Interactive map of Liquor laws for all 50 states - bar closing times, plus wine, beer, and liquor purchasing locations. The first known blue law was passed in 1665 in New Haven, Connecticut, and supposedly took its name from having been printed on blue paper. Blue laws have been falling as a result of court decisions and voter rejection, but continue to exist in many states and localities in the U.S. Failing to comply with local noise ordinances can result in fines of $3,000 or less. Numerous counties in the U.S. still have Sunday Blue Laws (e.g. In my state (NJ) one of the counties have blue laws that restrict what goods can be sold/ what stores can be open on Sundays. Now if you put blue lights facing forwards or backwards that’s the problems but as long as the lights aren’t facing front and back and only to the ground that’s the grey area. Alabama Blue Laws. You’ve probably never paid much attention to the birds in your backyard since we’re all usually running in 2,000 different directions. Boogers may not be flicked into the wind. I think it's funny that the good folk in the Bible Belt of America look down upon us as a bunch of aethists, yet in Bergen County we have the blue laws that keep stores closed, and they don' Although legal reforms have abolished many of Texas's "blue laws" (religion-motivated laws governing sales on the Sabbath), it is still illegal to sell liquor on a Sunday in Texas (along with 11 other states, including Alabama, Minnesota and Oklahoma) as well as to open a car dealership on more than one day over a weekend. Based on recent figures, the study has found that there are 239 US Counties that have populations that are majority non-white. Because the lights are affixed in a way that they face down and the light can only be seen from the ground it’s not illegal. Car dealerships in Texas still operate under blue-law prohibitions. These laws were inspired by religion and date back like 200 years. 33 states have laws that allow localities to prohibit the sale (and in some cases, consumption and possession) of liquor. Blue law, in U.S. history, a law forbidding certain secular activities on Sunday. Alcohol blue laws prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine liquor) on Sundays, the second-busiest shopping day of the week, and were establish to enforce the Christian sabbath. If you bother the cottontails or bullfrogs, you will be fined. Mufflers are required on all vehicles and must be in working condition to limit unusually loud or excessive noise. Alcohol sales were also banned on Christmas day. The name may derive from Samuel A. Peters’s General History of Connecticut (1781), which purported to list the stiff Sabbath regulations at New Haven, Connecticut; the work was printed on blue paper. Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death. Blue laws restrict or prohibit certain activities on Sundays, a holdover from the strict Sabbath observance of colonial times. Politicians have generally considered the blue laws to be invulnerable since 1993, when county residents voted, by a wide margin, to keep them in place. Thus blue laws have established a double standard in favor of Christians. Progressives have much to celebrate about blue laws. Some may see this … Some Florida counties prohibit the sale of sex toys on Sunday. I get that some laws are made for a reason…but some other laws? That’s because they violated religious freedom. When counties and municipalities were allowed to choose wet or dry within the state, many elected to remain alcohol free. Individual counties throughout the state have regulations and ordinances that must be followed. Three states— Kansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee—are entirely dry by default: counties specifically must authorize the sale of alcohol in order for it to be legal and subject to state liquor control laws. Yet other blue laws have continued to exist into the modern era. Make sure you never use any blue or red colored light on your car. So it was not just Texas that instituted Blue Laws. The other counties are known as "damp" and have exceptions where political subdivisions like towns, townships, wards, or precincts have voted to outlaw alcohol sales. Also, check out this site, it describes more in detail how Blue Laws have been in all of the United States. The blue law enforced in the county is actually a state law that each county could reject by voter referendum, with 20 of the state’s 21 counties having voted to reject the legal option to enforce the law. 10 Crazy Laws in Kansas That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head. Here are 10 crazy Kansas laws that will leave you shaking your head: We’re aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life. Many European nations never abandoned Sunday trading restrictions, and their economies have managed just fine. Among other curiosities, horse racing and car dealerships are closed in Illinois. Blue laws requiring Sunday church attendance disappeared in the nineteenth century. Mufflers. Still, many of these states have no dry communities. Blue and red are reserved for police and other emergency vehicles, and if you read the laws carefully you’ll notice even installing or possession of lights capable of displaying these colors is against the law. Basically No shopping on sundays, mandated by government. 