“I view composing as a means of assimilating the very, very complex life that I and everyone else around me live, especially as Americans,” he says, speaking intensely now. The archival record, former employees and Frito-Lay itself say otherwise. Born in Massachusetts in 1947, composer John Adams was raised in Vermont and New Hampshire. He began clarinet lessons with his father and later studied with a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. “Little more than an accordion academy at the time,” he says, the conservatory nevertheless had a provocative history of having supported the avant-garde. Composer: John Adams b. And I’m doing just the opposite. “I’ve got publications to proofread, tons of faxes to answer and conducting programs to make out--and the recording of ‘Klinghoffer,’ which is just staggeringly expensive and complicated to schedule.”. His works encompass a wide range of genres and include Shaker Loops (1978), chamber music for string septet; Harmonium (1980), a cantata for chorus and orchestra using the poetry of John Donne and Emily Dickinson; Grand Pianola Music (1981–82), a reworking of early 20th-century American popular music for instrumental ensemble, three sopranos, and two pianos; Harmonielehre (1984–85), for orchestra, an … Chuck Berry’s "heart beatin’ rhythm" was a paean to the life force of rock ‘n roll, and for American composer John Adams the pulse that drives the music of Beethoven is no less hot. I’m very suspicious of contemporary music. Though his music shares several traits with that of Steve Reich, Philip Glass, or Terry Riley, A…. But we were all going back to our rooms and getting high and listening to Cecil Taylor and (John) Coltrane and the Rolling Stones.”, Through recordings, Adams grew aware of music from India and other “exotic” forms. “By God, somebody’s actually done it!” Myrow thought during the concert. He jokes that its subtitle might be “Liberace in Hell.” Its unapologetic use of the American vernacular (wailing saxophones, boogie-woogie, funk, lunatic strings) has driven many reviewers into hyperbolic scorn. “I’ll use a very risky word here: It’s John’s greatness as a human creature, and the way this informs his music, that makes him a wonderful composer.”. John Adams is one of the best known and most often performed of America's composers. He remembers the 25-year-old Adams as “quiet but intense--not way out on the fringes of things but asking lots and lots of questions about the nature of music.” Among the pieces Adams composed was one commissioned by Bailey. Yet despite its controversial subject--the infamous 1986 hijacking of the Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro by Palestinians and the murder of an elderly Jewish-American, Leon Klinghoffer, a tourist confined to a wheelchair--Adams’ opera is in the middle of an international run of performances that includes Brussels, France’s Lyon Opera and Vienna and will conclude 1991 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Two years of gestation had transformed Sellars’ opera: “Nixon in China” would not be a satire. John Coolidge Adams (* 15. He obsessively explored electronic music and finally designed and built his own synthesizer. John Adams (1947 - ) - Harmonielehre (1985)I. And she writes her own pieces.”, Enthusiastically, Adams glides out of the room, returning with a sheet of music notated painstakingly. However, not until last year at the L.A. Music Center, during the opera’s seventh staging, did Adams feel that “Nixon in China” had found its ideal form. Adams is resisting the many financial temptations coming his way in the wake of “Klinghoffer.” Yes, he gets offers to score films--"Money is no object,” he’s been told by Hollywood producers, which, to Adams, implies that “quality is no object, either.” He’s eliminating non-composing opportunities, even to the extent of having returned advance monies for a BBC series about American music. Adams became one of the most successful American composers and a leader of the West Coast branch of the American minimalist school. Here's what I love most about John Adams: the gilded celebration of sheer, unadulterated major-key glamour at the end of On The Dominant Divide, the finale of his Grand Pianola Music… An orchestral work commissioned by the San Francisco Symphony, “El Dorado” will premier this fall and has been scheduled by the L.A. Philharmonic for next year. Through therapy, Adams realized he was suffering the burden of fame. Nothing in his classic New England training or early career suggested he would become affiliated with or brilliantly expand the once controversial musical language of minimalism. His music, she says, is “exciting and intelligent and humorous and ironic.”. “But the problem is that for a composer, it’s now required that his art arrive difficult, incomprehensible, thorny, bristling, full of a need for exegeses and explanation. For the next 10 years the conservatory served as his musical laboratory. “The music department started with the Gregorian chant and ended with Webern. “There’s already discussion of another opera in the works,” he says, “but I think I’m going to wait for two years. Now she’s 7 and plays Vivaldi. The Philharmonic has a history of doing unusual programming. “And every piece I write gets recorded. Albums include Call Me by Your Name, The Dharma at Big Sur; My Father Knew Charles Ives, and Ensemble Pieces. He was an excellent conductor and a very gifted clarinetist. He’s employing a new aesthetic, informed by the computer-synthesizer age,” Myrow realized. He rolls his right shoulder like a sore-armed pitcher. Fin de siecle composers, from Debussy to Sibelius to Mahler, were lyrically “filtered” through the work. - 3. This time, however, he was reacting to a phrase he’d read that horrified him: Americans in the wake of AIDS and the homeless were suffering from “compassion fatigue.” Adams found such a phrase to be a revolting cover-up for a terribly sick national psyche. Adams is an independent Yankee who eschews the fashion of the moment. I think ’95 sounds about right. L.A-based composer Fred Myrow can attest to Adams’ influence. “Already you saw the characteristics of original turns of mind,” Kirchner says of Adams. “What I think is the most wonderful aspect of American culture,” he continues, “is that we are a culture with very few dividing lines. I grew up in a household where Benny Goodman and Mozart were not separated.”, LISTENING TO RECORDS IS AMONG ADAMS’ earliest childhood recollections. I thought he’d make his way in the performance world.”, Having been reared where jazz and classical music coexisted without prejudice, Adams found tradition-bound Harvard claustrophobic. By the sixth grade, he was playing clarinet in an amateur orchestra sponsored by the New Hampshire State Mental Hospital--a mixture, he says, of “well-meaning local professionals” and “very intelligent, skillful, absolutely wild-card mental patients.”, This strange episode gave Adams his first insight into music’s power to transform humans beings: “I remember the odor of a not-very-well-ventilated gym, perhaps in the middle of wintertime in New Hampshire, filled with 2,000 mental patients. And for now, Adams ignores the ringing in a calm display of self-discipline. Read Full Biography. But in 1976, the year that Glass’ opera “Einstein on the Beach” crowned minimalism as postmodernism’s theme music, Adams became convinced, as a result of his synthesizer experiments, that long-sustained harmonies and quick modulations were his musical language. “My wife has done a lot of photographic work in the delta, which is very flat and very wide.
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