0000005451 00000 n Description: An annual thistle with clusters of yellow flowers and lobed, often-spiky leaves. 0000027019 00000 n Treat before flowering. Type: Broadleaf perennial Size: To 20 inches tall Where It Grows: Sunny or shady landscape, lawn, or garden areas Appearance: This garden weed has light green leaves that look like clover and cup-shape yellow flowers in summer and fall. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: Flowers and grows throughout the year, but particularly in warmer months. Usually found in shady spots. Established plants should be cut down and the stump treated with herbicide to prevent regrowth. 0000056366 00000 n Young nettles can be eaten as soup (nettle soup). 0000040309 00000 n Description: A small, soft-stemmed, annual creeping weed most often found in damp, moist gardens or lawns. May be an annual in dry climates. 0000021926 00000 n The flowers are a valuable food source for bees and beneficial insects. To control flowers and seedlings without removing plants, simply mow. 0000023601 00000 n Prune hedges or garden plants to remove flowers and seeds. Description: A small, annual, bright green grass with fine seed heads. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Richardson FJ, Richardson RG and Shepherd RCH (2011) Weeds of the south-east: an identification guide for Australia. Try spot treating with repeated applications of glyphosate with added wetting agent, or use a selective herbicide for nutgrass with a wetting agent and follow instructions on container. Often a weed of nurseries and potted plants. Plants can be 1m high with woody stems. 0000054035 00000 n They are spread mainly by birds, which feast on the berries, but can also be spread by garden prunings that are dumped in bushland. Pull or rake up plant and roots. 0000056736 00000 n Watch for regrowth and remove any seedlings or suckers. Commonly found growing from cracks in walls and paving, this weed can trigger asthma and hay fever attacks due to the pollen it produces, and may also irritate skin. 0000016363 00000 n Description: Small, perennial, many-branched weed (can reach 1m high but is usually smaller) with round, green, slightly hairy leaves that feel sticky, and small, green, pollen-filled flowers which appear throughout the year, but particularly in spring. 0000040122 00000 n Cover weeded areas with mulch and replant. Salvinia, Giant Salvinia, Aquarium Watermoss, Kariba Weed. It is one of the worst weeds that you can have take-hold in your yard as it is also one of the most difficult to get rid of. Oxalis pes-caprae is from the family Oxalidaceae. 0000012655 00000 n Noxious Weeds of Australia . Life cycle and reproduction strategies: Often found in disturbed soils. 0000055237 00000 n Look for rhizomes under soil and mulch. ".g�'�|0�HLO�����+Z����tu�,ɶyuٻH �@��Q��Ɓ�c2���`��G�Y��'�K�0 �׍: A useful seed source for birds in winter. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: Leaves appear in autumn and winter and quickly begin to flower and set seed. This can involve pulling weeds by hand. They look similar to the grass, blend into the lawn, and do their damage under camouflage. Bulbs can extend 30cm deep into the soil and small bulbs may be the size of a peppercorn. Control: Avoid bringing it into the garden with potted plants. Generally, a bulb that becomes a 0000077293 00000 n 0000055627 00000 n You can create a big color impact in your garden with flower bulbs that bloom in spring, summer or fall. The leaves have a grass-like appearance and it … Control: Simply weeding top growth does not remove this weed, which can regrow from rhizomes and also spreads by seed. Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra wattle) Acacia paradoxa (kangaroo thorn, hedge wattle) Acanthocereus tetragonus (sword pear) Acanthospermum hispidum (starburr, goat's head) Acer negundo (box elder) Acetosa sagittata (rambling dock, turkey rhubarb) Acetosella vulgaris (sorrel, sheep sorrel) Adonis microcarpa (Pheasant's Eye) It has small trifoliate leaves and tiny yellow flowers. The plant dies back in late summer, leaving behind the burrs, which contain the seeds for the next autumn’s growth. For example, this is Green Amaranth, Amaranthus viridis. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: Can grow year-round but is most commonly seen in winter and spring, dying back as temperatures warm. Here are some of the weeds most commonly encountered in Sydney or other temperate and coastal gardens, with tips on how to recognise and control them using chemicals or physical methods, or both. It's edible. 0000054774 00000 n Hand-weed small plants. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: This long-lived shrub spreads by seed, but branches can also form roots allowing this weed to form dense thickets that choke out other plants. Onion weed is a proclaimed noxious weed for most of the country; for most of … 0000005410 00000 n Found in lawns in winter and early spring. Description: A perennial flatweed with hairy green leaves and a tall stem of small yellow flowers, followed by large numbers of fluffy seedheads. 