2 respectively, if you take an extra cutting. The price of Selects and 1-Face is usually the same as FAS. Most of the hardwood … This grade of plywood can feature knots up to 2.5 inches. #2A COM - clear cuttings. Determine if the lumber size requirements-length and width-are met for the chosen grade. A cutting unit is 1 inch wide by 1 foot long. It contains more variations than the others. Some species must be processed according to special rules. The hardwood grading rules are quite complex and require study. The full text of the guide’s introduction, written by Ang Schramm, Director of Technical Services, appears below. FAS is the highest and No. This site requires JavaScript to function properly. Select Grade – May also be referred to as Prime grade, AB grade or 1st grade. Factory hardwood may be graded FAS, F1F, or Selects, and comes in standard thicknesses according to grade: FAS: Best factory lumber grade; F1F: Second grade; Selects: Third grade; Factory hardwood may also be graded No. Anyone can grade; however, a trained grader will probably be more accurate and quicker than an untrained grader. The second is 5 inches x 4 feet, which gives 20 cutting units. 3B). A Hardwood Log Grading Handbook Adam Taylor University of Tennessee A good understanding of log valuation will help landowners, loggers, log buyers and saw millers agree on the fair value for a load of logs. A brief description of the basic grades are: * FAS, which was years ago short-hand for the grade of "First and Seconds," which in turn originated from a combination of the very old grade of "Firsts" and the grade of "Seconds," is the highest grade of hardwood lumber. 1' SM - SM x 12 or 100% clear 2' SM - SM x 9. Locate cuttings to obtain the maximum area; then, calculate the cutting area. To give some quantification to the issue of wood species hardness, the lumber industry created the Janka hardness scale—a standard now widely accepted as the best means of ranking a wood's … Plywood Grading Standards rhombus 2019-06-01T00:33:19-07:00. 2. It refers to BS 4978:2007+A1:2011 for softwood visual grading rules and BS 5756:2007+A1:2011 for … The grade shall be determined from the poor side of the piece, except when otherwise specified… (Paragraph 5.) Determine the species. With this information, foresters, timber sellers, and timber buyers can separate, from woods-run hardwood logs, those logs suitable for manufacture Dust Collection, Safety and Plant Operation, Job Opportunities and Woodworking Services, This article from Independent Sawmill & Woodlot Magazine covers the basics. In this article, you will learn about the grading system for softwoods, the most common type of wood used for construction. Determine the cutting yield required by multiplying the SM by 10 (FAS), 8 (No. For our example, the minimum lumber size of 3 inches x 4 feet is met. This changed in the early 1930's to grading rules based on the amount and size of clear cuttings. NOTE: This chart summarizes the main requirements for the standard grades. It is an excellent paint grade. If both faces have the same grade, the Plywood Core Types; Grading Standards; Veneer … 1 Common. It is not enough to simply pick any so-called hardwood species, because hardwoods vary quite a lot in their hardness from species to species, and some are actually softer than some softwood species. Phone: 800•426•0990 | Fax: 253•872•0747, 5737 NE Portland Hwy | Portland, OR 97218 2A Common, except that stain and other sound defects are admitted in the clear cuttings. Step 9. 1. You can take 3 cuttings if you increase the yield to 75 percent. 3A Common (which is often combined with No. Determine the surface measure (SM) of the lumber. Lumber thickness (4/4, 6/4, etc.) For our example, SM=(6-7/16 x 10)/12=5.36=5 feet. Therefore, “AB” plywood would have an A-grade face veneer and a B-grade back sheet. When cutting hardwood lumber into a usable piece of wood, often referred to as parts, the ratio of the volume of parts to the volume of lumber is called yield, and is usually expressed in percentages. 3B Common. 3 Common) is widely used for flooring and pallets. They haven’t been repaired, and the flaws can be a little larger and more noticeable. Wood Hardness Chart. 