(All India 2010) Answer: Earth can teach a lesson to mankind on the preservation and resurrection of life and how new life is believed to rise from the ashes of the dead remains. 13 ways to save the Earth from pollution. All nations are coming to an agreement to save planet earth. There are currently approximately 1.3 to 1.5 billion cows grazing, sleeping, and chewing their cud at any given time on planet Earth. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. What is poetry? 750,000 hectares of the Canadian boreal forests have been lost since 2000 due to tar sand production (low quality oil strip mined or extracted with high pressure steam injection). How does man pollute this earth by going to war? So, we defile the earth by our polluted ideas and hellish deeds. But we pollute water by bathing in the rivers and lakes. According to the United Nations, "The estimations we have now tell us there are 3.5 million premature deaths every year caused by household air pollution, and 3.3 million deaths every year caused by … Contemporary weapons cause irreparable damage to the environment. Good questions! According to Global Forest Atlas (GFA), 7% of subtropics deforestation is due to extraction of oil, minerals and gas. If you have asthma, you may find your attacks come more frequent and more intense. And that pollution can harm habitatsand the animals that live there. It teaches a lot of things to all of us. Question 4. No men are foreign. Answer: The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza suggesting that a simple jab of knife will not kill a tree. If we hate others, we defile our own earth. We wage wars and the weapons of war pollute the air we breathe, by raising dust and smoke and by piling debris on earth. The poet says that we should not get swayed by such provocation. Narrow ideas pollute and defile this earth which belongs to all mankind. Air pollution can have profound effects on the health of the entire planet. (a) What does the poet mean by the word “No”? So it teaches us to be quiet and still. According to the maxim Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos, whoever owns the ground owns up to Heaven and down to the center of the earth… So when forests are destroyed rainfall is affected. Answer: The poet conveys that all men are equal. You might use plastic water bottles, yogurt cups, and straws for just a day, but they can remain in the environment for years. As the German poet Friedrich Hölderlin put it so beautifully: But where the danger is, … If you breathe ozone, you are likely to suffer throat and lung irritation. Q12. Like we pollute the earth, we pollute the water; we also pollute the subtle environment through our negative feelings and emotions. Make Use of 3R Waste Management The Earth never attains total inactivity. See Related: List of Best Palm Oil Free Products. They pollute and outrage the ‘innocence of air that is our own’. But we also know that we can do it because the place of letting go is in truth the place of possibility: the place of letting come. The nature always remains alive. Today there is a lot of talk about the environment. How do we defile the earth? There is no need for greed. Man pollutes the earth by causing death and destruction and … Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. If we pollute the upper waters of the Mississippi, then ineluctably we shall pollute the Indian Ocean. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Contents1 Keeping Quiet NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poem 31.1 Keeping Quiet NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers1.2 Keeping Quiet Extra Questions and Answers1.3 Keeping Quiet About the Poem1.4 Keeping Quiet Summary in English1.5 Keeping Quiet Summary in Hindi1.6 Keeping Quiet Extracts for comprehension Students can prepare for their exams by studying NCERT […] If we do so, it would result in our own dispossession, betrayal and condemnation. Ironically, we are affected by the man-made air pollution we cause. One good way to get started analyzing poetry is to go straight to the good, old Structure, Sound and Sense by Laurence Perrine, the purple-ish book usually assigned for English classes at MGCCC. Ground-level ozone is caused by a concentration of greenhouse gases at the earth's surface. Fast food is bad for our bodies, but it also harms the earth. ‘Hells of fire and dust’ are our own creations. According to NASA, it is “the portion of Earth and its atmosphere that can support life.” Like the shell of an egg, the biosphere is a very thin layer, or zone, that encompasses our planet. How does man pollute this earth by going to war? According to Rome, Earth Day also gave rise to the formation of robust “eco infrastructure” around protecting the environment. More likely than not, getting a vehicle from point "A" to point "B" involves combustion … Air pollution infects the environment and threatens the health of all who inhabit the earth. This is a major reason why we should take care of the earth. This trend reflects the amount of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions in the air. We must be contended with what we possess. From the production and processing of the ingredients to the serving of the finished product to the customer, fast food is the worst food option for the environment. Minimizing e-waste helps to conserve resources and reduces the amount of energy we take from the earth. ‘Are fed by peaceful harvest.’ What does it imply? It is no use to hinder others. Our Decomposing Bodies Are Altering Earth's Chemistry Whether our bodies are buried or cremated, they leach iron, zinc, sulfur, calcium, and … (i) We defile or pollute the human earth by using arms and ammunition to cause extensive , death and destruction. Learning Lab Tips on Critical Analysis -- Poetry. 60% of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil. The poet says that hatred pollutes our own air. If we preserve the environment, then we are giving back to the planet. We should remember that the mother earth belongs to all lands and all people. Perrine's table of contents lists the elements of poetry. According to the poet, what is it that human beings can learn from Nature? Reusing the precious metals and plastics in old cell phones alone instead of making or mining more of them would save as much energy as flipping off the power to 24,000 US homes for an entire year. According to the EPA, motor vehicles collectively cause 75 percent of carbon monoxide pollution in the U.S. As well, if we do go to war with each other, he warns us, "It is the human earth that we defile." If we want to protect our environment, here is a guide on how to take care of the earth. (j) We humiliate the mother earth … Hatred brings only destruction. Answer: We defile the earth by considering other human beings as our enemies, outsiders and foreigners; by dividing our earth into countries and by developing enmity against another group of people. We tend to betray and condemn ourselves. It keeps on working and remains calm and composed. The Romantic poets, often writing about beautiful rural landscapes as a source of joy, made nature poetry a popular poetic genre.When writing environmental poems today, contemporary poets tend to write about nature more broadly than their predecessors, focusing more on the negative effects of human activity on the planet. How Does Car Pollution Affect the Environment & Ozone Layer?. The poet says that we should not get swayed by such provocation. Earth is as poor as its most destitute Citizen, as healthy as her sickest, as educated as her most ignorant. We should live in harmony with Nature, but we do not. How Can We Save Our Earth. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people—more than the entire human population on Earth. Ans. One example is we cut trees and destroy forests to build houses or roads. Ans: Man pollutes the earth by causing death and destruction and by spreading hatred and enmity through wars. Cut down Earth’s trash with these … It will grow again. We must not forget that nature is a fine teacher. We should grow and develop at our own place. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), air pollution levels rose 14 percent from 1990 to 2008 1 2. What are the elements of poetry? When we hate others, we dispossess ourselves. If we continue to pollute our air, the current 7,500,000,000 Citizens on Earth will die. There are more than 1 billion smokers in the world today, and if current trends continue, that number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by the year China is home to more than 300 million smokers (one-third of the world's smokers) and they consume approximately 2.3 trillion cigarettes a year. The poet ends with the repetition of his message that "no men are foreign and no countries strange." The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) estimates that on-road vehicles cause one-third of the air pollution that produces smog in the U.S., and transportation causes 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond the sun’s reach is a nutrient-rich, species-abundant part of the ocean called the midwater ecosystem. We … We know that passing these thresholds is not going to be easy. Forests bring us rain. Q.22. Out from the earth-cave, And the strength of the tree exposed The source, white and wet, The most sensitive, hidden For years inside the earth. If we do so, it will result in our own dispossession, betrayal, and condemnation. We have become a victim of our environment. How is it analyzed? Another thing: Water, in its natural form, is clean.
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