Round and octagonal sticks. Most successfully represented Gand’s Stradivarian modelling. Best bows with gold trimmings - name stamped in bold letters, on one side of the saddle and Paris on the other. Bow-maker. Born at Mirecourt, 1793. Studied the violin with Prosper Sainton in London. Stamped “Maline”. Purfling accurately executed. Unfortunately, this has been retarded by his occasional descent into the production of cheaper and a kind of “commercial” instrument for which he received £10. Worked for Gautrot at Chateau-Thierry, 1866-1877, and for Voirin at Paris. Considered by many to be the ultimate bow building tools, Cabinet Scrapers come in many shapes, including straight and curved. A German of splendid talents. You can’t discuss cabinet scrapers without mentioning the burnishing tool. Conceived three designs of considerable originality. Once someone gets the passion for bow building, the tools used in the process become more than just tools. Name sometimes given as Pragua. Took his place in 14th year, alongside father and brother Joseph. The Toothing Scraper is a must if you plan to make a bamboo-backed bow. Worked fourteen years for Lafleur. Stamped “Heinz Dolling”. Stamped “Eury”. Subsequently became director of the Thibouville-Lamy firm. Dehommais was an amateur who experimented in varnish, this being laid on the inner side and practically served to merely alcoholise and impregnate the wood for premature ageing, etc. Completely splendid, an opinion generally entertained and justly grounded. Associated with brother C. N. Eugène, 1855. “Gand Frères” obtained the first-class medal at the Paris Exhibition the same year. This tool is must have for the bow builder who wants to make bamboo-backed bows. Branded ‘Adam’. Made 300 violins, 25 ’cellos and 20 violas (generally of small size). Modelling something Stradivarian in conception, though the outline (particularly upper part), is less graceful. Owners of a Dominique Peccatte bow should indeed be proud of their possessions. Remained there over thirty years. Perfect workmanship. Invented a bowed instrument with strengthened sound, 1921. Died 1923. Worked at Prague. Pupil of H. Hoyer, also worked for Sartory at Paris. Bow-maker. Modelling generally of the Stradivarian and Guarneriun but with noticeably deeper ribs. Instruments which emulate the Cremonese in design, workmanship and varnish. Also violas of 16-1/2 inches body-length; upper bouts 8.1/16; lower, 10; ribs 1-5/8 to 1.9/16. Stainer and Amati modelling which never errs against good taste though ordinarily conceived. Trained in the workshop of his father Johann; worked with Andreas Engleder at Munich, also studied ’cello playing with Werner at the Conservatorium. Sticks substantially wooded, yet, by his ingenuity, have an appearance of extreme litheness. Won medals for fine workmanship at Dresden, Milan, Halle, and London. When worn, either naturally or by artificial means, it reproduces the brilliant colouring, as well as the fire-like radiance which adorns the famous Cremonas. Worked for J. Owner of a string factory in Italy, produced some remarkably fine solo-strings known as the “Aliquot”. Sometimes ‘Breton’ inscribed in ink at bottom of peg-box. All the principal players, English and Continental flocked to his place to enjoy or benefit by his counsels. Catalogued at 150 dollars. Son of William. Pupil of Thomas Smith, went into partnership with Robert Barnes 1765-1780; worked at Bath 1805-1810; returned to London 1810; and died 1818. The slight slant in waist-curves foreshadow what is now known as the Guamerian. Exhibited several finely finished violins, and an especially fine toned viola of large pattern, in London, 1862, for which he was rewarded with a medal, and special commendation from J. Born at Paris, 1832. Particularly robust heads, fine wood and faultless workmanship. I met more than my match. Also bows. Devoted years of experimental thought on the subject of varnishing, and has splendidly exemplified his knowledge and adeptness. £125, 1960. Born 1752. Shop INC International Concepts INC Women's Mabae Bow Flat Sandals, Created for Macy's online at Trade name of violins made at Mirecourt for the Parisian firm known as ‘L’Industrie musicale’ in the Faubourg Poissonnière. Ribs rather shallow, upper 27.5 mm. £20, 1960. £10 to £20, 1960. They’ll peel off the prettiest paper-thin curls of wood you’ve ever seen. Pupil of E. W. Neum?rker. Worked several years for Sartory at Paris. Unfortunately, not everyone who acquires one of these tools knows about rolling the burr on them. Died 1915. Assistant to Maucotel in London, 1851-1857. Instruments having all the perfections of external beauty. It would be an absurdity to suppose that he actually made them all, even presuming he had no repairing to do. Prince of Tooting, under this excellent tutor he made important progress. After six years he returned to Europe and devoted himself to collecting on a large scale, old Italian violins which he sold very profitably in America which he visited at regular intervals. Died 1911. First-class bows favoured by several French soloists. Ackitry 4-in-1 Multipurpose Bow Maker for Ribbon for Wreaths, Wooden Ribbon Bow Making Tools for Gift Bows, Hair Bows, Corsages, Holiday Wreaths 3.9 out of 5 stars 56 $9.99 £20, 1959. Very artistic heads and superbly finished sticks. Worked for Vidoudez at Geneva, and never ceased to express his