97% Rule - On better face 2' x 3' SM to be 100% clear or SM x 11 in one cutting. inches, 97% Rule - 2 cuts full widths any length; Pcs. 2 Common instead of No. Variation in the natural sapwood color (sticker stain is not considered a defect). Planing will reduce the actual dimension as will reducing the moisture content (drying). Lumber thickness (4/4, 6/4, etc.) The rules governing strength grading of timber are prescribed in British and European standards. SM is the width, in inches and fractions, times the standard length in feet with no fractions or rounding, divided by 12 with the answer rounded to the closest whole number. By its nature, wood is not of uniform consistency and therefore will contain defects that impact the appearance of the lumber that is created from the wood material, and which may impact the structural characteristics as well. No stains, checks, or splits. RELATED LINKS . Post Office Box 34518 Memphis, TN 38184 (901) 377-1818 info@nhla.com Moulding Types; Moulding Installation; Moulding Weights; Contact. Hardwood lumber grades and grading rules have been established and are governed by the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA). In general, the higher the grade of lumber, the higher the yield. A cutting that is 5-1/2 inches wide and 4-1/3 feet long is 6-1/2x4-1/3=28-1/6 cutting units. The standard thickness for all the other grades … AS 2082 Visually stress-graded hardwood for structural purposes; AS 2858 Timber softwood - visually stress-graded for structural purposes; AS 2878 Timbers classification into strength groups; AS 3519 Timber Machine Proof Grading; These Standards are used in production as the basis of fixing a grade stamp to each piece of timber. Final sizes vary for different species and grades of wood. 3B Common is the lowest. In short, the higher grades of lumber have more large clear area than the lower grades. 2A Common (often just called No. If so, and if a few other requirements are satisfied, then the piece is Select or FAS 1-Face. Hardwood lumber is normally graded from the poorer quality face with a few exceptions, such as 1F, Selects, and surfaced lumber. Hardwoods are graded by the National Hardwood Lumber Association. There are eight hardwood lumber grades in widespread use today. In our example, the number of cuttings permitted is (5+1)/3=2 at 66 2/3 percent yield. There’s not a great deal of clear grade hardwood flooring available and what you do find will likely come as engineered hardwood. In our example, there are two large cuttings; both meet the minimum cutting sizes of 4 inches x 2 feet or 3 inches x 3 feet. Practice Grading--Don’t wait until the study bolts are in the lathe to start to learn veneer grading. Q… Like softwood, the face veneer is represented by letters, and A is the highest quality and D is the lowest quality. For our example, assume No. Standard thicknesses for the top three grades are 6” (FAS), 6” (F1F), and 4” (Selects). Step 10. Each grade of hardwood lumber is determined by the size and number of clear wood cuttings which a board will yield when cut up and used in the manufacture of a hardwood product. 1 Common. 2. Most hardwood lumber produced in this country is graded using the rules developed and maintained by the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA). Step 4. Grades are listed from highest to lowest. Step 3. Step 1. 1 common, check the reverse side to see if the reverse is FAS grade. The planks are sawn in one of three ways, which affects the stability and the price of the hardwood. A lower grade can be perfectly acceptable, depending on placement and usage. Sound knots of less than 1/8" x 4" (3 x 100 mm). Lumberis a wood product, sawn and shaped from timbers of harvested trees. The standard thickness for solid hardwood is 3/4″. 1 Common (often called Common or just No. However, they apply only to North American Hardwoods; different systems are used for softwoods and exotic species. We are breaking down Hardwood Lumber Grading with our Red Oak floors as an example. FAS is the highest and No. 1 and No. Subcription information is available at their website, www.sawmillmag.com. Grades of Plywood: Hardwood. In many situations, smaller boards or lower grades are a more economical choice than the higher grades if small, clear pieces are required. Step 5. Wood Hardness Chart Species (Alphabetical) Hardness Species (by Hardness) Hardness Afromosia 1560 Basswood 410 Amberwood 2200 Butternut 490 Amendoim 1360 Chestnut, Domestic 540 Angelique 1290 Douglass Fir 660 Aniegre 1110 Yellow Pine, Short Leaf 690 Ash, Domestic / White 1320 Sycamore, American 770 Ash, Victorian 1010 Yellow Pine, Long Leaf 870 2), 4 (No. Limited character marks. Sound cuttings are identical to clear cuttings except sound defects (such as knots, small holes, some discolorations, etc.) The official U.S. Forest Service Hardwood Log Grades for Standard Lumber are described and tables of expected yields of standard factory grade lumber are presented by species, log grade, and log diameter. Minimum length: 12" (30 cm). In the U.S., lumber is assigned a grade which * No. The NHLA grading system, which is used by buyers and sellers of hardwood lumber, describes the amount of "usable" clear material in a board. Variegated Appearance. Step 8. Much of this grade is also exported, but if exceptionally long, wide, and clear on both faces, cuttings are required, then Select lumber is often used. Some of the basic concepts and grading requirements or rules are given in Table 1. 