40 of the 75 counties in the state are wet, though technically only 27 of those allow alcohol sales everywhere in the county. Some counties still prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sunday. I use blue all the time for underglow on my scooter. Sunday Blue Laws have been a part of the US government earlier in history and now the Moral Majority Movement has been pushing hard to reenact them back into the government. Conservatives and progressives have already found common ground on this issue: Labor unions have historically supported blue laws… I am even more inalterably opposed to such legislation when it attempts to force me to violate my conscientious convictions of what I understand the Word to be telling me to do. You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time. Eight states still have statewide Sunday blue laws. Mississippi’s blue laws prohibited the sale of alcohol on Sundays, in all its forms, except for on-premises consumption of beer. Following the repeal of Prohibition, during which the entire state was dry, at least from a legal point of view, numerous counties decided to remain alcohol free. The statewide repeal of the so-called blue laws makes Sunday shopping legal in all but three counties -- Allegany, Washington and Wicomico. The two remaining counties in Maryland that have blue laws, Wicomico and Allegany, are scheduled to hold referendums on them this fall. Bergen's Sunday closing law is the sole survivor of blue laws enacted by 10 of New Jersey's 21 counties in 1959 after the state Legislature gave them the power. But while you are home due to the COVID-19 quarantine, or spending more time out on nature walks in the park with the family, you might wonder what that cool bird you’ve spotted is.Here are the most commonly found birds in NJ. You may not drive barefooted. I think all the other counties in NJ and America should look and learn from our example. On Sundays in Bergen County, NJ, a blue law prohibits you from buying electronics (seen at Mitsuwa). The first blue law, although not called that at the time, was enacted in colonial Virginia in 1610, and it mandated church attendance (at both morning and afternoon services) on Sundays; a first-time offender lost his “provision and allowance for the whole week.” Those who committed a second offense, in addition to losing his “allowance,” would be whipped. Many of them have already … North Carolina's blue laws began in 1716, with the passage of the Sabbath Observance Act. As a general principle, LEDs are legal so long as they remain concealed and unlit on roads and do not flash or include the colors red or blue for obvious reasons. Most of these are in the Southern part of the US and the East Coast. The Legislature suspended blue laws for a year not too long ago, but then decided to leave the decision up to the counties. C’mon! In a sense. Every state seems to have their own set of quirky (or downright weird) decrees, and Kansas is no exception. A large percentage of non-whites also live in California. Looks like one county in NJ still has one of the most restrictive Blue Laws around. And though blue laws may indeed have some salutary effects, I personally oppose any effort by government to legislate when it comes to matters of worship and how one practices his/her faith. Arizona. These laws may also include mandatory store closings on Sunday. Most states have definite laws relating to restrictions on the use of accent lighting and other unlawful motorcycle alterations, in terms of type, color, and particularly location on the motorcycle. Not only are they Constitutional, when you are speaking (as you indicate in your answer) of blue laws involving liquor (there can be blue laws for other sales), they have their own Constitutional amendment. Muffler bypasses, cutouts, and similar devices are not permitted on highways. An example of a law of this kind, which collectively have become known as “blue laws,” would be a law declaring that it shall be illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays. History columnist Judy Bainbridge writes about "blue laws" that ensured no stores were open, and fishing, hunting, drinking and sports were forbidden. For example, the law granted exceptions to counties that had a large tourist trade. However, counties and localities in Arkansas can make their own laws regulating alcohol. The trend has been happening for many decades but a significant shift happened between 2000 to 2008 when 109 counties in 22 states, went … Most of Arkansas’ blue laws were gradually repealed, with the exception of laws controlling alcohol. Bergen County, NJ right up on the border of New York, Forty Counties in South Carolina).
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