Gives teachers a quick way to record their informal interactions with students while listening to We believe that the children of Reading, Pennsylvania deserve the same educational opportunities as all other students throughout the state. 2022 Call for Proposals is coming soon - sign up for the latest LitCon news! Jennifer Serravallo is a literacy consultant, author, and speaker and the author of several popular titles including the NY Times Bestselling The Reading Strategies Book and The Writing Strategies Book.Her newest professional books include Understanding Texts & Readers and A Teachers Guide to Reading Conferences, Grades K-8.. Jennifer was a Senior Staff Developer at the Teachers Youll learn about how to use technology to make virtual learning more engaging. ET (April 17th), 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. REA serves as the voice of the education professionals and the students of the Reading School District. Conferences give us new ideas and strategies plus opportunities to network (and fun swag!). ISTEs mission is to support educators to transform learning using technology. This four-week online workshop supports us to plan strategies for online teaching and learning. Are your students checking out during distance learning? Learning A-Z is committed to providing the high-quality resources and tools educators and administrators need to support student achievement and improve test scores. It is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to up their teaching and learning game during independent reading Yay! This conference, featuring the work of Jo Boaler, teaches us how to teach math with a growth mindset. Each page has room for 15 student names. Meet our Keynote Speakers . The speaker list is full of the best of the best. Her other recent books include Understanding Texts & Readers and A Teacher's Guide to Reading Conferences as well as the Spanish-language counterparts to her strategies books, El libro de estrategias de lectura and El libro de estrategias de escritura. Conferences should: (1) have a predictable structure; (2) focus on a few points; (3) demonstrate solutions to students' problems; (4) permit role reversals; (5) encourage use of a vocabulary appropriate for writing; and (6) stimulate pleasure in writing. English Language Arts Conferences International Reading Association Annual Conventions National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention Poetry Out Loud Write to Learn Conference 7th Grade Poetry Event English Language Learners Fine Arts Conferences Dance NDEO National Conference Drama/Speech/Theater Missouri Thespian Society State Conference STAM Annual Conference Events 2021 Education Conferences for Teachers & Administrators . Reading conference note taking and goal setting 2. We share and support efforts to improve literacy education for people of all ages on local, state and global levels. Teacher Self Care Conference. One of the places where instruction has been impacted is foundational literacy skills (teaching children to read). Are you looking for ways to make learning fun? Nashville, TN. Engage with other teachers and learn more about charging forward during this time. Reading Education Association. Julie Mason is a Senior Editor at WeAreTeachers. Scheduling reading conferences 3. July 28-29, 2008 This national literacy conference has provided outstanding K-6 literacy professional development for over 34 years. This resource includes printable reading conference forms for: 1. The 2022 lineup features Gay Su Pinnell, Lucy Calkins, Carmen Agra Deedy, & many more. This annual conference is all about getting ready for a new school year. Teacher of Teachers: Coaching Side-by-Side Kim T. Rodriguez, M.A.
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