prior to publication date. EX-LIBRARY (EX LIB) Deaccessioned from a public library or collection. LITHO Lithograph. In practice, OBX was widely used by many businesses that advertise their Outer Banks location. Chinese calligraphy is considered supreme among the visual arts in China, and it also sets the standard by which Chinese painting is judged. (Note: Technically, this term is used to describe any of the printings of a book, done from the original setting of type, at any time until the type is so altered as to constitute a second edition (see “Edition”). RECTO A right-hand page, when a book is open and facing the reader. If the original spine or backstrip can be salvaged, it might be glued down on the new spine. TRADE PAPERBACK A large sized paperbound book; not a mass-market paperback. As they eat they way through the pages of a book, they leave a trail known as “worming.” Also, a term for a person devoted to books. DEVICE The printer’s device is a design used as a printer’s logo. A well-established practice among publishers as early as the middle of the nineteenth century. EDITION All of the copies of a book printed from the same setting of type, at one time or over a period of time, with no major changes, additions or revisions. COATED Paper is smooth and polished; something has been applied to the surface to make it appear glossy. Also see our page of descriptive terms. COPYRIGHT PAGE (c., cp) The page that usually, normally, appears on verso of the title page, containing the artistic property protection. COLOPHON In the fifteenth century, books were originally published without title pages (and the corresponding Copyright Page) The printer indicated his production of the book on the “colophon” typically inserted at the rear of the book. In modern fine bindings, dentelles are most often seen on the leather turn-ins on the inside of a book’s cover. CONTEMPORARY (or CONTEMPORANEOUS) BINDING: A binding that was placed on the book at the time of publication or within a few years of publication. Also see our page of descriptive terms. VARIANT A copy of a book that varies in some way from the ideal copy. DOG-EARED Worn or ragged, usually referring to the edges of pages. See Half Binding. CHIPPED Small pieces broken off of a dust jacket or binding. Also see our page of descriptive terms. REVIEW COPY A copy of a new book sent free-of-charge for purposes of review. In addition, calligraphy has also led to the development of many other forms of arts in East Asia, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. Also called by binders, super or crash. In the UK: Antiquarian Booksellers Association (the UK equivalent of the ABAA) A trade association in the British Isles for dealers in antiquarian and rare books, manuscripts and allied materials; founded in 1906 and the oldest organization of its kind in the world. Many have become collectible due to the designer or owner; others actually lower the value of books printed in the last 50 or so years, especially book plates that can be purchased in batches of 50 or 100 and a space left for the owner’s name to be penciled or inked-in. STICKER DAMAGE A price sticker has been roughly removed resulting in surface damage to the underlying material. In the trend towards abbreviation and brevity in writing, clerical script continued to evolve and eventually led to the formation of “cursive (草書),” “running or semi-cursive (行書),” and “standard or regular (楷書)” scripts. SIGNATURE A printed sheet of paper, folded to size and ready for sewing (i.e. Generally speaking, not first editions although some Science Fiction or other genres where first edition publication took place through a Club. HINGES Where the sides of the binding meet the spine (interior) of a book. Considered to be a defect by collectors. The leaves in a gathering must be counted and deviations from the expected count noted. CHAPBOOK Small, inexpensive books produced from the 17th century until today, originally sold by “chapmen”, peddlers, and hawkers. Also called the reverse. See Quarter Bound. BUMPED Refers to the corners or spine ends of a book that has been damaged by being dropped or carelessly handled or shelved. Since changes in writing did not take place overnight, several transitional styles and mixed scripts appeared in the chaotic post-Han period, but these transformations eventually led to established forms for brush strokes and characters. Occasionally the distribution of ARCs lead to textual differences between an advance review copy and a first edition. Unification of the country brought calligraphic styles of the north and south together as brushwork methods became increasingly complete. Calligraphy is widely practiced and revered in the East Asian civilizations that use or used Chinese characters. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. ), BINDING COPY A book whose text block is complete and serviceable, but the current binding is defective or incomplete. copyright. (e.g. The collectability of the first printing of the first edition was established in the early days of printing, when the type used in the presses would quickly wear away, compromising the readability of the book being printed. Second or subsequent editions usually involve the entire resetting of type. 675–750) and Huaisu (懷素, 737–799). Chinese calligraphy is an Oriental tradition rooted in centuries of practice. Unread. The textual differences between all the various versions is what gives value to ARCs to the collector. DECKLE EDGE A “deckle edge” is left on hand-made paper when the pulp settles at the edge of the frame. LAMINATE The thin plastic layer covering the dust jacket of some books. Because game content is designed with the assumption that players will only ever have access to so many actions at a given time, anything which interferes with the action economy can dramatically destabilize the game.
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