Sunday Law News Update. Pope Francis during a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica this week. Real Reason for Climate Change - JESUS IS COMING - Pope's Plans to Anger God . ROME — In an effort to fight corruption in the highest ranks of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis issued a sweeping new decree … Watch Catholic Pope Francis Sunday 16th May 2021 Recitation of the Regina Coeli. The Pope is calling for the world to acknowledge and honor Sunday as a day of rest. Vatican PLANNED Chemtrails in 1985! ... 2021 in Vatican City, Vatican. "Encouraged America to exercise its leadership within the international community based on the common moral law [Sunday holiness]." Pope Francis celebrated the Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday… Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon, New Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, Friday, February 29, 2008.) “Queen of Heaven, Rejoice!” Yes, indeed. Legislation that will force the world to worship and rest on Sunday would be the ideal solution. Here Pastor Doug Bachelor describes that the Pope is planning a Summit meeting in March 2021 where it may be announced that Sunday keeping will become Law. There are many voices clamoring to fulfill exactly such a goal, using the economy, the environment, and even the family as reasons to legislate Sunday rest. The Pope, Sunday Laws & Climate Change . Join us LIVE from the Vatican for the Recitation of the Regina Coeli with Pope Francis. Pandemic Lockdown To Meet The Paris Climate SUNday Law Agreement. Pope “Now Is The Time To Act”. All world leaders will surrender their power and authority to pope Francis. The 1,260 day persecution, during which Yahuwah’s witnesses will proclaim to the world His last call of mercy under extreme hardship. Weekend Edition Sunday All Things Considered ... 2021 2:11 PM ET. EU, NY COVID-19 Digital Green Health Passport ... By Emmanuel Nougaisse Sermons March 8, 2021. The new laws mark the pope's biggest step to cut down on corruption in the Vatican. Global Warming to Bring Global Government! (Address of Pope Benedict XVI to H.E. May the Lord bless you through this online Mass. Your son has conquered death and saved us all. The enactment of a worldwide Sunday law and the enforcement of Sunday exaltation, the sign of Rome’s authority over the world. The USA will, meanwhile, cement its ties with the Papacy and will be most proactive in fulfilling the pope's mandate: a Universal Sunday Law, for the purpose of gaining back lost prosperity, solving the world's most intractable problems, and securing world peace. Published Jan. 9, 2021 Updated March 4, 2021. In an interview with the newscast TG5 that is expected to air Sunday … sunday law is coming: This video tells us how the Pope plans to save the planet. Pope: STOP preaching Christ and START preaching Climate Change! Dispute flares up as Turkish tradespeople want malls closed on Sundays (February 2021) "The 'Sunday' debate in the Turkish retail industry has reignited as tradespeople reiterated calls for shopping malls and grocery store chains to remain closed on the last day of the week. Lockdowns SUNday To Meet The Paris Climate Agreement. Apr 23, 2021. April 29, 2021.
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