20205 59th Place South | Kent, WA 98032 Any selection for particular specifications should be discussed prior to ordering. Yields 83-1/3 … First, each side of the board must be graded independently with NO REGARD for the opposite side. Boards 6" and wider, 8' and longer. Chapter 2: Lumber Grade. Study them and interpret them the same each time they are seen. Reprinted with permission from Independent Sawmill & Woodlot Magazine. For example, consider a piece of lumber that is 6 and 7/16 inches wide and 10 feet 9 inches long (Figure 1). 3A), or 3 (No. Always drop any fractions; do not round up. The following is a general chart to help in the selection of your material. * FAS 1-Face (F1F abbreviation) is a Select piece of lumber that is 6 inches and wider. Measure cutting width using inches and fractions, and length using feet and fractions. * No. Combination of clear and select grades. When selecting wood for a woodworking project, consider the size of the boards required. D-grade plywood: D-grade plywood sheets are the most inexpensive. For a more complete description please see actual products. 2. Select grade shares traits with clear grade in as much as there will still be a strong uniformity of color and pattern, so you shouldn’t see any glaring differences from plank to plank or in the finished … Softwood vs Hardwood. Step 2. When the NHLA (National Hardwood Lumber Association) came up with central grading standards over 100 years ago, they helped create order from chaos across the lumber industry. seven standard hardwood grades. (Lumber grades referred to are standard National Hardwood Lumber Association grades.) Clear cuttings are rectangular shaped areas, parallel to the edges of the lumber (not diagonal) that are free of knots on the grading face, and free of rot, pith, shake, and wane throughout the entire cutting as it is projected to the opposite face. 2B Common, Sound Wormy, No. In short, the higher grades of lumber have more large clear area than the lower grades. Most FAS lumber is exported rather than cut in the U.S. as its value, kiln-dried, is often more than $2 per board foot on the wholesale market. It is widely used for pallets and crating. Know the Veneer Characteristics.--Practically all the veneer characteristics that will be encountered are illustrated in this guide. * No. Click on the image to view our e-publication, designed to provide you with an understanding of popular hardwood plywood face veneer grades. The yield required is expressed in cutting units. Determine the surface measurement (SM). The steps for grading a piece of lumber are straightforward. If different grades are achieved on opposite faces, the one with the lesser grade will be the poor face. Today, NHLA grading rules are not only the dominant grading system for hardwood lumber in the United States, but also form the basis for much of the international trade in hardwoods. Step 7. The people who created the “grading system” (NOFMA) do not consider quality to be a factor that differs throughout the different grades (although many installers and contractors would beg to differ). 6" & wider with 6 - 12' SM, 97% Rule - On better face 2' x 3' SM to be 100% clear or SM x 11 in one cutting, 1' SM - SM x 12 or 100% clear 2' SM - SM x 9, #2A COM on better face and reverse side of cuttings sound; will also qualify for #3A COM. Not less than 1 - 1/2" wide containing 36 sq. © 2021 Johnson International Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Softwood lumber in the United States is most commonly graded according to the guidelines of the American Softwood Lumber Standard PS 20-70, established by the US Department of Commerce. Other than slight modifications every once and awhile, the rules have been relatively stable since that time. Also, unlike softwood lumber, hardwood lumber is not marked with a uniform system of symbols or stamps indicating the grade, although there may be some crayon marks that make sense to a grader or a particular mill. Often, Select grade lumber is used in the Northern U.S., while 1-Face is used in the South. In chapter 2, we’ll learn more about how the grading system works and compare the four lumber grades. Assume a trial grade for the piece of lumber and then see if all the conditions for that grade are met. Determine the poor face, which is the side with the lowest grade, or if both sides are the same, the face with the least clear area when grading. 3B Common is the lowest. #2B COM - sound cuttings. The higher the grade of the lumber, the greater the size of clear wood cuttings and the fewer … 1 Common, No. is not considered when grading hardwood; the grades … Grading designation depends on the number of defects in a board. General Contact Info; Employee Directory; Search for: Search for: Plywood Grading Standards. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) uses a standard lumber grading system that assesses how much variation in natural color and character the unfinished flooring has.
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