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MORPHOLOGICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMOTAXONOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF IRON-AND SULFUR-OXIDIZING BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM ACID MINE DRAINAGE WATERS NORIO WAKAO,* KAZUO HANADA, ATSUSHI TAKAHASHI, YONEKICHI SAKURAI, AND HIDEO SHIOTA Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, … CAS  Four types of different agar-agar and agarose were used to create the density of media in experiments. and Skvortsova, E.G., Bacteria of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Their Role in Digestive Processes in Fish, Usp. 38, pp. Sci. The fermentation pathways of Escherichia coli. Nutrition, Respiration and Reproduction in Bacterial Cell: Methods of Nutrition: (i) Saprobes feed on … 63, no. Weight gain in anorexia nervosa does not ameliorate the faecal microbiota, branched chain fatty acid profiles, and gastrointestinal complaints. 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One hundred and eighteen strains of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria, and one strain of Lactobacillus plantarum were investigated with regard to morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics. Join now. 1'ological characteristics of certain groups of bacteria, has made it possjble to establish classification schemes for these bacteria l'lhich probably indicate their natural relationships with considerable validity. Shivokene, Ya., Simbiontnoepishchevarenie u gidrobiontov i nasekomykh (Symbiotic Digestion in Hydrobionts and Insects), Vilnus: Vokslas, 1989. 146–153. Test result showed that bacteria growing on NA medium thin and clear like dew drops, form round colonies, the size of 1mm or less, convex, and not slimy. 41 - 50 of 500 . Article, DOI:, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Bukharin, O.V., Persistentsiya patogennykh bakterii (Persistence of Pathogenic Bacteria), Moscow: Medit-sina, 1999. 122, no. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Bethesda, MD 20894, Copyright The cell pellet was washed twice chemical tests performed on each of the bacterial isolates with a physiological solution (0.85% NaCl). Those morphological features, including the shape and colour of bacterial colonies, are not always constant and can be influenced by environmental conditions. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable.
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