gratitude for all he learnt in restoration from that very conscientious man. I am happy to talk with you about your ideas, needs and limitations to help envision the perfect bow for you. Modelling principally after Guarnerius but also produced Stradivarian examples. Stamped “Henry Paris”. About 100 instruments were made during the partnership of ten years. Bows made by C. A. Reichel at Markneukirchen. Worked at Sch?nlind (Saxony). Born 1854. Awarded bronze and silver medals at Paris Exhibitions of 1867 and 1868. £10, 1960. Splendid heads having a deep curve down the back. Won silver and gold medals at the Paris and Antwerp Exhibitions. Eyes also captivated by the superfine workmanship. £15, 1960. Established at Markneukirchen, 1890-1925. There is no doubt that his persistent advocacy in favour of spirit varnish and his ideas concerning the thicknessing of the plates, no matter what amount of technical skill he expended, prevented him from breathing into his instruments that real “spiritual” tone which is the principal attribute of the old master violins. Bows of unmistakeable refinement - splendidly balanced. Worked and died there, 1869. Success further rewarded by the Belgian Government when made a “Chevalier de l’Ordre de Léopold”. I hoped to learn from him some of the technique of making yew self-bows. Probably the best rasp in my tool box for making bows is the "Universal Bowyer's Rasp," also called the "UBR10," designed and sold by Dean Torges. Branded “Gaillard. These instruments were priced by him at £30. Made “the smallest quartet of instruments in the world”. The Drawknife is typically used for the rough shaping of the bow rather than detail work. 114: LENOBLE, AUGUSTE: Born at Mirecourt, 1828. Son, pupil and successor of Joseph Arthur. Also produced bows of the finest balance and workmanship. Cabinet Scrapers are the ultimate bow building tools. Workmanship most delightfully well finished. His son (born 1889) was his pupil and successor. Stamped “Fischer -B”. Also won gold medal at Philadelphia, 1927. Established workshop at Dresden 1826-1828; at Dessau 1828-1839; at Leipzig 1839-1860; at Wiesbaden 1861; and finally at Leipzig 1863. Born at Bologna, 1869. Bow Maker for Bow Ribbon Wreath Wooden Maker Tool with U-Shaped Scissor and Twist Ties for Making Bows, DIY Crafts Halloween Christmas Party Decorations, Hair Bows, Corsages, Holiday Wreaths. It’s a small investment for a tool that will last several lifetimes. Some finer specimens gaining in popularity. Brother of Victor. All orchestral players greatly admire his productions. Kev Newton from ASI, features Australian self bow timber, finished bows and a portable shave horse design for making self bows. From all wood bows to laminated bows. Son of Simon. Many of his excellent bows made for dealers and stamped accordingly. Modeled after the old “Coopers Bench” used by wheelwrights long ago when working on spokes for wagon wheels, the Shaving Horse lends itself perfectly to self bow building. Excellently shaped sound-holes, faultlessly cut, of good length, especially arresting wings, but notches slightly too pronounced. Title of “Greatest archetier in France” conferred on him at the Paris Exhibition, 1927. Future generations will see high prices recorded. Time commitment Born at Markneukirchen. Bow maker. (Bows). Used extensively by virtuosi. Octagonal sticks generally, and every attention paid to smooth finish of the bevelling. The Mystic Scraper from Mystik Longbows requires no burnishing. Most estimable bows which have achieved great popularity. Opened own atelier in the Rue Poissonniere, 1885. Produced 50 ’cellos of the highest possible artistry. £15, 1959. "Life - Style - Living." Often beautiful material, sometimes gold mounted. Purfling generally inaccurate, some unpurfled. These artist violins were catalogued at 3,000 francs, ’cellos at 5,000 (1930). Pupil of Pfretzschner at Markneukirchen. Established own workshop in that city, 1873-1885. Pretentiously small sound-holes which arrest the attention but do not create much admiration. Pupil of Fiorini. Lived some years also at Staines. Paris”. Stamped “Fonclause” in broad lettering. Son Johann continued the business. He has not flagrantly abused any particular part, inside or out, but in general, was too invariable, consequently his instruments have never been greatly desired, though an occasional first-class specimen has been appreciated. Produced interesting copies of the Servais and Lübeck Strad ’cellos. Made first group of bows in 14th year, and straightway became a fully-fledged professional. The shaving horse is quick, handy, and somewhat expensive, but certainly worth consideration. If you plan on using bamboo to back a self bow you’ll need to look into a toothing scraper. Died 1929. Excellent adherence to true scientific rules. Average weight, 2.1/16 ounces. Asserted that his instruments had the old Italian tone magnified by amplification and alteration of every part that tends to give an increase in the vibrating sounding board area, thereby increasing tonal volume. Bow-maker. Made by hand throughout. The fame of Tubbs has led to the great multiplication of copies stamped with his name by the trade, particularly the German exporters. Born in London, 1764. Worked at St. Louis 1900-1914; at San Antonio (Texas) 1916-1926; and at Hollywood (California) 1928.
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