0000055814 00000 n Visit your local store page to check Landscape Centre hours. Forms small, green, explosive seed heads. Despite the common name, technically speaking it is corms, not bulbils, which form on the stem, giving the plant a distinctive silhouette after the orange flowers have died. 0000054129 00000 n 0000017922 00000 n Description: This tiny weed (around 10-15cm high) with a branching flower reproduces itself very quickly, often setting seed and re-growing in a matter of weeks. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: These are long-lived plants with very hard wood. Spreads by seed. Control: Hand-weed young plants before seeding. 0000006923 00000 n Repeat applications are normally needed. Control: Remove flowers and fruit and bag them up so they don’t spread. With grassy weeds, such as crabgrass, wild garlic, or nutsedge, situations are a bit different. In garden beds, remove other plants (washing soil from their roots to avoid spreading small bulbs) then sheet mulch with layers of newspaper or cardboard to exclude light from the soil. 0000055721 00000 n Control: Can be hand-weeded, taking care to remove plants from the base to uproot. Life cycle and reproduction strategies: Grows and flowers throughout the year. 0000056275 00000 n Watch for regrowth and seedlings, and remove or spray with a glyphosate herbicide. Leaves are usually green, but may be red or bronze. Dig out the entire clump, removing all tubers. 0000015784 00000 n Description: Ground-hugging, weak-stemmed perennial creeper with narrow shiny green leaves and fleshy, semi-succulent stems. Plants have milky sap and grow 60-90cm high. Weeds of Blue Mountains Bushland (2014) Montbretia: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora. We now support online ordering. Weeded stems can be soaked in water for a week or until growth rots before being buried or added to compost. Spot treat with glyphosate or an organic herbicide based on pelargonic acid (sold as Slasher). Most prolific in spring and early summer. Place weeds into the garbage, not into compost bins. Seeds float on wind. Any bulbs that remain will grow and spread. 0000055328 00000 n Seeds prolifically. These weeds are often found in lawns. It's a summer weed and you'll find it growing all around Australia. When clearing large areas that have become habitat for wildlife, clear gradually, replanting with native or non-invasive plants. 0000055053 00000 n Can be controlled with glyphosate or an organic herbicide based on pelargonic acid (sold as Slasher). 0000050571 00000 n Also regrows from roots left behind if the plant isn't fully pulled out. 0000012602 00000 n Do so carefully, and be sure to get the root system as well. Weed risk assessment is now used to determine the weed potential of new plant introductions to Australia. Cover badly infested areas with newspaper or cardboard to exclude light. An annual weed with fibrous roots and clusters of soft stems which grow close to the ground. Plants die back as weather warms. The nightmare of dandelions is the deep taproot (up to 15 feet long) and puffball seedhead, which disperses seeds on every breeze. Buckhorn Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) (Also called buck plantain, English plantain, narrow-leaved … Description: A tiny, creeping perennial weed of lawns and garden beds. 0000047435 00000 n Found in lawns and garden beds. Description: A large shrub with square, woody, prickly stems, small rough leaves and clusters of pink, orange or red flowers followed by green berries that ripen to black. Check frequently for regrowth where weed has been removed. Weeds of Australia - weed identification tool. Smaller bulbs surround the main bulb and are triggered when detached from the main bulb by cultivating or hand-weeding. SIAM WEED - (Chromolaena odorata) Considered to be one of the world's worst weeds. All forms of lantana are banned from cultivation and sale. �̴M9����¨� Description: A perennial weed forming a flat rosette of green, usually hairy leaves with tall, branching stems of small, flat, yellow, dandelion-like flowers. It has many other names including Soursop, Yellow Sorrel, Variable Wood Sorrel and Sour Grass. Often found in lawns. Description: A clumping perennial plant with long, arching, spined stems covered with small, bright green, needle-like leaves giving the plant a fern-like appearance. 0000056827 00000 n This weed is difficult to control with herbicides as it is usually growing among other plants, but could be spot-treated with glyphosate or an organic herbicide based on pelargonic acid.
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