Application of SERENADE OPTI prior to or in the early stages of disease development provides the best control or suppression of the targeted plant disease . Reduced deposits on crops. Ready to Use: A minimum of five days should fall between applications of Serenade ASO. For best results, treat prior to disease development or at the first sign of disease infection. Application of these materials and Procure to sporulating lesions of powdery mildew should be avoided to prevent development of resistant strains of the pathogen. Use the stated maximum label rates and shorter spray intervals for conditions conducive to threatening or rapid disease development For proper application, determine the number of . Apply in sufficient water carrier volume to ensure good coverage. Improved bio-availability of naturally produced chemistries. Application Rates for Serenade MAX Directions for Use: When applied as directed (see table below), Serenade MAX will suppress the indicated diseases. It may be applied any time of day, in high temperatures and full sun, without burning foliage or stressing the plants. For improved performance, use Serenade ASO in a tank-mix^ or rotational program with other registered fungicides. Serenade ASO may be used up to a maximum of six applications. of a botrytis fungicide programme should be made from first flower set (BBCH55). Application rates as follows for Serenade concentrate and ASO. When using Serenade ASO alone for the first time, use a rate of 4 qt Serenade ASO per acre. Flexible application timings. Foliar application During fermentation, Serenade ASO's beneficial bacteria produce a range of anti-fungal biological compounds including a group kown as lipopeptides.The lipopeptide profile of this biological chemistry is unique to the specially selected strain of Bacillus in Serenade, QST 713, and is not shared by other B. subtilis or B. amyloliquefasciens strains found in alternative products. Rotate applications of Serenade Opti with other registered fungicides and repeat every 7 to 21 days. In mangoes repeat applications using shorter spray intervals will provide greater disease suppression. For large scale use: 2 to 6 Qts. - Stop injection equipment after treatment is completed. Lower use rate - half that of Serenade Max. Under conditions of high disease pressure, shorten the spray interval or, for ornamental plants, use the higher rate. of spray solution treats 100 square feet). Continue to operate the system until Serenade Soil fungicide solution has cleared the last sprinkler head. Continuous heavy use of this group of fungicides may result in the development of resistant strains of fungi. Apply Serenade ASO at a rate of 8 L/ha. - Inject Serenade Soil fungicide at the end of the irrigation cycle or as a separate application to maximize foliar fungicide retention. In avocado and other tropical fruit crops use the shortest interval and highest rate when conditions are very Increase the application rate … Improved flowablility and less dust. Serenade Garden Disease Control Concentrate is a wide range and preventive bio-fungicide suggested for the suppression and control of many significant plant diseases. Mix 1-4 oz. to the acre. Under conditions of moderate to high disease pressures, use the higher rate and shorter application interval indicated. per gallon of water (15 oz. • For improved performance, use Serenade ASO in a tank-mix or rotational program with other registered fungicides and bactericides. management program. Repeat at 7-day intervals or as needed. Lettuce (protected and field crops). • Adjust the application rate and/or spray intervals of Serenade ASO according to the application instructions depending upon disease pressure. Serenade Optimum is suitable for use in organic production systems and has BioGro certification. For the first applications it is best to go with a rate of at least 4 Qts to the acre.
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